Thursday, October 31, 2019
ITM501 MoD 3 Case the internet as social media Essay
ITM501 MoD 3 Case the internet as social media - Essay Example Social network is a very useful tool for advertisement in our era. Social media is a virtual network where people can view, create and share different information. For marketers, social media is the most convenient way to reach maximum number of customers at the same time. As people can share their ideas and opinions via social media, the company has an opportunity to get feedback from social media. Social media is different from other traditional media in terms of reach, frequency, performance, immediacy. With the change in lifestyle, social media has gained popularity among individuals, especially among the young, as it is very fast. In our case it will be discussed how far social media is able to provide business with new information. Impact on information availability to business: use of social media The case of Dave Carroll and the incident with his musical instrument, a guitar, during his flight from Toronto to Nebraska with the United Airline brings to our attention the effect iveness of social media in providing useful and new information related to the business houses. The United Airlines, being a Fortune 25 company, did not take heed of the concerns of the young musician, Dave Carroll. The United Airlines ignored his claim that his guitar was damaged and devalued by the United Airlines personnel during the journey as a result of mishandling of his guitar and baggage. In order to make his point and gain support against the airline giant, the slender musician used the social media on the Internet to make a viral response with the support of billions in the community (Al-Deen & Hendricks, 2011). The social media on the Internet uses its unique features of connectivity as well as immediacy to reach out to millions of members in the community very easily through videos, public messages, etc. Social media has a rippling effect in terms of spreading the message across the communities and making new and useful information available to the companies (Sigala , Christou, & Gretzel, 2012). In this case, the preparation of the video by the musician, which cost hardly $200 helped him to send the message of his dissatisfaction with the customer service provided by the United Airlines (Harvard Business School, 2010). The information spread like a virus, and it easily reached the top of the management of the United Airlines. This information is of extremely high value to the United Airlines as it is publicly available and, along with it, the image and goodwill of the company is affected. Thus the availability of the information in social media creates an impression in the minds of the customers and impacts the interest levels of the consumers to access the services of the company (Kerpen, 2011). In this case, the availability of the information from Dave Carroll and the entire description of the event of breaking of his guitar were displayed by the musician on YouTube. This information reached very easily the management, and this helped the top management to limit the risk of loss of goodwill and the loss of revenues due to reduction in the customer base. There are, however, various other alternatives where the information on the operations, customer service and customer grievance is readily available to the business. This helps the companies to assess the value of brand image in the market and the acceptability of its services
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The implications of culture on development of regional marketing Essay
The implications of culture on development of regional marketing strategies - Essay Example Consumers in economies where the financial condition of the region is only developing are relatively more inclined towards considering the price before they consider the brand of the product or service. It is can be observed in this case that the economy of the region has a widespread influence on consumption behaviours. It would therefore be a question to consider whether or not the cultural values of a region, which are just as widespread and more deep-rooted, influence consumer consumption and the consumers’ responses to the market as well. The study performed by Merrilees, McKenzie and Miller was one that was based on the differences between consumer responses to the practice of retailing across different cultures. It was found that the "cultural factors seem to be important in explaining the differences across the two countries... Retail marketing strategy needs to tailor itself to these different market needs, though the likeliness is that the Estonian situation will gradually evolve toward the Canadian one and Estonian retail strategy will have to be flexible to eventually move in that direction"2. While the above statement appears to have provided a comprehensive illustration of the findings of the research, it can be observed that there is room for the evaluation of the consumers’ responses to marketing across differing cultures. A research conducted by Laroche found that culture plays the role of a differentiator between the usages of mechanical avoidance methods across consumers of different countries. The research suggested that even though marketing and promotion is subjected to negative mechanical avoidance, the exercising of behavioural avoidance towards marketing and promotion was found to be reliant on the culture of the respective country3. Laroche, and Cleveland and Laroche believe that culture holds a position that is of undeniable relevance when considered for its influence on the decision making process that consumers
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How to Write a Theatre Dissertation
How to Write a Theatre Dissertation Writing a successful theatre dissertation is a process which requires balancing two core ideals. You must on the one hand display creativity, however at the same time you must demonstrate that you understand the key concepts of your study, and that you are capable of producing a confident piece of academic research and writing. In any theatre degree the primary skill that you are looking to display is creativity. Therefore your theatre dissertation should fulfil that creativity whilst at the same time demonstrating all that is necessary in a serious piece of academic writing. Whilst there are many ways to ensure that your theatre dissertation is stylistically impressive, there are several practical steps which need to be taken in order to ensure that marks are not taken off for easily avoidable mistakes. A good idea is to begin by reading another theatre dissertation to gauge what might be required from your piece of work. Copies of past theatre dissertations are often to be found in University libraries. In your theatre dissertation you are looking to carry out a sustained study of a specific topic. The question you eventually chose for your theatre dissertation must show a clear objective and the topic must be well researched. If your question is a vague one then your theatre dissertation will in turn be vague and less impressive, and it will also be more difficult and more time-consuming to research. When proposing a topic you should look at several factors such as the relevance of that topic, your interest in that topic and the feasibility of that topic. Once you have settled on a topic and a question for your theatre dissertation then you can narrow down which past theatre dissertations you should study. Through producing your dissertation your aim is to expand and deepen your knowledge of the subject. The most vital step when setting out to produce a top quality theatre dissertation is to work out a timetable, which you will then religiously stick to. This will assist you in obtaining the relevant source material, and at the same time will also be an insurance against unexpected catastrophe. Once you have finished writing you will also need time to carefully and thoroughly proofread and copy edit everything you have written, checking for spelling and grammar errors, and making sure that everything is formatted correctly. This will help to make sure that your theatre dissertation is factually and stylistically consistent. Finally your theatre dissertation should be clearly referenced. It is very important that the style of referencing should be consistent throughout. Referencing is important for many reasons, specifically to avoid any unfounded accusations of plagiarism. Poor referencing can also lead to docked marks. * When writing a good theatre dissertation it is vital that you pace yourself properly in order to best avoid a panic in the final few days, and to give yourself time to reflect on your research and to encourage your creativity. Another important early step on writing your theatre dissertation is to determine what kind of analysis you are being asked to make, and then to look at the plays or concepts you are writing about. Ideally your theatre dissertation should be a sustained argument. When writing your theatre dissertation you should show just as much creativity as you would in practical work. You need to work out how you are going tot go about studying the topic of your dissertation – in this way your theatre dissertation is a test of independent thought. Displaying a creative streak in your work is, whilst important, rarely going to be sufficient. You also need to be able to show through your theatre dissertation the ability to produce a serious academic analysis of your chosen topic. Independent enquiry into the topic of your choice is essential. You must have familiarity with appropriate research methods. Theatre studies cannot be separated from social context and historical moment. Mere simple description of your subject will not be enough, and will not show that you have gained a thorough understanding of the issues and concepts of your degree course. A successful theatre dissertation should be full of analysis, critical evaluation and discussion of your topic. It is of vital importance that you show what it is that you have learnt. A theatre dissertation tests your ability to present a sustained academic argument in clear, logical prose. Your theatre dissertation must show that you are confident in creating the scholarly apparat us necessary to support your argument. A well structured, confident theatre dissertation should be your final goal. * Your theatre dissertation will more likely than not need a title page and a page of contents. There is often other vital information which needs to be included at the beginning of your theatre dissertation such as a plagiarism declaration. At the end of your theatre dissertation there needs to be a bibliography of the sources used. As has been mentioned before your theatre dissertation needs to be thoroughly and correctly referenced throughout. Stylistically it is important that you avoid colloquialisms or sloppy grammar in your theatre dissertation, although a theatre dissertation doesn’t need to be overly formal. You should always ensure that you stick to the central thread of your argument. Most dissertations are divided into five or six chapters. Paragraphs should, ideally, be approximately five or six sentences long, and should have good linking words and phrases. Your text should be easily navigable for the reader with obvious ‘signposts’. When writing you should try to avoid personal language such as ‘I’ as far as possible, unless instructed otherwise. You should more likely than not double space your text. When using long quotations of four lines or more you should indent on the left hand side of the page. You should not rely overly on source material for your theatre dissertation, as this does not go far enough to show independent and original thought. Through following the correct practical steps and by staying stylistically fluent and consistent then you can produce a high quality theatre dissertation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Politics Paper :: essays research papers
One of the first things we have learned about politics this semester is that there is a constant struggle over the true definition, especially in how broad or narrow the definition is. When Thomas Jefferson wrote that â€Å"Politics are such torment that I would advise everyone I love not to mix with them.†it is understood that he is referring to the electoral and governmental aspects of politics. If Dr. Michael Rivage-Seul and Leslie Cagan were to read this quote, they would argue that Jefferson has an extremely narrow view of politics and that if one were to desire a more accurate definition, they would have to look further than the restrictive culturally accepted definition. Martin Luther King, Jr. would also disagree with this definition but he I think he would have a bigger problem with the advice that Jefferson is giving. All three of the authors that we have looked at would, in one way or another, be forced to disagree with Jefferson based on the principles that they try to uphold and emphasize in their writings and speeches.      According to Dr. Michael Rivage-Seul, we are living in a world full of deceit and human frailty. He stresses this particular point in his essay â€Å"Taking Risks in Plato‘s Cave†which helps to illustrate that not everything we know to be true is actually true. He also believes that, just as in the parable, we have an obligation to ourselves to look at all aspects and trey to understand all observed viewpoints. His words enforce this belief when he says â€Å"We can’t begin our escape from ignorance without the intervention of an outsider, without listening to others.†(Rivage-Seul, 6). In his teachings, Rivage-Seul tries to highlight the importance of thinking for ourselves and always being weary of a socially accepted truth.      If Leslie Cagan, author of the essay â€Å"What is Politics?†was asked to comment on Jeffersons’ quote, I would imagine that she would probably scorn him for his narrow minded view of politics. I am also led to believe that she would say that Jefferson was no more politically aware than the rest of the general public because of the common ignorant definition they share. Cagan would argue that politics has to do with just about everything in the world and he stresses the complexity and immeasurable depth in the word when he says â€Å"How we understand (and therefore act out of that understanding) â€Å"politics†and â€Å"political struggle†is no small matter.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Secret Lives of Bees
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Delis Lilies Kettering College Medical School of Arts The most obvious symbol of the Black Madonna in the writings of Sue Monk Kid represented a character of strength, endurance, stability, and a loving Mother. Many people ask themselves this question, â€Å"What is my true purpose in life? †Or â€Å"Who am I meant to be? †Most of the time they get an answer based on a religion, inspirational readings or thought. The Virgin Mary, the Black Madonna, is history's example of a mother.She is sensitive and firm, relatable and divine. The Black Madonna teaches Lily that she has mothers all around her, Rationale's protection, Mayo's caring, and Augustus love, Lily finds a mother in everyone around her, including herself. Sue Monk Kid begins her story with a character by the name of Lilly Ray, a fourteen old girl who lives with her abusive father, T-Ray Brown. Lily had the tragic experience of losing her mother at a young age. She never had the intimate relationship that comes with having a mother in your life.She never experienced the soft voice or embrace of a mothers loving arms, something she longed for all her life. Life has a funny way of eating us down the path we are destine to take, but at the same time, comforting us with situations that are unpleasant. The people that we meet on our Journey are people we are destined to meet. Rosalie, a black house keeper who lived in the south and worked for T-Ray, was one of the closes things Lily could call a mother figure in her life. Lily and Rosalie shared a common ground.The two loved each other and at the same time, longed for something deeper in their lives. Sue Monk Kid teaches us the importance of relationship and the power of female community. Lily longs for her mother and cherishes the few possession of her mother. She keeps a box of her mother's memories buried in the orchard. In the box, there are photos, a pair of white gloves, and a wooden picture of a black Ma ry with the words â€Å"Tiburon S. C. †on the back. Every time Lily feels alone or unhappy, she digs the box up. Sue Monk Kid demonstrates the significance of mothers to adequate human development.Everyone, regardless of circumstance or color, needs a mother. Lily's journey brings her to a place where transition and fate kisses face to face. Unfortunately, it also ends a relationship with her father whom she loved but didn't understand. The Black Madonna serves several functions in Sue Monk Kid writing. It symbolizes as a surrogate mother to Lily seeing this was the only image she could relate back to her mother. However, the real meaning and symbolization comes from Catholic Catechism. Catholics place high emphasis on Marry roles as the protector and intercessor.The Church holds the Blessed Virgins Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, in special regard. They feel a strong personal relationship to Mary as Lily did to Rosalie and the Bodyweight home. She is in a sense, mother to all . Just as Lilly turned to August for love and support, the Catholics turn to Marry Madonna for the name type of affection. The Black Madonna, through the teaching of August, gives Lily the strength and confidence to begin to change the way she thinks about her father's behavior. Sue Monk Kid captures the bravery of Lily's actions.In a time when slavery was still present and in its strongest form, Lily was able to gather strength from the Madonna and her circle of friends to make her passage way to wholeness and a new beginning. Many different faiths and religions view the icon ‘Mary Madonna' in different ways, but for Lily's life, it would be the life changing motivating factor to start her on a new road of healing and freedom. Lilly sees honey for sale with the same picture of a black Mary that her Mother had. She discovers that a women name August Bodyweight sells the honey and Lily travels with her friend Rosalie to the Bodyweight home.Lily meets the sisters, August, June, and May, who lives in this bright pink house. She was so nervous of the unknown; she began to lie to them about her past. It is human nature to hold onto to something from our past that brings us shame. We cling to the memories of the past; for it is there we can find peace and comfort. August is a black single woman who lives with her sisters and helps run her family business. She invites Lily and Rosalie to stay in the honey house. As time moves on, August develops a special bond with Lily becoming a surrogate mother to her.In each person's life, much of the Joy and sorrow revolves around attachments or affectionate relationships making them, breaking them, preparing for them, and adjusting to their loss by death. Among all of these bonds, are the special bonds – of a mother or father we cherish the most. Bonding does not refer to mutual affection between a baby and an adult, but to the phenomenon whereby adults become â€Å"Committed by a one-way flow of concern and affec tion to hillier for whom they have cared during the first months and years of life,†(hacker 20011). According to J.Robertson in his book, ‘A Baby in the Family Loving and being Loved,' individuals may have from three hundred to four hundred acquaintances in their lifetimes, but at any one time there are only a small number of persons to whom they are closely attached (Robertson, 1982, p. 53-54). He explains that much of the richness and beauty of life is derived from these close relationships which each person has with a small number of individuals such as, mother, father, brother, ester, husband, wife, son, daughter, and a small cadre of close friends (Robertson, 1982, p. 3-54). Attachment is crucial to the survival and development of human kind. August makes the most important statement Lily would ever receive about the black Mary and who she is; â€Å"Our Lady is not some magical being out there somewhere, like a fairy godmother. She's not in the statue in the parlo r. She's something inside you†(Kid, 288). It is at this point Lily discovers where her true strength comes from. She sees it inside of her. As this story unfolds, Lily is now able to make peace with the past and with her father.She understands the hurt she was feeling but never took the time to see that T-Ray was also dealing with his own daemons and hurt. It was the hate and bitter heart oft-Ray that drove Lily on her journey, but it's her destiny that leads her to a new hive of mothers, and falls in love with who she is inside.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How does Michael Henchard Suggest Lucetta Is Shallow where does she come from?
Lucetta enters the story when Elizabeth Jane meets her at her mother's grave. Elizabeth -Jane noticed that it was a lady much more beautifully dressed than she. This mysterious woman disappears in to the distance as Elizabeth goes to confront her. Soon Elizabeth Jane meets Lucetta for the second time, she sits on the bench inside the churchyard. Lucceta asks if Michael is well. She tries to help Elizabeth in her troubles. She soon leaves after she made a proposal about Elizabeth coming to stay with her. Elizabeth accepted the offer and soon she had moved in with Lucetta. The story continues from there. Lucetta's antics begin at chapter twenty one. She begins to show us how shallow she is when she hears her servant showing a visitor into the room. Lucceta decides to put on a little show for a visitor †she flung herself onto the couch in the cymarecta curve with her arm above her brow.†She puts herself into a curved position to make her self look irresistible to any visitor who may happen to step up to her quarters. It turns out that it is Donald Farfrae and of course lucceta knows how to play him like an instrument. At first she stupidly jumps up in fright and hides behind a curtain because she is so pathetic this is already a good example to show how shallow she is, to take time to beautifully arrange herself and when it comes to it she is startled by the thought of herself being seen when that is what she really wants. She hid behind the curtain †in a freak of timidity†. She seems to have a lot of fun taking farfrae to pieces. She explains to him that he must sit down now that he is here. They start chatting and we gather that Lucetta knows a lot about men in the way that she turned a level headed business man to the colour of â€Å"modest pink†. The impression that we get from the conversation with farfrae is that she loves to play with people and she doesn't worry about the consequences. At first she is just playing with Donald, then she finds that he has seemed to get the wrong idea out of the act and has fallen in love with her. Still she plays along in the game and entices him even more with lines such as: †you are quite interesting†. From the window Lucetta sees that a young family is being torn apart because the young man is finding it hard to find a job in Casterbridge. â€Å"The girl's lips quivered†she horrified in the thought. Donald goes to impress Luccetta by giving the men jobs. We can definitely see that he is trying to impress Lucetta because this is something that he would usually do. She explains after that†Lovers ought not to be parted like that. Donald quite agrees and then leaves because he has important work to carry out.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Achievement of Racial Equality essays
The Achievement of Racial Equality essays Letter from Birmingham Jail vs. I Am Prepared to Die In both Martin Luther King, JRs Letter from Birmingham Jail and Nelson Mandelas I Am Prepared to Die, the authors present their idealistic views of racial equality and their ideas of how that equality should be achieved. In his letter, King states, I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to injustice everywhere (224). With these statements, King concentrates on the injustice around him and how that prejudice affects King and his people everywhere. He chooses to peacefully strive to achieve the goal of a socially and racially equal society. In his statement in the Pretoria Supreme Court, Mandela says, I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if it needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. (267) Here Mandela states that he has, as does King, an idealistic notion of a racially equal society, but that he is ready to do whatever possible, including using violent action, to achieve it. Both writers express a compassion for creating a peaceful environment; both writers speak of fighting for their cause but with different types of action. King reflects on the problem and the peaceful methods he uses to fix it, while Mandela stresses that he will use whatever means necessary, including violent ones, to fix it. In this comparative analysis, we will explore the different methods of activism King and Mandela each use to achieve their common goal of a racially impartial world. Martin Luther King, JR spent his days of activism engaging in a peaceful battle wi ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Founding Brothers Paper essays
Founding Brothers Paper essays Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis Published by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2000 There have been many key and important events in our nations history, and many people who have contributed to the growth and development of this country. Though many have played a significant role in our countrys history, out of all the events and people, one group or generation allowed all that followed to take place, and is one of the most important components in our American history, our Founding Fathers. The novel Founding Brothers discusses the major events and interactions of these Founding Brothers. The most famous duel in American history and the focus of the beginning chapter of the novel was the Hamilton Burr duel. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel after the two had quarreled for some time. Both participants of the duel died in New Jersey in 1804 on July 11th. I found this event interesting not because of its importance of a historical nature, but because it was interesting to think that two very well known men with political careers would duel to the death over a feud. The times were obviously very different back then; to think that if two people in politics today had a duel over a fight of words is outlandish. I found it interesting to see how these men interacted and to see their personalities, as I had never seen them as characters but only historical figures. Another significant event was the dinner that Jefferson hosted invited Hamilton and Madison. The dinner at Jeffersons was to be a place of negotiation between Hamilton and Madison over Hamiltons program, which dealt with the national and states debt. Madison agreed to allow Hamiltons program to pass and got Hamilton to see to getting the nations capital in Virginia. After this dinner Madison reevaluated Hamiltons plan and once again ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Black Vision Essay Research Paper Ralph Ellison
Black Vision Essay, Research Paper Ralph Ellison was born in Okalahoma, March 1, 1914 he was the grandson of black slaves in the South. His life was full of achievement he attended Tuskegee University from 1933-1936. In 1936 he moved to New York where he met the novelist Richard Wright, and subsequently became associated with the Federal Writer? s undertaking. Ellison achieved international celebrity with his release of? Invisible Man? in 1952 in the undermentioned twelvemonth the novel won the national book award. Ralph Ellison passed off in 1994, but he left behind him a bequest of African American civilization that many had non seen earlier. In many of Ellison? s works he writes about the Black image in America, or the? black vision? . Ralph Ellison? s black vision humiliates the black race, makes them experience inferior, segregates them, but still Ellison has hope for America, and he believes that the black race should cover with the? black vision? independently. This is best proven by the short narrative? Flying Home? , a critical essay written on Ellison, and a powerful statement given by Ralph Ellison. The affecting short narrative? Flying Home? is the narrative of an injured black pilot who lies on the land in physical hurting, as he deals with the hurting of deriving credence in a white society. Todd expresses his feelings on siting the old black adult male? s ox into town in this extract: ? Yes, and humiliation was when you could neer be merely yourself, when you were ever portion of this black ignorant adult male? 1 Ellison expresses here through the pilot that white America will neer be accepting of inkinesss. Blacks are viewed as being on a lower platform, while the Whites hold some type of high quality over them. Todd does non desire to be associated with the old adult male because the old adult male represents to Tom all that is incorrect with Black America. He is non good educated, hapless, and speaks ill ; Tom sees this as the g round why inkinesss are non genuinely accepted into society. Therefore he refuses to be associated with him in anyhow giving the medical assistance he genuinely needs. Another ground Todd does non wish to sit into town is he does non wish to be recognized for his defect. Todd feels that when he makes a error a white individual will non keep it against merely him, but instead his full race. Therefore Todd and the remainder of black America can neer have true equality because of the nescient attitudes of the white people. Through? Flying place? Ellison shows the rough universe of the? black vision? of America. Todd is Ellis on? s tool for depicting the black vision of America. Furthermore? Flying Home? and a critical essay on Ellison prove that although the vision of inkinesss in America is unfair, it is something that Ellison thought African Americans must cover with. A critic of Ralph Ellison? s work Ernest Kaiser wrote an essay called? Negro Images in American Writing? . In this essay Kaiser writes? To Ellison Negro life in America is simply portion of the general human status of western adult male to be mastered separately by each Negro as a adult male. ? 2 In this review of Ellison? s? black vision. ? Kaiser clearly states Ellison? s position on the adversities of black life in America. Ellison best represents the ideals of the? black vision? in? Flying Home? . In one peculiar scene where the old black adult male describes his vision of Eden is really symbolic of the? black vision? . ? There I was sho? but they tole me I better come down cuz us colored folks had to have on a particular type of harness when we flew. That was how come they wasn? T wingi ng. Oh yes an you had to be excess strong to wing with one of them harnesses. ? 3 When the old black adult male goes to heaven he sprouts wings, but is supposed to utilize them with a harness. This is symbolic of Ellison? s? black vision? , and how a black individual must larn to cover with battle. To wing with a harness a black adult male must hold excess strength. Just as on Earth for a Blackman to digest the? black vision? in America a black adult male must be mentally strong, must hold great endurance, to set up with the battles of humbleness, stereotypes, and dual criterions placed upon their shoulders. Ernest Kaiser clearly states the fact that Ellison believes the? black vision? should be dealt with on an single degree. Ellison proves this in the short narrative? Flying Home? Although Ellison? s? black vision? is mostly seen in? Flying Home? , Ellison still remains optimistic about America in general. Ellison is ounce quoted stating? If the universe has potency to resuscitate and do us free, it besides has the power to blind, imprison, and destroy. ? 4 Ellison believes that the universe including America is capable of fantastic things. At the same clip it is besides capable of all the things the black vision has accomplished. The? black vision? embarrasses the black American society, it is degrading, and condescending towards inkinesss, but Ellison supports that the black race trade with the issue themselves, and maintains a positive attitude for hope of get rid ofing racism. 320
Friday, October 18, 2019
Development of the Different Thinking Research Paper
Development of the Different Thinking - Research Paper Example It will then analyze how thinking develops into an advanced concept of language, which exhibits a close relationship with the complex thought process. It is worth noting that thinking is a fundamental aspect of consciousness (Costello, 2004). However, there are times when individuals exhibit preconscious thought, when no consciousness is associated with the production of thought, and the individual accords no attention to the thinking process. On the other hand, conscious thought occurs when the individual accords attention to the thought production process. The third type of thought is the unconscious thought, which is beyond the individual’s access, but plays a significant role in behavior determination. Thought is a natural process, present during the entire life span of an individual. Thinking is one of the complex processes that prove to be beyond full comprehension regardless of the approach used in analyzing it. There is some evidence of attempts of understanding the th inking process more precisely in fields such as psychology, philosophy, and science. However, the complexity of the process has dissuaded many scholars from exploring the topic. It is worth highlighting that the uniqueness of the thinking process in every human being have made the topic overwhelming (Costello, 2004). Moreover, the fact that thought can exist without an individual’s consciousness only emphasizes on the complexity of the neural processes that define the thinking capacity. After birth, children begin an unending process of interacting with family, friends, and neighbors, people who are significant in forming the initial social relationships. The contribution of parents in the development of the thinking process in children cannot... In this essay, the focus will be on the factors that affect the thinking process in children. Moreover, the paper will highlight what motivates different people to act in specific ways. In the second section of the paper, it will focus on the views of different scholars on the correlation between thinking and language. This research paper will adopt the perspective of considering the thought process from its initial stages in childhood. It will then analyze how thinking develops into an advanced concept of language, which exhibits a close relationship with the complex thought process. It is worth noting that thinking is a fundamental aspect of consciousness. However, there are times when individuals exhibit preconscious thought, when no consciousness is associated with the production of thought, and the individual accords no attention to the thinking process. On the other hand, conscious thought occurs when the individual accords attention to the thought production process. The third type of thought is the unconscious thought, which is beyond the individual’s access, but plays a significant role in behavior determination. The family and the society contribute immensely to the development of thinking in early childhood. Members of the family act as the initial social agents to children, impar ting them with certain attitudes and habits that define the pattern or thinking that they adopt.
Identify Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Identify Books - Essay Example Baker, B. (2004). Anna's Book. Dutton Title: Anna's Book Author: Barbara Baker Illustrator: Catharine O'Neill Publisher: Dutton Publication Date: 2004 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 1-3 Possible Lesson Connection: This book is a good way to teach children the value of reading. Summary: Short but satisfying, this small story is about a toddler named Anna who just loves her new book: "Again," she says, as soon as Mommy has finished reading it. But after Mommy has read the whole book three times, she has to finish and do other things. Luckily, Anna has Teddy Bear to read her book to. "Again," says Teddy Bear Browne, A. (1989). Like Books. Knopf. Title: Like Books Author: Anthony Browne Illustrator: Anthony Browne Publisher: Knopf Publication Date:1989 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 2 and up Possible Lesson Connection: This books can be used in discussions about alphabets and nursery rhymes as well as in developing the creative skills of children through coloring. Summary: A young chimp winsomely embodies his favorite types of books: carrying a basket of books dressed as Little Red (fairy tales), sitting on letters made of books (alphabet books), reading aloud on a wall to a nervous Humpty Dumpty (nursery rhymes) and most memorably, only partially colored in (coloring books.) The pages are framed with appropriate whimsical motifs. Parr, T. (2005). Reading Makes You Feel Good. Little Brown Title: Reading Makes You Feel Good Author: Todd Parr Illustrator: Todd Parr Publisher: Little Brown Publication Date: 2005 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 1 to 4 Possible Lesson Connection: This book is suitable for discussions regarding the value and importance of reading. Summary: Parr brings his usual exuberantly positive attitude to this paean to... Summary: Parr brings his usual exuberantly positive attitude to this paean to reading. Reading makes you feel good because... you can learn how to make pizza, find your favorite animal at the zoo, or make someone feel better when they're sick (by reading Parr's The Feel Better Book of course.) Best of all, you can do it anywhere: in a bathtub, or a bookmobile, or even underwater, if you're an octopus! Summary: "Hello" and "Good-bye" seem like very ordinary words, but as this book shows, each can be meaningful in many different ways. As the text makes simple comments, small, colorful watercolor and colored pencil illustrations depict some of the many meanings of the words and the many different ways they can be said. Summary: An all-too-human mouse takes readers on hilarious adventures with numbers and letters in these captivating concept books. In Mouse Letters, he doggedly creates the entire alphabet out of sticks, despite misadventures with a collapsing K and a top-heavy T.
Creative use of English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Creative use of English - Essay Example The use of language in Rebecca can be best understood when approached phenomologically as they reflect the perception of the perceiver and seemingly constitutes a prototype that is culturally defined and generated infinitely everytime there is an attempt at understanding it through the process of cognition. Thus cognition and language play are essential categories that wrestle dialogically until a decision in sentence production is taken everytime to fix or anchor authorial intent. But it does not rest there, as cognition is also an attempt to translate all linguistic and communicative possibilities for each level of word play or use at the lexical stage and at the level of poetic metaphor and metonymy at the semantic level. "It is clearly understood that one of the qualities that all languages have in common is their "creative" aspect. Thus an essential property of language is that it provides the means for expressing indefinitely many thoughts and for reacting appropriately in an indefinite range of situations" (Chomsky, 1965) Chomsky unlike Humboldt argues for the necessity of a universal grammar, which must accompany a generative grammar that "assigns to each of an infinite range of sentences a structural description indicating how this sentence is understood by the ideal speaker hearer" and is also "perfectly explicit" (Chomsky, 1965). Humboldt talks about the truly creative aspect of man's cognitive faculty and how man resolves particular creative challenges given to them since language cease to be just syntagmatic and paradigmatic modes of representations and enter the reader's "horizon of expectations" (Jauss, 1982) and self-conscious-ness as Hegel situates it. Thus the cognitive "potentialities" (Jauss, 1982) as per the Reader-response theory are derived out of cumulative responses of readers and hence is rests outside the individual mental struggle with understanding and is thus more result oriented. But cognitive approach concerns itself more with the working understanding of the mind as it tries to derive and synthesize meanings out of language that are creatively distorted beyond their functional and immediate lexical meanings and also not quite semantically or culturally relevant but intertwined with the progress and context or mood of the narrative itself. Thus in Rebecca, word play, unlike say as used in Finnegans Wake by Joyce is less a universalization of the protean qualities of dream. Both the novels use creativity through language to represent the conventions and the workings of the sleeping mind that are communicative but in a many possible ways. Cognition thus comes when language is embedded in a larger social or narrative context and faces danger in a new usage that challenges it to redefine language use and deconstruct all grammatical pragmatism. Thus new semantic domains can be best analyzed through deep introspection and understanding of reader's role in interpreting metaphors while deciphering language. Metaphors are thus the dominant demarcators of new language constructions that lack any objective ready meaning and rests mainly on conceptualization, categorization, grammaticalization and the use of language for communication of meaning. It lacks any older positivist paradigms of linguistics and archetypal expressions. Rebecca uses an archetypal imagery of dream sequence to indulge into creative language play so as to
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Nature vs. Nurture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nature vs. Nurture - Research Paper Example This paper aims to critically assess different schools of thought regarding the issue of nature vs. nurture. Famous anthropologists of all time including Edward Wilson, Sherry Ortner etc. have provided their in-depth addresses regarding nature vs. nurture debate. These anthropologists have greatly provided three distinctive grounds of understanding the issue of nature vs. nurture. Before understanding the addresses of differing schools of thought, it is imperative to note that the analogy of any individual cannot be solely dependent upon one factor (Gass, 2007). Looking at the issue of nature vs. nurture, it can well state that the socio-biological school of thought claims that it is the nature which is more likely to dominate nurture. It is said because the genetic patterns of human beings are able to work favorably than with un-relative selection of genes. In other words, it can be said that association between the genetic relatives is more likely to be effective rather than being connected to strangers. This may come under the standing of nepotism. This concludes that a person may be angry because the family that he belongs have higher rate of anger-showing behavior. This may genetically get forwarded to kin selected in relative genetic structure. In many settings of human interaction, it has been noted that individuals may be able to undertake a strong decision because they believe that the family genes will allow transmission of same flexible behavior to upcoming generations. Similar patterns of needs and desire among human beings are noted when the genetic mapping of their cells is relative to each other. This has also been proven by science that cell generation may have equal characterization. However, this can also lead to another argument stating the weaknesses of a human to be transferred to upcoming generations (Fotaki, 2011). Secondly, a most powerful yet a very logical school of thought are considered to be feminist. It is because the nature and nu rture of babies would always be associated with women one way or the other. This is because they are the ones who will share the experiences forward by educating and training kin (Shankman, 2011). It will not be incorrect to state that the feminist school of thought has basically rejected old school of thought that have not considered the feminist view or cultural representation of women. Herein, it should be marked that the feminist view is based upon gender and not sex. It is because the phenomenon of gender is basically a statement role given to an individual as perceived in the culture. On the other hand, sex is a universal depicter. By understanding this, it rather becomes clear that nature and nurture is greatly affected by the way they are living as a gender in any society (LeVine, 2010). Women raise children under different settings having experiences of their representation. This is the major reason behind different behavior among people. The gender difference has made it q uite evident that nurture of individuals may be affected y large depending upon the environment. In this way, the feminist view rejects the concept of genetic linking of cells that makes upon behavior pattern theory. The anthropologists who look at the issue of nature vs. nurture in a more appropriate manner may categorize human experiences into two categories. Firstly, it is the mental domain of people where individuals are more likely to have an opinion about them. The
Assess the impact of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) on consumers and Essay
Assess the impact of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) on consumers and employees in developing countries. Answers should draw on examples and theories of international trade taught on this module - Essay Example Export Processing Zones holds pregnant promises to developing countries, with the hope of enlivened economy through foreign direct investors. It is just fitting therefore to study how they have affected developing societies through the eyes of the consumers and the laborers. EPZs are also designed to generate jobs for locals. With the presence of foreign investors and with the usually cheap labor in developing countries, Export Processing Zones promise job opportunities and improvement. Aside from the locals directly employed in the EPZs, it also adds to employment through backward and forward linkages. Backward linkage is formed through raw materials and financing suppliers which are mainly locals while forward linkage is observed through the spending of employees of EPZs (Ahmadu). The ability to export products even by developing countries, and benefit that they gets from the trade is clearly described by David Ricardo in his theory of comparative advantage. According to Ricardo, even if a country has the absolute advantage in all products, meaning he is the most efficient among all countries in production, it will still be worthwhile to trade with another country, so that both would be benefitted (Mankiw, 1998). David Ricardo constructed a two-country, two-good example with one country having the absolute advantage in the production of both and using the concept of opportunity cost, he was able to conclude that even in this situation trade would make both better off as this allows each country to specialize in the product that he does best. The Labor condition, however, is also a question. EPZ workers are observed to receive lower wages than their non-EPZ workers counterparts. In Sri Lanka, for example, earnings of workers in the electronics sector are slightly lower than the national wages in the same jobs while in South Korea and the Philippines, payment for overtime works are tied to normal working hours (Ahmadu). Payment incentive schemes that include "demerit points" that affect wages and job security increased work hours and inensity (Ahmadu). This disadvatanges happens due to the absence of regulatory authorities in Export Processing Zones. Due to this adverse work condition, unionisation is prevalent among EPZs, although union activities are limited in some countries. In the Philippines, for example, strike are unathorized, based on the recognition that EPZs are very crucial to the country's economic success. On Employment: The Philippine Case The Philippines has four Export Processing Zones, found in the provinces of Bataan, Cebu, Benguet and Cavite. Among these are 16 government-administered regional industrial centres and 36 private-owned businesses. The EPZs has been strongly supported by the past administrations beginning from President Marcos up to the Arroyo Administration. A study of the Center for Applied Research and Library Services in the country, however, has revealed that EPZ has been discriminatory against women in terms of employment with women required to be single and college educated while men are not and that jobs that require higher skills are usually given to men
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
MBA Advertising Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
MBA Advertising Plan - Essay Example While the advertising plan proposes the use of advertising media like television, radio and print media, it also envisages the use of sponsored programs for the promotion of the business in the local area. The advertising plan also presents a detailed account of the media and the contents of the advertising plan that will be used to promote the business of the bank in the chosen location. II. Situation Analysis A. Current Marketing Situation NBK is the largest and most dominant financial institutions functioning in Kuwait. Apart from enjoying the highest credit rating in the Middle East, the bank has a most extensive regional and international network to meet the customer demands. The bank has subsidiaries and representative offices in main international and regional financial centers of the world and has ambitious plans for expansion into other regions where there is no presence of the bank at the moment. The strength of its financial position, the conservative approach to risk management and well diversified and high quality asset base and income sources characterize the bank's fundamentals of growth. Well-recognized and strong franchise, dominant market share, sophistication in technology and stable and capable management team are the additional features that have contributed for the growth of the bank over the period. The products and services being offered by NBK include a host of interest and non-interest bearing accounts, provision of credit cards and associated services, different types of loans to suit the choice of the customers, convenience of online banking and other customer packages suited for different kinds of customers. The bank serves different types of clients like privately-hel companies, public institutions,... In this essay the author describes how development of an advertising plan assures that the marketing dollars spent by an organization is utilized wisely in targeting the right type of audience. In that respect the advertising plan for a bank can be considered as an important tool in achieving the desired growth in the business of the bank. The effectiveness of the advertising by a bank can be improved drastically by a careful planning in advance of the media as well as the contents of the advertisements the bank proposes to use in order to convince new customers to come in and to reward the current customers so that they do not move into the competitors. In this context this paper presents the advertising plan for the National Bank of Kuwait for the promotion of its operations in Fairfax County, Virginia State of United States. While the advertising plan proposes the use of advertising media like television, radio and print media, it also envisages the use of sponsored programs for t he promotion of the business in the local area. The advertising plan also presents a detailed account of the media and the contents of the advertising plan that will be used to promote the business of the bank in the chosen location. Having established the advertising objectives, the next task is to set the advertising budget. The determination of the exact amount that needs to be spent on advertising is more an art than a science. There are a number of factors that influence the setting of the advertising budget.
Assess the impact of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) on consumers and Essay
Assess the impact of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) on consumers and employees in developing countries. Answers should draw on examples and theories of international trade taught on this module - Essay Example Export Processing Zones holds pregnant promises to developing countries, with the hope of enlivened economy through foreign direct investors. It is just fitting therefore to study how they have affected developing societies through the eyes of the consumers and the laborers. EPZs are also designed to generate jobs for locals. With the presence of foreign investors and with the usually cheap labor in developing countries, Export Processing Zones promise job opportunities and improvement. Aside from the locals directly employed in the EPZs, it also adds to employment through backward and forward linkages. Backward linkage is formed through raw materials and financing suppliers which are mainly locals while forward linkage is observed through the spending of employees of EPZs (Ahmadu). The ability to export products even by developing countries, and benefit that they gets from the trade is clearly described by David Ricardo in his theory of comparative advantage. According to Ricardo, even if a country has the absolute advantage in all products, meaning he is the most efficient among all countries in production, it will still be worthwhile to trade with another country, so that both would be benefitted (Mankiw, 1998). David Ricardo constructed a two-country, two-good example with one country having the absolute advantage in the production of both and using the concept of opportunity cost, he was able to conclude that even in this situation trade would make both better off as this allows each country to specialize in the product that he does best. The Labor condition, however, is also a question. EPZ workers are observed to receive lower wages than their non-EPZ workers counterparts. In Sri Lanka, for example, earnings of workers in the electronics sector are slightly lower than the national wages in the same jobs while in South Korea and the Philippines, payment for overtime works are tied to normal working hours (Ahmadu). Payment incentive schemes that include "demerit points" that affect wages and job security increased work hours and inensity (Ahmadu). This disadvatanges happens due to the absence of regulatory authorities in Export Processing Zones. Due to this adverse work condition, unionisation is prevalent among EPZs, although union activities are limited in some countries. In the Philippines, for example, strike are unathorized, based on the recognition that EPZs are very crucial to the country's economic success. On Employment: The Philippine Case The Philippines has four Export Processing Zones, found in the provinces of Bataan, Cebu, Benguet and Cavite. Among these are 16 government-administered regional industrial centres and 36 private-owned businesses. The EPZs has been strongly supported by the past administrations beginning from President Marcos up to the Arroyo Administration. A study of the Center for Applied Research and Library Services in the country, however, has revealed that EPZ has been discriminatory against women in terms of employment with women required to be single and college educated while men are not and that jobs that require higher skills are usually given to men
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Barley production in the United States Essay Example for Free
Barley production in the United States Essay Share of US in global barley production is decreasing and about 1% drop can be clearly seen from 2000 to 2005. Currently US produces about 3. 5% of the total global production. European Union, Russia, Canada and Australia lead the pack. In US the barley is produced mainly in North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Minnesota and South Dakota. These six states account for about 80% of the US barley production. The area under barley cultivation in these six states are 1. 05, 0. 80, 0. 56, 0. 21, 0. 12 and 0. 06 million acres for the states North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Minnesota and South Dakota respectively in 2006 (fapri. missouri 2006). In US the area under cultivation of barley and wheat is continuously decreasing while that under corn and soyabean is increasing. Total area under barley cultivation has decreased from 9 million acres in 1991 to about 3. 5 million acres in 2006 and accordingly the total production of barley has also decreased from about 9 million ton in 1991 to just 4. 4 million ton in 2005. US production averages 400 million bushels per year with an annual value of $923 million as a raw commodity (1988 1997). In USA production of the malt barley is mainly in the western states. Of the barley consumed domestically, approximately 55% of the barley crop is used for animal feed 39% for malt production 3. 5% as seed 1. 7% in food products Total value of the annual barley crop is $184 million for barley and milled products $48 million for malt and malt extracts $332 million for beer. US production represents 5-10% of the world production. Largest importers of US barley are Japan and Mexico. Malting and Brewing It is imperative to examine the malting, brewing and fermentation process in primarily to understand the quality requirements for the barley to be use for production of beer. Various unit processes in production of beer are – making malt, drying and milling of malt, producing wort, brewing, fermentation, maturation and bottling. We will examine each of the unit processes in somewhat detail. In the malt house, barley grain germination is initiated by the uptake of water in a steeping vessel. The grain imbibes water during controlled cycles of water spraying or water immersion followed by aeration, until the water content of the grain reaches 42 to 48%. Water enters the grain via the embryo, and after approximately 24 hours, the first visible sign of germination is the appearance of the root, as a white chit. The grains are then transferred to malting beds where germination is allowed to proceed over a period of around 5 days. The speed of germination is controlled by temperature and aeration of the malt bed, while moisture content is maintained by spraying. Further embryo growth, with the appearance of rootlets and acrospires, can lead to root entangling. The grain bed is regularly turned with a rotating screw to prevent grains matting together. Green malt, produced after five days of germination, is kiln dried and partly cooked in a forced flow of hot air. Hydrolases produced during malting are partially inactivated during this process. Malt color, enhanced by kilning at higher temperatures, may be desirable for production of darker beer, but it leads to further heat-inactivation of hydrolases. The brittle malt rootlets are separated from the malt and utilized in animal feeds. The kilned malt is stable for storage and has a friable texture suitable for the milling process which proceeds brewing. The brew house consists of brewery buildings housing machinery and equipment for the production of wort. Processes taking place here include milling of the kiln dried malt, mashing, filtration and wort boiling. The malt is milled into fine grits to ensure good access of water to grain particles in the subsequent phase of beer production. Milling energy is a good indication of malt quality, where homogeneously modified malt has a lower milling energy. Malt may be supplemented with solid adjunct, i. e. a sugar source such as flaked or roasted barley, in order to impart specific flavor or colour characteristics to the finished beer. Milled malt is mixed thoroughly with two to four volumes of water to yield mash, and subjected to a process denoted mashing that fundamentally is an extension of malting with the action of various enzymes. Boiled, gelatinized starch from maize or rice grains may be supplemented as adjunct during mashing to achieve a higher content of fermentable sugars. At the end of the mashing operation, soluble substances and residual solid particles are separated by filtration into sweet wort and spent grains, respectively. Factors influencing mash filtration are complex and range from physical effects, such as particle size, to high viscosity caused by gum and protein aggregates. In the next process in the brew house, hops are added to the wort as a source of bitter substances, which are solubilized during wort boiling ( 1 h) and give beer its characteristic taste and aroma. In addition, wort boiling serves to denature enzymes and other proteins, sterilizes the wort, and yields a darker liquid which is an excellent medium for subsequent fermentation with brewers yeast. During the primary fermentation, the fermentable sugars, mainly maltose and glucose are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide. This action is performed by the brewing yeast, which during the brewing process also produces many of the characteristic aroma compounds found in beer. At the end of the primary fermentation, the yeast cells flocculate and sediment at the bottom of the fermenter and can be cropped and used for a new fermentation. Not all yeast cells sediment; some will remain in suspension, and these cells are responsible for maturation of the beer. During this process the off-flavor, diacetyl is degraded to below the taste threshold. The fermentation characteristics of brewers yeast are strain-dependent and are genetically inherited. Much of the genetics of Saccharomyces yeasts has been elucidated, and the knowledge gained, forms the basis for breeding of brewing yeast. Thus, new types of beer with altered aromas can be produced with yeast strains selected through breeding. After fermentation the temperature is lowered and the beer is maturated for a period during which the off-flavor component diacetyl is assimilated by yeast cells. Mature beer is then chilled to a temperature of -2 oC for a couple of days. By doing so the colloidal stability of the beer is greatly improved due to precipitation of protein-tannin complexes, which are only sparingly soluble at low temperature. The beer is now ready for final stabilization, which removes further amounts of proteinaceous matter and/or tannins, and subsequent filtration. The bright beer so obtained, and adjusted to the correct carbon dioxide content, is now ready for bottling. When the residual yeast cells have been removed it is of utmost importance that oxygen uptake is reduced as much as possible, since oxygen will damage the flavor stability of the beer and, despite intensive stabilisation, also impairs its colloidal stability. Finished beer is either bottled or canned or filled into kegs. It may be tunnel pasteurized, flash pasteurized or aseptically bottled. In either case the beer must appear fresh, bright and without faults to the customer and hence the quality is a matter of great concern. The beer must also be free from micro-organisms to ensure wholesomeness and biological stability. The ethanol content must obey fiscal rules but is also of major importance for the flavor of the beer. This is further influenced by a wide range of compounds that may be present in even very small amounts. Visually the finished beer must form nice foam on pouring; it must have an attractive colour. Despite use of the choicest raw materials and careful brewing performance the beer is a fragile liquid, especially when not stored cold. The fine balanced aroma of fresh beer is eventually replaced by a less attractive smell and likewise the taste deteriorates. The basis for this decay is a matter of intense research.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Pestel Analysis For New Type Of Solar Panel Engineering Essay
Pestel Analysis For New Type Of Solar Panel Engineering Essay The purpose of this report is to investigate the external business environment for a new type of solar panel that can be fitted into UK homes to generate energy. The report consists of three parts. The first part of the report gives an introduction into solar energy, the present market size and serious market competitors. The second part presents the four key trends obtained using PESTEL analysis, identifying the factors affecting the start-up of a business. The third section reflects upon the future and the obstacles faced by the solar panel/technology industry in the UK. Information used in this report was gathered using internet services such as Google Scholar. All the websites used are referenced at the end of the report. 1.1 Solar Power and Solar Technology Solar energy was first used in the 1860s [1] by Auguste Mouchout, to produce ice by converting solar energy into mechanical energy. He later connected a refrigeration machine to this system to produce ice. In 1883, Charles Fritz converted solar energy into electrical energy. This was the biggest moment in the history of solar technology as scientists had finally found a ray of hope. Solar energy continued to develop in the 20th century. Solar panels were finally developed in 1954 at Bell Laboratories using silicon. By 1990, it was clear that non-renewal fuel would run out and it was essential alternative sources of energy were improved. In the 21st century, solar technology has improved many folds. The conversion rate of solar energy into electrical energy in 1954 was 6% [2]. The facilities present at the Sandia National Laboratories have a conversion rate of 31.25% [3]. Amorphous Solar Cells Crystalline solar PV holds close to 85% of the total market share, leaving the remainder to thin-films [4]. Which are used in a domestic environment. These can be either mounted on roof tops in UK or facing 90 degrees of south. Average solar electricity system cost  £12000 and per kW of electricity cost from  £5000  £8000 but this reduces with time as the system produces more electricity. 1.2 Advantages Producing electricity using solar power provides three main types of benefits: it benefits the environment, the user and the community. Solar power is considered a Green/Clean fuel and renewal. This helps slow down the effects of global warming and keep the environment clean. The benefits for a domestic user are: Cutting the energy bills of the household since electrical energy is being produced from a free source of energy (Sun). Once the initially cost of installation of solar system is covered, the household will have relatively low energy bills. An average UK household can save upto  £140 on energy bills/year [5]. It can provides 24 hour electric supply to a households situated in remote parts of UK If energy has been produced in excess by a domestic user via the solar energy system (SES), then it can be fed back into the national grid. This benefits the community, reduces the use amount of electricity which has to be produced using non-renewal fuels and provides finance for the producer. 1.3 Key UK based Market Competitors Various companies install Solar Electric System (SES) for domestic use. Various non-profit organisation such as Narec [6], Energy Saving Trust UK [7] and The Solar Energy trust UK, promote and support the projects undertaken by companies involved in the solar industry. Microgeneration Certification Scheme [8] ensures that all equipments and services used in the installation of a SES in a domestic surrounding is of the highest standard and is thoroughly examined. Solar Essence Ltd is one of the leading companies which specialise in solar power/heating [9]. Solar Essence is a MCS approved installer of photovoltaic systems. They were heavily involved in the campaign which led to the Climate Change Act 2008. PV Systems established in 1982[10] is the leading provider for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in the UK. PV Systems designed and installed UKs first fully integrated PV roof in Oxford, UK in 1995. Since then they have installed over 1000 PV Systems. They also work closely with companies such as Sony, Sharp, Mitsubishi and BP Solar; developing and installing smart PV Systems. PV Systems is too a MCS approved company; maintaining the highest standard of services. Energy Development Co-operative Ltd is a company based in Suffolk, UK since 1997. They specialise in providing off-grid solar systems by setting up SES in remote locations. They provide solar systems for various county councils in UK, Universities (Manchester), the BBC, Intel and many more such companies who are trying to reduce their energy bill. We can expect a boom in the Solar Industry in the next decade as more domestic and industrial users switch to green-fuel. Areas of UK, where sun light is available in abundance can expect new companies providing efficient alternative source of energy via the sun; to start operating in their areas as everyone is a winner in such a venture. 1.4 Market Size for Solar Power in the UK Solar energy can be potentially be a large scale/cheap energy provider for UK, especially in the summer months hence making more energy independent from the East. Across the world, the installing of PV increased from 6000 MW in 2008 to 7.3 GW in 2009. UK is expected to have a market size of 60MW in 2010. In order to get a better idea about potential market size for solar power in the UK for the next decade, a study was conducted by Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes (EEPH). Here are the details: A method calculating the usage of Microgeneration technology was created for an earlier study on energy sources; this method was used by EEPH in order to predict the possible number of new installations of solar energy systems on yearly bases from 2010 2020. This method considered the peoples choice for microgeneration technologies. Below are the findings of the study: PV system is expected to have a market of 200,000units/year in 2020; consumers feel they would benefit greatly via Feed-in-tariff (FIT) and the capital cost to set up PV system could be covered via FIT. This is a very realistic with the improvement in the SES technology and funding from the government. In the present time, solar hot water systems are the most preferred choice(from all the microgeneration technologies presently) by domestic users of solar energy, but are expected to decline as other methods such are hot air technology improvise. The competition to sell SES is heating up in the UK. At present, there are three types of companies fighting for the top spot. Firstly the manufacturers, they are becoming more and more like wholesalers, hence affecting the business model of the wholesalers for solar systems. Manufacturers and wholesalers also have to fight large companies which specialise in installing solar systems. A price war is expected to drag the capital cost down for manufacturing, installing and maintaining. This is however an excellent news for the domestic/industrial consumers of solar power. 2 External Business Environment Analysis Using PESTEL The PESTEL model is made of 6 parts. Its designed to provide assistance to an individual or a group of people, making a business decisions. There are various elements (such as new laws and trade deals) which can affect an organisation; PESTEL is used to divide the elements affecting a business into 6 different categories. The six categories are: Political factors. Economic factors. Social factors. Technological factors. Environmental factors. Legal factors. This part of the report will help identify 4 key trends which are most likely to affect a new business in the field of solar industry. 2.1 Political: Government effect and projects This part of the report focuses on plans set by the government and trade associations; resulting in increased usage of renewal fuel, and predict the effect of these plans. The government has two main goals towards reducing the emission of carbon dioxide. They are: By 2020, aim to generate 20% of all British electric supply via renewal sources of energy and by 2050 cut the carbon dioxide emission by 60% for the UK. The present government towards these targets is shown in Figure 5. Earlier to the government announcement, in 2005 various trade associations consisting of over 550 companies addressed the issue of reducing carbon dioxide emission and increase the use of renewal fuels. By 2025 they expect 25% of UK total energy consumption to be produced using renewal sources of energy. [11] Figure 5[17] Shows the government progress towards its 2050 target A new government scheme, which is going to be introduced in April 2011[12] is set to announce that one in 10 UK homes will have a roof based SES. This will result in saying of upto  £900 a year for then household. The Scottish Government has a scheme promoting and proving grants for anyone using the microgenerator method for producing energy. The government are providing upto[13]  £4000, roughly 30% of the installing cost. As time goes on, more and more households will take up the idea of having PV on their roofs as time would also start running out for the targets set by the government. As UK recovers from recession presently, the young generation would see microgeneration technology as a attractive prospect(also the grant to cover the capital cost) as we might go through another recession in the next ~40 years and being about to reduce your bills in the recession, majorly helps out a household. 2.2 Economic: Prices of non-renewal fuel and average income This section of this report contains analysis of the effect of an increase in the cost of non renewal fuel and a increase in energy bills. It also reflects on the factors influencing financial the decision to invest into a microgeneration technology. A domestic household in the UK uses up about 1.5 to 3kW [13], and solar panels can roughly 50% of the domestic energy requirement. Presently most of the electricity using in the UK is produced by the burning of oil, natural gas and coal. This means an increase in a selling price of oil, natural gas or coal would directly increase the energy bills of a UK household. Figure 1.0 shows the increase and decrease of oil prices in the UK. The X-axis should a time line and the Y-axis shows price/gallon. In the year 2008, energy bills were considered to be at their highest point, especially August 2008. In the next 18 to 20 months, the wholesale price for oil, natural gas and coal fell by 15% 20%. This resulted in Figure 1 Graph displaying the average oil price/month from 2005 ~2010 [14]. In the year 2008, energy bills were considered to be at their highest point, especially August 2008. In the next 18 to 20 months, the wholesale price for oil, natural gas and coal fell by 15% 20%[15]. This resulted in the decrease of electricity prices by a similar margin for retailers. As we continue for relay on limited non-renewal fuels to provide energy, eventually the price of non-renewal fuels will increase, also increasing the average energy household bill. This drive in prices will result in an increase of the usage of renewal fuels, and over time the capital cost to setup will reduce due to improvements in technology, increase in efficiency and competition. New customers in the solar industry will mean a much needed funding will start becoming available in order to research further, the field of solar technology and also lead to a clean fuel based UK. 2.3 Social: Awareness about clean fuel This part of the report reflects on the present efforts being made in order to raise awareness about renewal/clean fuel in the British society. The report also reflects upon the effects of non-renewal sources of energy and their effect on the climate, e.g. Global warming. It is believed that if all of the sunlight reaching planet earth each day was converted into electricity, then the amount of electricity produced would be same as supporting the energy consumption on planet earth, many times over the usual consumption. More and more energy consumers across UK are now keen on using renewal sources of energy. This is due to the various publicity campaigns on saving energy and recycle waste making the public a lot more conscious about their behaviour towards the environment. Things such as the melting of polar ice caps due to global warming and extinction of species of various animals due to unsustainable environment has raised some important questions about human behaviour towards the environment. Figure 2 shows that change in average temperature of Central England compared to the average Global temperature. Figure 2 shows a steady increase in temperature in Central England. It is further expected that the average temperature will rise by 1.4 to 5.8 ° C [16] by the end of the 21st century. In order to keep living in a sustainable environment, we need to change our habits: Recycle close to 100% of the waste Raise awareness about sustainable environment in schools and offices. Use energy saving methods while carrying out day to day tasks. Increase in media coverage about the latest developments in the environment. Better grants and facilities available for a domestic user to switch to solar energy from a non-renewal source of energy. More and more people are now trying their best to reduce their carbon footprint to its minimum. There are various tools available which help you calculate your carbon footprint. Using energy saving light bulbs. Figure 5 provides some evidence that the British people are becoming educated about sustainable living and changing their habits as the carbon dioxide emission is on a decrease. Government is now also educating school children on green fuels and the effects of global warming on our environment by making it part of their education system. This is exceptionally good since those children will already be aware of the issues affecting our environment and will prefer renewal sources of energy as they are aware of the impact on non-renewal sources of energy on the environment. The market prospect looks positive for renewal sources of energy in the next decade, as various projects raise awareness about the effects of carbon dioxide emission on our environment. Both the domestic and the industrial sector are now changing their behaviours towards the environment and government across the world are seriously promoting renewal sources of energy as our environment could be in jeopardy if nothing was done to sustain it. 2.4 Technology: Efficiency rate One of the reasons people do not readily take to renewal sources of energy such as solar power is because they do not consider them to be 100% reliable and have a low efficiency rate (converting solar into electricity). Since 1860, scientists have been trying to address the problem of efficiency rate for solar energy. The solar technology has advanced many folds since 1860, which have made SES, affordable, reliable and low maintenance. Solar technology has been integrated with the thermal-chemical technology [18] in order to increase its efficiency. This hybrid allows users to store heat energy from the sun and convert it to electricity whenever required. This prevents from the loss of heat which was a major problem with traditional SES as they use to lose heat if it was stored for later use. Another advancement in the solar industry has been of the development of the Power Sticker. A power sticker boosts the energy output of a SES by up to 10% [19]. A power sticker sticks on top on a solar cell and prevents solar light from reflecting off from the top of a cell hence trapping the maximum about of sun light. MAKE MY OWN GRAPH ON THE NUMBER OF SES EXPECTED TO BE SOLD BASED ON OIL PRICE [1] [2] y_to_electrical_energy [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The Microgeneration Certification Scheme. (2009). Welcome to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme website [online]. Available from: [cited 23/02/09] [9] [10] Department for Business Enterprise Regulatory Reform. (2009). Renewable Energy [online]. Available from: [cited 22/02/09] [11] British Wind Energy Association. (2005) BWEA press release [online]. Available from: [cited 22/02/09] [12] [14] [15];jsessionid=DB5D90222582827E01DABE3170A06719 [16] [17] [18] [19]
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Is Financial Compensation Beneficial Or Detrimental In An Empowerment E
Introduction What is an Empowerment ? Basically empowerment means giving the employee the ability to do their work, i.e. through the right training, the right environment, the right information, the right tools and the authority that they need. It is thought that by giving the employee increased power and responsibility that the employee will have increased motivation. Organisations have developed a number of new programs in which it is hoped that employees will have empowerment and so increased motivation. What is an Empowerment Program ? There are six different forms of empowerment programs. i.     Pay for Performance. This gives employees rewards in relation to their performance on the job. ii.     Gain Sharing. Employees are rewarded when performance targets are met. iii.     Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Employees are given shares in the company and so co-own the company which allow them to share in the improved profit performance. iv.     Lump-Sum Bonuses. Rewards are given to employees in a lump sum based on performance. v.     Pay for Knowledge. When employees learn new skills they are rewarded. This leads employees to learn new skills and so become more flexable within a company. vi.     Flexible Work Schedules. Workers can set their own working times. Motivation Motivation is a force which pushes a person to take a particular course of action, i.e. being motivated to go to school, to get something out of it, be it, to learn new things or just to get a good job out of it at the end which will bring high earnings. A basic model of motivation is shown below: NEED                    BEHAVIOR                    REWARD This shows motivation in action, from the previous example we can show that the need is the desire to learn or to get a good job, the behavior is to go to college or university and then the reward is gaining knowledge or a good job. There are two different types of reward ; intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic are rewards gained in performing an action, i.e. f... ...with his two factors that workers have a set of motivators that it is best to concentrate on as this will lead to more job satisfaction and so improved motivation, of these motivators none of these were financial rewards. Improving financial rewards will lead to less job dissatisfaction and not job satisfaction or improved motivation for the work. Taylor argues that workers are like donkeys and that money is the main motivation, this is because in the capitalistic world today money does make a lot of difference and as in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to satisfy the lower levels of the needs, money does make the difference and employees will be influenced by the amount of money that they can have, it will leave them feeling secure. Overall I feel that financial rewards can be very beneficial in an empowerment program and lead to job satisfaction which will lead to increased motivation from workers. Bibliography Management, Fourth Edition. Richard L. Daft. Business Information Technology, Systems, Theories and Practise. Geoffrey Elliot and Susan Starkings. The Practise of Management. Peter F. Drucker. Information Systems – A Management Prospective, Second Edition. Stephen Alter.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown and Hawthorne :: Scarlet Letter essays
The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown and Hawthorne Writing under the influence of his Puritan background, Hawthorne's attention was on individuals and their relationships within their community. Theocratic Puritans punished sinners as deviants of society and used the punishments to restate the boundaries within the group. The five tenets of Puritanism reveal the curious nature of a religion that promoted goodness as a constant goal of each individual, but provided only negative reward of no punishment for good behavior and actions. The tenet of Unconditional Election made predestination clear. No matter how hard one tried to be good, only those elected were going to heaven. In The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne introduces the community by way of the prison house and the women of the community "being of mature age and church members in good repute." In the conversation that the women have about Hester their jealous hearts and vengeful attitudes are revealed. In this way he shows us that this community, although it was designed to be the perfect Christian community, interprets itself as something else. We can assume that Hawthorne shows us the bitchy ways of the women of the church, the ones who supposedly care for the sick and tend to the elderly, nurturing and comforting in a Christian-like manner, and the prison house to inform us that Puritan society has problems, the same problems that any society might have. We can begin to read Hawthorne from the romantic perspective and see society as the guilty party. Indeed, the author sets us up to see Hester as a heroine, a rose, even though a wild rose. And Young Goodman Brown takes his place as hero in his tale. Although we know that he embarks on an "evil purpose," we also know his intentions are to return to his good Faith. But how can a Puritan return to his good faith when he is a sinner? There is no way to achieve goodness, because Adam sinned, so sinned we all. And if you accept that, even if you reject communion with it, who can be trusted? Not even your self. Young Goodman Brown's happiness could only come from a life with Faith/faith and all he could believe in was the reality of his faith, which was that all were sinners. That means that communion has to be communion with sin. The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown and Hawthorne :: Scarlet Letter essays The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown and Hawthorne Writing under the influence of his Puritan background, Hawthorne's attention was on individuals and their relationships within their community. Theocratic Puritans punished sinners as deviants of society and used the punishments to restate the boundaries within the group. The five tenets of Puritanism reveal the curious nature of a religion that promoted goodness as a constant goal of each individual, but provided only negative reward of no punishment for good behavior and actions. The tenet of Unconditional Election made predestination clear. No matter how hard one tried to be good, only those elected were going to heaven. In The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne introduces the community by way of the prison house and the women of the community "being of mature age and church members in good repute." In the conversation that the women have about Hester their jealous hearts and vengeful attitudes are revealed. In this way he shows us that this community, although it was designed to be the perfect Christian community, interprets itself as something else. We can assume that Hawthorne shows us the bitchy ways of the women of the church, the ones who supposedly care for the sick and tend to the elderly, nurturing and comforting in a Christian-like manner, and the prison house to inform us that Puritan society has problems, the same problems that any society might have. We can begin to read Hawthorne from the romantic perspective and see society as the guilty party. Indeed, the author sets us up to see Hester as a heroine, a rose, even though a wild rose. And Young Goodman Brown takes his place as hero in his tale. Although we know that he embarks on an "evil purpose," we also know his intentions are to return to his good Faith. But how can a Puritan return to his good faith when he is a sinner? There is no way to achieve goodness, because Adam sinned, so sinned we all. And if you accept that, even if you reject communion with it, who can be trusted? Not even your self. Young Goodman Brown's happiness could only come from a life with Faith/faith and all he could believe in was the reality of his faith, which was that all were sinners. That means that communion has to be communion with sin.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Pyramus and Thisbe Summary Essays and Term Papers Essay
Characters: Baldo – He was one of the main characters in the short story. He was Leon’s younger brother. Baldo was unperturbed man, and he was quiet. He was the narrator of the story. Leon – He was the oldest brother of Baldo. He was the husband of Maria. Maria called him Noel. Maria – She was a beautiful and lovely. Her forehead was on a level with his mouth, her nails were long, but they were not painted, and have a small dimple appeared momentarily high up on her right cheek. She was tall and very still. Her fragrance was like a morning when papayas are in bloom. Labang – The bull of Leon and Baldo. Father – He was mildest – tempered, gentlest man. He was the father of Baldo and Leon. Mother – He was the mother of Baldo and Leon. Aurelia – She was the sister of Baldo and Leon. Summary / Synopsis: Maria was a wife of Leon. She was lovely and beautiful. Her fragrant like a morning when papayas are in bloom. Leon was lived in far place of Nagrebcan. Leon brought Maria to Nagrebcan to introduce to his father. The couple enjoys talking while in traveled riding in the cart hitch to Labang. Baldo who is quiet and observing his brother and spouse. When they arrived home, Baldo went to the room of his father. The room is quiet and dark. His father was smoking while sat in the big armchair by the western window. And they talk about Maria. Afterwards the door opened, and Leon and Maria came in. Baldo looked to Maria and went out to watered Labang which his father told to him. Characterization: Baldo is the narrator of the story because he is the one who relates us what happened to the story. Were Baldo is the younger brother of Leon. Baldo is a quiet person. It is very detectable that Baldo is observing his brother Leon and spouse how is Maria. When his father asks him â€Å"Was she afraid of Labang?†Baldo lied and says â€Å"No, Father, she was not afraid.†Even though Maria afraid. It means that Baldo like Maria as a wife of Leon but inside, he also admires the beauty of Maria. In here, the main characters were the couple Leon and Maria. Leon has a strong personality because he did not afraid to present Maria to his father as her wife. He was very proud of Maria as her wife. Maria truly love Leon because she fight for what she believe was right, it doesn’t matter if the world told her that it’s wrong. I could say that Maria and the mother of Leon plays and represent the Filipino women. The father of Baldo has a deep personality. He was a responsibly father because he use his righteous way as a head of the family. It only means that the father or the man is the authority. He doesn’t want Leon to go to the wrong way. So, he makes some trials to Maria trying to test Maria’s characteristic, her attitude, her looks, how she talks and the way she handle the situation. His mother was a responsibly mother. She does the light of the family and represents the Filipino women. Settings: The setting of the story was in Nagrebcan, Leon’s hometown. This story takes place in a farm where people would usually ride in carabao. The place was in the local province. In the story, Maria who was Leon’s wife described physically and with her posture as a conservative and traditionalist which would probably described as a Filipino woman. As an alternative, they took a shortcut in a field. In my opinion, one can visualize that there is some kind of a test for the two of them. Maria must surpass that trial. It was as there family of Leon is trying to test Maria’s characteristic, her attitude, her looks, how she talks and the way she handle the situation. Plot: The plot is compose of inciting action, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion. The inciting action was when â€Å"She stepped down to the Carretela of Ca Celin with a quick, delicate grace. She look lovely, she was tall. She looked up to my brother with a smile, and her forehead was on level with his mouth.†The rising action was when they took the dry bed of Waig as a substitute of passing the Camino Real and it was the wish of there father to go by Waig. The climax of the story was when Maria told Leon that she was afraid of his father in law maybe his father thinking of not liking her. The falling action came when Leon was searching for their father and her mother told them that his leg is bothering him again. The conclusion was when Baldo cross the threshold of his father and ask him about Maria. Afterwards the door opened and Leon and Maria came in. Baldo looked to Maria so lovely and went out to watered Labang which his father told him. Themes: The theme of the story is Love makes Maria and Leon go straight whatever struggles come will be ignore to them. I don’t know if there relationship will last long because Maria is a city girl while Leon is a barrio boy. Reactions of the story: My reaction of the story is the story is good and it reflects to the modern youth even if the story is very old. I describe Maria as an example of Filipino women and also her attitude as a â€Å"mahinhin†. The couple Leon and Maria faces many trials while in traveled to Nagrebcan. Even though, Maria passed those trials. So, therefore Maria is very understanding kind of girl. The story talks about the characteristic of Maria, her attitude, her looks, how she talks and the way she handle the situation that riding a bull and passed through Waig. Therefore, basically a woman creates for men.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Owning a Mobile Phone
Owning a mobile phone When I was in the 7 grade, I dreamed of owning my mobile phone. The day I got my mobile phone was one of the happiest days in my life. Owning a mobile phone gave me freedom, cost me money, and made me be careful about the bad effects from mobile phone. Owning a mobile phone made me had the freedom. First of all, I didn’t have to use telephone anymore. Every time I used it to call my friends, my paren't looked at me really strange, they seemed unpleasant. Moreover, they were always worried about a person who called to me and the person whom I talked to. Second, I don’t need to borrow my friend mobile phone.I was really embarrassed every time when I asked for his phone. With my own mobile phone I can communicate to my friends no matter what or where I am. For instance, I can easily contact to my friends by calling or sending messages everywhere. I had to pay for the mobile phone and related expenses. A phone with many features and capabilities can be expensive. I had considered about size, battery life, price, internet access and other features. Finally, I had to pay about 14,000 baht for my mobile phone. Moreover, a mobile phone cost a few to maintain such as screen protector, battery, battery charger and fixed if necessary.Of course, I had monthly phone bill. Mobile phone expenses can be controlled in limit budget. I look at my current phone bill and see how I’m using my phone. How many minutes do I use a month? Am I a big texter? So, I choose the properly package and control myself in limit budget. When I have to pay for my mobile phone, I became a more careful consumer. I became worried about the bad effects from mobile phone. Using a lot mobile phone can harm my brain. If I use mobile phones too much, I will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In addition, when I use mobile phones while I am driving, I might get an accident.It is essential not good for me and others. Moreover, â€Å"r adiations emitted from the phone are dead harmful for the eardrum†, has proved by many scientist. Owning a mobile phone gave me freedom, but it gave me responsibilities and worries, too. Even with the stress of monthly phone bill and mobile maintenance but I would never give up my mobile phone. Furthermore, my fear of using a lot mobile phone can harm my brain cannot keep me from the joy my mobile phone. I am really happy to use it properly and sensibly, mobile phone is one of a wonderful piece of utility in my life.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Assignment Working Capital Essay
Abstract In this paper I’ll analyze the fundamental differences between the working capital structures and components for Google and Oracle, and speculate upon the main reasons why such differences exist; how each company could improve its working capital positions. As a Wall Street Analyst who has to recommend one of the companies as an investment to a company’s clients; based solely on that company’s working capital; as an Investment Banker who has to recommend loaning a substantial amount of capital to one company based solely on that company’s working capital. Working capital structures The selected companies that I have selected to compare are Google and Oracle. Google Inc. is a company that specializes on providing online tools such as search, differences between the working capital structures and components for each chosen company. Oracle Corporation is responsible for developing, marketing, and servicing of database and middleware software, system hardware and software applications. The company also offers consulting services in areas such as business architecture planning and design, and enterprise and information technology alignment. Both Google Inc. and Oracle Corporation have been performing well thus investments can be made in the companies. In the financial year 2014 Google Inc. had a net income of $16.86 million, an increase of 17% compared to the previous year. The net profit margin for the company was registered at 29%. ( balance sheet provides that the had total asset amounting to 72.89 million which is an increase f rom previous year. Total organizational profits were amounting to 110.9 million and shareholders’ equity of 87.31millions. The financial ratios for the company indicate that the company had a debt to equity ratio 0.05 indicating that its equity is enough to cover debt. The current ratio for the year 2014 was 8.0 showing that current liabilities cannot be fully covered by the current assets. Another financial ratio indicating company financial condition is book value per share which amounted to $145.68. Investment return ratios include return on equity of 14.80%, return on assets of 11.65% and return of capital of 18.1 indicating that the company is adequate using its assets and equity to generate returns for the company. Morningstar (2014) provides that Google had a price earning of 18.88 and earnings per share of 27.72 indicating that income is high. In order to determine the risk of investing in the company I identified the beta value which is provided at 0.91. ( On the other hand Oracle Corporation registered 28.62% decrease in net income in 2014 which is .7% increase compared to 2013. The net profit margin for the compared is established at 81.09%. The total assets in the company as at 31st May 2014 was $ 99,726.00 indicating a strong asset base while the total liabilities amounted to $13,377.00 and shareholders’ equity was valued at $ 47.93 million. The financial condition in Oracle can be identified using financial analysis such as current ratio which is determined to be 2.8 for the company showing that current liabilities are greater compared to current assets. The debt to equity ratio is determined to be 0.40 thus the company is able to meet its debts as and when it arises. Interest coverage is provided at 16.4 while book value per share is 10.50. Oracle’s return on equity for the financial year 2014 was 23.4, return on assets 12.13% was while return on capital was 17.42 thus the company is effective in generating returns for equity. The diluted earnings per share is 2.38 and the beta value is provided at 2.39. ( Improve working capital Improving working capital position, a company is able to compare from year to year any increase in revenue; increase in production due to a decrease in variable or fixed costs, increase in sales due to a new sales workforce and any increase in liabilities; new short term creditors, a higher accounts payable account due to the need to purchase new materials. A company can improve its working capital by trying to keep a healthy balance between the two accounts, cutting costs, and analyzing its current short-term debt in terms of how to decrease it or find alternative ways to avoid it such as restructuring production procedures. (Schroeder, el. 2014) Role of a Wall Street Analyst As Wall Street Analyst deciding which company to invest in I would determine whether the company is stable financially, investment returns and risks associated with the investments. Gross working capital means the amount invested in the current assets of the company.Net working capital means the difference between the current assets and current liabilities. If the current assets are more than the current liabilities, then it is positive working capital. Otherwise, it is negative working capital. Working capital is the measure of company’s solvency, its ability to pay its suppliers without any delay. Considering these factors I would invest in Google since it has higher earnings per share and an investor is likely to receive higher returns when dividend is paid. Google has registered stronger growth compared to Oracle evidenced by increase in profit levels. (Schroeder, el. 2014) Investment Bank As an Investment Bank whom with solely working capital by increase in current assets is the outflow of cash and when the company increases its current liabilities, it is inflow of cash. If the changes in working capital are negative, it means the company is heavily investing on current assets or reducing the current liabilities. When the changes in working capital is positive, it means the company is selling of current assets or increasing its current liabilities. I would especially invest in Google’s bonds compared to stock since bonds have a guaranteed rate of interest thus I would be receiving returns after an agreed period. Selection of bonds over stock is supported by the fact that the company has a lower beta vale compared to Oracle thus it has less risk to default on the loan. (Schroeder, el. 2014) References Google Inc. Financials Report Retrieved November 16, 2014 Msn. (2014). Oracle Corporation. Financial Results. Retrieved November 16, 2014 from Http://Moneycentral.Msn.Com/Investor/Invsub/Results/Statemnt.Aspx?Lststatement=Balance&Symbol=Us%3aorcl&Stmtview=Qtr Oracle Corporation Financials Report Retrieved November 16, 2014 Schroeder, R. G., Clark, M. W., & Cathey, J. M. (2014). Financial Accounting Theory And
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