Saturday, August 31, 2019
History Of The Somalia History Essay
The strategic geopolitical history of Somaliland non merely indicates its importance to the early African lands but has continued to so to this present twenty-four hours. It ‘s positioned in the centre of the Horn of Africa with an country of 637,540 square kilometres and is ideally located at the intersection non merely to merchandise paths, but to the gateway of antediluvian and modernizing Africa. Somali history day of the months back to the Paleolithic Age and Cave picture dating back to 9000 old ages BC has been recorded. Its location with Djibouti to the North West, Kenya to the South, Gulf of Aden on the North, Indian Ocean to the E, and Ethiopia on the West has added to its significance. In malice of its strategic location it has, unlike other African states, no old history of conquering, and as such, provided ulterior European states an first-class chance to see other civilisations than their own- particularly those of African Kingdoms. Ancient Somalia is reported to hold had trading dealingss with many of the mercantile states during the in-between Ages, and as a effect positioned Africa as an of import continent in the ancient universe. Among others, cinnamon trade to Europe, particularly to the ancient universe of Rome and Greece was extremely valued. Most of the cinnamon was obtained from the East, particularly India. Furthermore since the Somali state consisted of several Sultanates, it remained cardinal to maritime and trading civilizations of that period. Known as the Kingdom of Punt in ancient times, it besides had close dealingss with other of import African lands particularly that of Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia. As a effect, parts of Somali civilization and signifiers frequently resemble that of the pyramid-culture of Egypt and other near neighbours. Strongly influenced by the Arab civilization, this African society exhibits an extraordinary mixture of the two. Islam was brought to that portion of the universe around 825 A.D. Somalia ‘s position on the African continent was besides the consequence of its close relationship with the Ottoman and German Empires. With the rise of the Arab universe in the Middle East and its oil industry, Somalia continues to keep its importance within this industry. It besides remains influential in the Islamic universe, enabling Somali to go a member of the Arab League in 1974. This state has besides played an of import and outstanding function in the African Union which was formed really much in the tradition and design of the European Union. Education is extremely valued throughout Somalia although a higher instruction is still precedence. It has several universities with the University of Mogadishu considered to be one of the finest in the state but besides one of the best in Africa. Culturally, the Somalis are Muslims and as such traditional spiritual instruction is singularly of import so that it is taught at a quranic schools across the state. Muslim literature produced by the Somalis is besides good recognized in other parts of the Moslem universe and so is their music and vocals. Both the rural and urban societies are serviced through these spiritual schools. The development of Somali legal construction as a mixture of Roman Dutch jurisprudence and Sharia jurisprudence. Currently it exercises civil traditional knowledge, spiritual and traditional jurisprudence. Somalia consists of a figure of kin based independent provinces. Somali one time boasted of a healthy economic system within the formal and informal sector. Trade, commercialism, conveyance and international links all promised of progressive future.. All this indicated that Somali are quickly traveling towards a modernizing society. Most of the West ‘s transnational companies, for case the fabrication trade, multinationals and Bankss all have subdivisions in the chief metropoliss in Somalia Somalia has been rich in mineral resources and the recent discovery of significant oil militias has surged its position among the industrializing states whose demand for oil particularly in the thick of the Middle East crisis is holding a strong impact on its economic system. Somalia has the largest ground forces in Africa with 10,000 military personnels on the field. Somalia has near on to 2 million people and 85 % of them Somalis and the remainder belonging to others. Of these 34 % unrecorded in the metropoliss. Arabic is the official linguistic communication although English is spoken widely with some Italian. The Muslims belong to the Sunni religious order of Islam. Christianity is minority faith. When Imperialism swept over Africa for the last five or six centuries. It subjected the native people to ‘inferior position ‘ or 2nd category citizenship. Africans weary of the rough conditions the position brought on to them shortly began to foment. Clangs with Europeans became frequent, so much so the Imperialist states gathered at the Berlin Conference in 1913 where the Western states decided to carve out certain parts of Africa among themselves as ‘guardians ‘ . These imperial states, particularly the Portuguese, Britain, France, Germany and Italy were on the top of the list. One of the unintended effects of such an act was to witness the outgrowth of release groups, patriotism and people prosecuting in the ‘freedom and release battles ‘ across the continent. Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, a Dervish leader sent a clarion call across Africa to defy the British and end their rising influence. He was one of the early African leaders, to name for integrity and independency. Swept by the influences of decolonisation and release battles across Africa, Somalia provided unqualified support to the African National Congress of South Africa. Somalia in the interim besides had strong ties with Muslim states and with their Muslim establishments. Hassan, furthermore as a Dervish leader, with his long experience with the British and Italian schemes of warfare, organized and disciplined his Somali ground forces, both in their ability in land conflicts and fleet retreats utilizing the terrain, with the consequence he defeated a well-trained British ground forces. In 1920 nevertheless, with the debut of aeroplanes into the battlegrounds, the British were able to get the better of the Somali ground forces eventually. There after Somalia became a associated state of the British Empire. The Italians fared no better than the British in the beginning merely because the Somalis non merely had the advantage of the terrain, but the ‘brotherhood ‘ within the Somalis and their commitment to the Sultanate, provided their soldiers extra inducements during war against their enemy. They, nevertheless could non, in ulterior old ages, match the ground forcess of the Italians under the Fascist control in 1927. Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist leader in 1935 attacked Abyssinia ( Ethiopia ) in the tradition of and go oning the bequest of imperialism and colonisation, but this clip the League of Nations ( which subsequently became the United Nations ) condemned the invasion. Little was done thenceforth to halt the business. In around 1941 the British stationed in Kenya with the coaction certain kins of the Sultanate, accompanied by East, West, and North African military personnels under the bid of the British attacked the British held Somalia and Italian Ethiopia and defeated them. Britain ruled both parts and was subsequently granted associated state position, but the United Nation transferred the trust territory of Italian held Somalia, back to Italians. It was during the trusteeship period that the Somalis entered into the structural model of Western political and international policy devising. But in the procedure the Imperializing states were consuming the economic wealth of Somalia. At times the British collaborated with Ethiopia in keeping the hegemony over Somalia, all of which did non get away the assorted patriot motions which were emerging in assorted parts of the state. Djibouti ‘s ( Gallic Somaliland ) independency in 1958 showed Somalia the switching geopolitics taking topographic point in the country. But the referendum held in Djibouti nevertheless showed that the people had decided to ally themselves to France instead than Somalia. Somalia itself gained its independency in 1960, and formed the post- colonial province. Unfortunately for the state at this clip the legion groups each wanted a portion in the authorities? The hierarchy and power of the colonial system was now transferred to the new authorities. Rather than concentrate on the structural development of the state the authorities bureaucratism began to concentrate on personal power and wealth. Many of the new authorities functionaries were chosen from the South and the Northerners felt left out and regional inequalities became the norm. 18 Parties participated in the first station colonial national elections in 1964 amidst accusal of corruptness and fraud. The Somali Youth League, a Somali National Congress, and the Somali Democratic Union, united to organize a strong block within the authorities. And unstable Somalia began to emerge for the following several old ages. Abdullah Osman Daar became its first president. Power battle continued, and eventually in 1969 a military putsch installed General Said Barre as President. Barre ‘s authorities introduced several new societal plans particularly in instruction, but otherwise parliamentary democracy seemed to endure from internal discord. On October 15, 1969 President Abdirachii Ali Shermaarke was assassinated by a constabulary head. At the beginning, General Said Barres ‘s Supreme Revolutionary Council was welcomed by the multitudes of people. There was a belief amongst the population that Somalia would now hold a stable authorities. Barre promoted what he called ‘scientific socialism ‘ as an political orientation for his state. Notwithstanding his political rhetoric, Somalis shortly began to see expropriation and corruptness which was bulwark during the imperialist times. Internal corruptness and favouritism shortly characterized Barre ‘s authorities. Clan competitions and divide and regulation policies besides weakened the authorities. The concluding straw came when the military authorities sent military personnels to Ethiopia. The Soviet Union had been providing weaponries to both sides. The Ethiopians successfully repulsed the Somalia ground forces. By 1980 the Somali authorities was losing its credibleness and at the same clip an economic crisis, particularly with the diminution of trade and of the lowering of oil monetary values added to the despairing internal crisis. Somalis besides noticed under Barres authorities the National Security Courts were set up outside the legal system and straight under the control of the executive whose power came from the military. Any offense considered as a ‘threat ‘ to the national security as defined by the ‘state ‘ was considered a offense. Although this was eventually abolished, and Somalia are still governed by pre-1991 penal codification. Civil war broke out in 1991. Northern Somaliland declared independency and in January 1, 1991 President Ali Madhi Mohamed of the United Somali Congress who had joined the Manifesto Group was made interim President. The rival groups shortly united and refused to acknowledge Muhammad as their leader and president. Throughout the 90s Somalia experienced civil struggles and warfare ensuing in nutrient deficits, devastation of labour and general disruption within the economic system and public assistance. Some 330,000 civilians were at hazard of decease and famishment when Andrew Natsios, the caput of the US bureau for International Development ‘ said before Congress, ‘that Somalia was the greatest human-centered exigency in the universe ‘ . ‘For some clip international perceivers allowed Somalia to disintegrate and it was merely subsequently when the state collapsed into lawlessness did the United Nations send peacekeeping forces. United Nations peace forces were sent into Somalia through the United States. The Security Council set up their UN operation in Somalia ( UNOSOM ) but the UN forces came under onslaught. In 1983 the United Nations human-centered aid chiefly given to the South did non sufficiently alleviate the crisis. The UN aid ceased chiefly due to the casualties suffered to its forces. The EU besides sent assistance to the concept the port at the Berbera. European NGO ‘s besides sent to assistance and aid to several parts of Somaliland. Both the United States authorities under President Bush in the UN Security Council worked together with leaders in Somalia. The United Nations eventually managed to acquire the seniors and leaders at a conference at the Royal Palace in Addis Ababa. Unfortunately the peace dialogues failed and the Civil War continued. The Transitional parliament adopted the federal charter in 2004. In 2006 the southern portion of the state came under the influence of the Islamists who established an Islamic Court to work aboard civil governments. Several parts of the state have declared ‘ independency ‘ and are controlled by warlords. The transitional federal authorities with the aid of the UN reestablished its control over the district but this has remained fragile to this twenty-four hours.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Kidney Stone Ncp
Kidney Stone Care Plan Admitting Diagnoses: Client not being admitted at this time Current Diagnosis: Ureteral Calculi Other Medical Diagnoses: HTN, Hyperlipidemia, Kidney stones, Smokes Tobacco, Tonsillectomy-child age yrs. Pathophysiology: Urinary calculi are solid particles in the urinary system. They may cause pain, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, and, possibly, chills and fever due to secondary infection. Diagnosis is based on urinalysis and radiologic imaging, usually noncontrast helical CT. Treatment is with analgesics, antibiotics for infection, and, sometimes, shock wave lithotripsy or endoscopic procedures.About 1/1000 adults in the US is hospitalized annually because of urinary calculi, which are also found in about 1% of all autopsies. Up to 12% of men and 5% of women will develop a urinary calculus by age 70. Calculi vary from microscopic crystalline foci to calculi several centimeters in diameter. A large calculus, called a staghorn calculus, can fill an entire renal calyc eal system. About 85% of calculi in the US are composed of Ca, mainly Ca oxalate. Composition of urinary calculi; 10% are uric acid; 2% are cystine; most of the remainder are Mg ammonium phosphate (struvite).General risk factors include disorders that increase urinary salt concentration, either by increased excretion of Ca or uric acid salts, or by decreased excretion of urine or citrate. Urinary calculi may remain within the renal parenchyma or renal pelvis or be passed into the ureter and bladder. During passage, calculi may irritate the ureter and may become lodged, obstructing urine flow and causing hydroureter and sometimes hydronephrosis. (Preminger, MD, 2012) Common areas of lodgment include the ureteropelvic junction, the distal ureter, and the ureterovesical junction.Larger calculi are more likely to become lodged. Typically, a calculus must have a diameter > 5 mm to become lodged. Calculi ? 5 mm are likely to pass spontaneously. Even partial obstruction causes decreased gl omerular filtration, which may persist briefly after the calculus has passed. With hydronephrosis and elevated glomerular pressure, renal blood flow declines, further worsening renal function. Generally, however, in the absence of infection, permanent renal dysfunction occurs only after about 28 days of complete obstruction.Secondary infection can occur with long-standing obstruction, but most patients with Ca-containing calculi do not have infected urine. Preminger, MD, G. M. (n. d. ). Nephrolithiasis; stones; urolithiasis. Retrieved from http://www. merckmanuals. com/professional/genitourinary_disorders/urinary_calculi/urinary_calculi. html Textbook clinical symptoms: The major manifestation of stones is severe pain, commonly called renal colic. Flank pain suggests the stone is located in the kidney or upper ureter. Flank pain that extends toward the abdomen or to the scrotum and testes or the vulva suggests that stones are in the ureters or bladder.Nausea, vomiting, pallor, and d iaphoresis often accompany the pain. Frequency or dysuria occurs when a stone reaches the bladder. (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2010) pg 1571 Actual symptoms: Flank pain extending toward the abdomen, dizziness, sweating, and nausea w/o vomiting. Patient states his pain is an 8/10 on the pain scale. Pain is described as constant and sharp with no alleviating factors. Complications or potential complications: Potential; Hydroureter, hematuria, hydronephrosis, abrasion, oliguria or anuria, and infection. Ignatavicius & Workman, 2010) pg 1571-1572 Safety Issues: Fall risk level – Low, but still a potential complication from patient’s c/o dizziness from pain. Delegation Issues: Assist patient when ambulating. |Client Data | |Age | |38 | |Physical Exam (include all body systems) | (Physical Exam) | |Age | |38 | | | |Male | | | |Height | |69. in | |Weight | |180lb | |Temp | |99F | |Pulse | |90 | |Apical Pulse | |88 | |Resp | |20 | |BP | |169/71 | |BP supine | |( Noted | |O2 Saturation | |100% RA | | | | | |NEURO: nonfocal, AXOX4, c/o pain. |HEENT: Denies headache; PERRLA, Ears unobstructed, symmetrical, no loss of hearing, Nares are clear, w/o drainage or obstruction, Oropharynx is clear w/ | |membranes pink in color and intact, Neck is supple with full range of motion, | |INTEGUMENT: Skin warm, moist-diaphoretic, intact w/saline lock in RU-AC, dressing is clean, intact, non-tender, free of redness. | |CARDIOVASCULAR: No JVD noted, apical pulse regular at 88bpm, S1/S2 auscultated, no c/o chest pain/pressure | |distal pulses palpated in all extremities, capillary refill
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Characteristics of an Early Childhood Educator Essay
Early childhood educators work hard to prepare young children for the transition into kindergarten. The importance of pre-kindergarten education has resulted in a larger number of preschool teachers needed across the country. These educators should have certain characteristics to be effective teachers. To properly prepare young children, the teachers must have patience, compassion and creativity. For most students in preschool, this is their first experience with schooling. These children commonly struggle with following classroom rules and staying focused while working on activities. Preschool teachers must be patient with these beginning learners and understand that, without previous school experience, everything is new to them. Without patience, the teachers are likely to become frustrated, and the overall effectiveness of the lesson being taught will ultimately suffer. Preschool students often struggle to control their emotions. This is because they are still developing the skills needed to handle sadness, anger and other emotions. Preschool teachers need to understand that children this age do not have the ability to control their emotions on their own. This means these teachers must be compassionate and understanding. They need to offer comfort to scared or upset students when it is needed, instead of ignoring their feelings. Keeping preschool age students engaged in learning activities can be difficult. Preschool teachers must have the creativity needed to create interesting lessons that teach and entertain kids. Art activities can make lessons easier for preschoolers to learn. They also allow them to practice the skills that they are learning without getting bored or losing focus. Preschool is also a time when students develop their imaginative play skills. These skills are used in everything during this stage. If you engage students in creative activities, the preschool teacher can help them learn these skills and give them with the opportunity to explore their imagination. These are just a couple of examples of characteristics that an early childhood educator should posses. Without the proper skill set, teaching preschool aged children may be more difficult than it needs to be. However, if you do have these characteristics, you have the ability to be a successful educator.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
How Neorealism before 1950 Affected Film History Essay
How Neorealism before 1950 Affected Film History - Essay Example Instead of overblown and idealistic propaganda films celebrating the ideals of a fascist state, film makers turned to the simple lives of rural peasants, and the struggles of ordinary workers in the cities. The three most famous neorealist directors are Roberto Rossellini, Vittorio De Sica and Luchina Visconti. One critic notes that the neorealist movement is widely regarded to have started with Rossellini’s gritty and unsentimental about a resistance prieced Rome, Open City in 1945. This kind of film became famous for â€Å"a sparse style of shooting on actual locations, with mostly nonprofessional players, and emphasizing themes of basic human problems and issues.†(Hamilton, 2006, p. 61) Children often feature, as in the film Shoeshine by Vittorio De Sica, which tells the at times harrowing tale of two boys who dream of owning a horse and fall into the hands of some corrupt policemen. The realistic portrayal of the sufferings of the boys in prison, raises issues abou t the kind of society that Italy can and should be setting up now that the war is over. Another critic notes: â€Å"neorealism became the repository of partisan hopes for social justice in the postwar Italian state.†(Marcus, 1986, p. xiv). The films of Rossellini deal with the devastation that has been caused by the war in Europe, and he made a trilogy which explored how the poorer people in Italy and German came to terms with the turmoil. These films do not have a traditional narrative line, but show episodes which between them build up a picture of life in those difficult days. Small visual items can have symbolic meaning far beyond the immediate context of the film, and the skill of Rossellini and others was to use the camera to illuminate deeper issues through images. The camera work is the opposite of Hollywood’s slick and artificial interiors, preferring the rather stark and ugly landscape of the war-torn countryside, and the dirty streets where people have to s cratch a living any way they can. The films were popular at the time, despite their lack of a clear plot. People learned to look at the films in a new way, as a window on life itself: â€Å"Even the Italian neorealist directors, who stress everyday reality in their films and deny the validity of invented stories, argue that their particular brand of everyday reality is not boring because of its complex echoes and implications†(Boggs and Petrie, 2000, p. 37) Another feature of the neorealist directors’ work was that it had universal appeal, despite being very firmly tied to local scenery. Rossellini’s vision of a bombed and derelict Berlin in Germany, Year Zero, for example, juxtaposes a blond child and the colossal ruins of the city, with tragic consequences. The overwhelming message of the film is the destruction and futility of war. Heaps of rubble obliterate the civilization that was there before, leaving the boy adrift and hopeless, with no past and no futu re. The second film in Rossellini’s trilogy, Paisan, depicts the American soldiers’ encounter with demoralized Italian rural people in different regions, distilling the experiences of the war years in to the faces and conversations of unsophisticated farm workers. The human cost of the war is depicted starkly, and there is newsreel footage interspersed with the fictional episodes. The director makes every effort to present the material in a clear, unadorned way, so that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Abortion rights supporting Pro-Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Abortion rights supporting Pro-Life - Essay Example The opponents of abortion point out that aborting the foetus is equivalent to murder since life starts at conception and foetus can feel pain (Beckwith 45). One would argue that no civilised society that allows intentional harming others and taking human life without punishment. Pro-life arguments assert that abortions are unsafe and lead to medical complications that increase the chances of pelvic inflammatory diseases and miscarriages (Kaczor 76). However, pro-choice arguments assert that pro-life arguments are based on religious beliefs that vary depending on the cultural values of the society and modern medical abortion procedures are safe for the mother (Lee 56). The proponents of abortion assert that abortion is effective in birth and population control since mothers do not have sufficient resources to take care of unwanted children. According anti-pro-life arguments assert abortion is essential in cases of rape since it minimises the psychological trauma and stress that is ass ociated with unwanted pregnancies (Singer 34). This paper will critically discuss the pro-life arguments of abortion and demonstrate why abortion should be banned in the society. Abortion should be abolished since human life is sacred and aborting amounts to killing innocent unborn babies. The unborn baby has same rights as the mother who should be protect the right to life since life begins at conception (Lee 88). In this case, no civilised society allows for murder or intentional harm without any punishment and abortion should be treated the same. Abortion should not be used as a contraceptive or population control method since there are millions of childless couples willing to adopt unwanted children in the society (Beckwith 87). Reinman asserts that abortion is associated with severe medical complications that endanger the life of the mother (p 56). According to available medical statistics and expert opinions, women who abort have a higher likelihood of developing pelvic inflam matory disease and may experience miscarriages in the future (Beckwith 121). In this case, about 15 percent of the first-trimester miscarriages are related to prior abortion experiences. It is evident that abortion endangers the health of the mother by increasing the risks of reproductive diseases, cancer, ectopic pregnancies and infertility thus women should not undertake a process that can permanently damage their body. Physicians and gynecologists have a professional responsibility of safeguarding the dignity of life in their practice and observing the ethical guidelines that prohibit abortions and inducing the patient to undertake medical procedures that may lead to death. In this case, doctors must be on the forefront in discouraging abortions and encouraging other scientifically accepted and safe birth control methods. Abortion only provides an opportunity for medical personnel to make money as most of the abortion cases are not documented in the health facilities. In this cas e, abortion is not helpful the affected women and taxpayers’ money should not be wasted in setting up abortion clinics in the health facilities. Abortion eliminates the potential future societal contributions of the unborn baby thus reducing the economic, social and political benefits to the society (Kaczor 63). The society would be worse if national heroes such as scientists, presidents, entrepreneurs and other people who have made great changes to their communities and entire country were aborted (Lee 98). In this case, abortion must be abolished since the society has the duty to grant the unborn babies a chance to serve the community and make a difference on the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Cisco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cisco - Case Study Example Secondly, he reallocated the IT budget distribution system with the intention that each functional department can control their budget according to their needs instead of gathering all the IT expenses under one head, that is, G&A expenses. Each department could fund their projects according to its priority. He dispersed a central IT leading committee and changed it with a structure which gave the line organization authority to take IT investment decisions on application projects. At network level, the customer advocacy group wanted to establish a customer interaction network which could use Cisco’s technology to route calls. Pete Solvik also established an intranet network for the employees. A web based online resource at was also developed for the customers. ERP system was introduced in Cisco by Pete Solvik to manage Cisco’s manufacturing process and inventories. Further up gradation to the ERP was done by Boston for integrating all the functional units of the organization. By the end of 2001, CISCO faced a turning point. CISCO’s had a decline in its sales growth. People started spending less on technological products due to the internet bubbles burst and also due to the terrorist attack of 11th September. Pete Solvik also left the company and a new CIO, Boston was appointed. The need for change in the company’s IT strategy was felt due to the dynamic business environment (The Pennsylvania State University, â€Å"Personal PSU†). The intention behind the implementation of ERP system was to standardize the information which was being used in the company. Nevertheless, as a result of the IT liberty given to the different functional areas of the business, they programmed their own non-standard functional applications to interact with the ERP system. With the amalgamation of these new modified applications onto the ERP system, it was no longer possible to
Which system will work best for the United States, a carbon cap and Essay
Which system will work best for the United States, a carbon cap and trade system or a straight carbon tax - Essay Example To achieve this, two paths have been proposed, cap-and-trade system and straight carbon tax. Cap and trade system provide limits on the use of fossils, it will require that industries and other main sources of greenhouse emission buy permits from the government so as to be allowed to emit the gases, in those permits they will have to establish the market. Those in support of this method argues that, it will set the limit on the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted, secondly, it is more flexible, it is fair since it will reward companies who try to reduce emission and punish those not reducing emission (Salmon 2007). The second proposed path is straight carbon tax. This gives an outright tax on fossil fuels. With this, the cost of tax is set according to the damage associated with every unit of pollution and cost equivalent to the amount of controlling pollution. Emitting a lot of greenhouse gases means paying more. Those in support of this method argues that, it is simple since it will force the people look for alternative source of energy, secondly, it is enforceable b oth in economic and political environment, and lastly, the method is transparent. The advantage of cap and trade system over straight carbon is that, it has attracted a lot of interest and attention from political, public, and industrialist. The political leaders it has attracted include president Obama, main congress leaders, and environmental crusaders. The industrialists that have attracted include General Electric leadership, Shell oil management, and Duke Energy executives (Salmon 2007). The congress key leaders have vowed to pass cap-and-trade law before the end of the year. The straight carbon tax debate was trashed out by the congress and industrial crusaders went against it claiming that it will be used by the reach and it is like the rich is buying the environment to pollute at their own pleasure. The second strength of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Strategic Market, The Southwest Airline Model Research Paper
Strategic Market, The Southwest Airline Model - Research Paper Example The business model of the corporation is to eradicate the unnecessary frills provided by competitors; hence, reducing the cost to clients. The industry diminishes the cost by focusing at a lesser number of routes and only flying one type of plane; hence, it has created a niche market in the aviation industry. Therefore, by choosing only to employ one type of aircraft, it was a very strategic choice that could enable the company to sustain their business in the global competitive business world. Target Market and the Southwest Business Model The Southwest airline industry has made significant efforts of employing effective strategic management policies and business models that can enable them to meet the demanding needs of customers in the targeted market. Michael Porter has attempted to reveal a unique and valuable strategic position of an industry based on a tailored set of activities that can enable the company to achieve a competitive advantage (Hill & Jones, 2009). Many industrie s have made considerable efforts of employing Porter’s five forces of the competitive advantage in order to sustain their business in the global competitive market. The company manager of Southwest airline industry wanted to create a low cost aviation solution that can offer quality service to customers; hence enabling the company to sustain the competitive advantage. Therefore, the use of non-conventional models for a low-cost and controlled solid growth for the airline has been among the major aspects for achieving competitiveness in the airline industry (Gross & Schroder, 2007). The industry also segments the targeted market in varied ways including travelling short distances, frequent schedules, low cost fares as well as cost and value conscious customers. The other one consists of value cost customers and best value for their dollars. The company created a business model to offer competitive pricing without cutting back the quality of the overall experience for both cons umers and workforce. Although the price cutting policies were viewed as the major weaknesses of the airline industry, the aspiration of the company is reflected on the mission statement of the company. The company has remained
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Effectively Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Essay
Effectively Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives - Essay Example This paper shall seek to determine the means by which firms can effectively communicate their CSR campaigns with effective communication, encourage their consumers to participate in their socially responsible initiatives while maintaining or even improving their profitability and stability as a business. For its case study, it will examine communication strategies of Samsung Inc. Successful businesses have been known to harness the goodwill and share their good fortune with those who they deem need their help the most. This practice earns them respect, admiration and a good reputation among their stakeholders. It is also known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Hopkins (2007) defines CSR as a business practice of companies that aim to adopt socially and environmentally responsible behaviors as a way for their business to contribute to society in a socially relevant manner. Not to be known as purely profit-seeking entities, socially responsible organizations manifest awareness and accountability in the societal and environmental effects that their business may impact (Lantos, 2001). Hence, they embrace responsible business practices and strategies in promoting better living standards for their employees and their targeted beneficiaries while still maintaining their profitability as a business (Hopkins, 2007). In implementing CSR strategies, it is essential that companies are clear in communicating their objectives to the community so that they are not misconstrued in their intentions. It is common for people to raise suspicions in the sudden goodwill of corporations who are doing so well in terms of profit, that they may have hidden agendas to further promote their image and attract more business.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Economic of Apples over Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economic of Apples over Price - Essay Example So the price elasticity is always negative I completed my Bachelors in Commerce last academic year. The choices in front of me to continue my studies were Masters in Commerce of Masters in Business Administration. I opted for Master in Business Administration. My next best alternative was Masters in Commerce. I evaluated the money I will be spending in doing Masters in Commerce and Business Administration. Also I calculated the benefits (my salary) I will be drawing after my course. In Commerce I will learn more of trade and Accountancy. Whereas in Business Administration I will learn overview of business administration, management principles and strategies in managing the businesses. My earnings as manager are more when compared to my earnings as Accountant. As a manager my learning, personality also grows. I can as well start my own venture. Business Administration gives more exposure to businesses around the world. Business administration is more practical and the approach is so. The choice to specialize in interested field is more with business administration. And job rotation is easier in Business administration. In my career I will managing businesses rather than do the tasks. The job involves decision making and strategy making. And the horizon I would work on is broader. All this sounded interesting to me.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Work From Home Essay Example for Free
Work From Home Essay Are you tired of the common grind you must deal with on a daily basis? Does you current job leave you with limited career and salary opportunities? If so, have you thought of going into business for yourself and working from home? Now, some may assume that such an option is really not possible and that all those advertised work from home pitches are gimmicks and scams. Well, the reality of the matter is that working from home is the wave of the self-employed future and it brings with it a number of opportunities to earn significant income. One of the best resources for earning additional income working from home is Poly Promotions ProfitableJobs. com as it provides a multitude of ideas for wealth creation. Often, many of the ideas offered by ProfitableJobs. com are relatively simply concepts that are often overlooked, but are also consistently successful. In todays day an age, there are a number of options that are available to people that previously did not exist prior. Because of the great expansion of the internet and other forms of communication the ability to work from home has become a reality. Of society has shifted many times over the past centuries as it has gone from an agricultural based society to an industrial based society and now to a technological based society. In the past, there were no home computers, notebooks or iPods. Today, because we have such great access to a number of technological/communicative devices the ability to work from home differs very little from heading into the office to work. This has opened a plethora of financial opportunities for an individual to take advantage. Every week after initially signing up, ProfitableJobs. com will send you a series of email tips for work at home money making opportunities. Most of these opportunities involve very little start up money and are not complex ventures to take part in. As such, there is no reason not to take advantage of these opportunities as they bring a variety of benefits not the least of which may be financial independence.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Violence in Video Games and its effect on Children Essay Example for Free
Violence in Video Games and its effect on Children Essay At the onset of technological innovations, various form of entertainment also evolved. One of the hottest forms of past times today is the video games. Before video games were only played over the television with the use of joystick, but today video games can be played through computers, PSP, among others. In addition, video game today is upgraded in a sense that the players can be online, meaning the enemy is the player on the other station or account. Significantly, most video games today involve violence. Through time, the nature of the video games has been associated with the violent behaviour of the children. Body According to psychological researches, children are likely to be aggressive after playing violent video games. The vulnerability of the children is one of essential factor which causes them to be influenced easily. The impact of playing video games interferes with the developmental stage of the child, as they try to internalise what they see and experience from video games to real life (Gummer, n. pag. ). In addition, the video games is said to be a good teacher in a way that it motivates, grabs attention, and make players capable of performing better (Vorderer and Bryant, p. 367). As a teacher, violent game is capable of teaching brutality and encouraging the children to adopt such strategies in their own lives (Bartol and Bartol, p. 389). Furthermore, violent videogames strongly manipulates the behaviour of the children on has been based on three reasons. Firstly, video games allow the player to actively interact with the enemy, which means the player himself is engaged in the fight. Secondly, video games reward only behaviour that is violent (American Psychological Association, n. pag. ). Lastly, children repeatedly behave violently as they play violent video games time after time. According to research, children are devoting an average time playing video games almost 13 hours per week for boys, while 5 hours for girls (American Psychological Association, n. pag. ). The research also showed that most of the children prefer violent games. In addition, surveys showed that 80% of games in the market are violent (Taylor, p. 10). The exposure of the children to violent video games likely results in the development of aggressive feeling, behaviours, and feelings (American Psychological Association, n. pag. ). Furthermore, exposure to such form of entertainment deteriorates the emotional ability of the child to show carefulness and concern. In dealing with the problem, parents and the community plays vital role. The parents need to know the kinds of games that their children are playing. The time spent in playing video games shall also be monitored and be lessened, instead the children should be encouraged to allot more time in their studies. Furthermore, the parents should not insist video games by limiting their children’s access to violent video games. Conclusion When video game was introduced in the market, its negative effect on children has been a subject for debate. Today, the debate has not yet ended. Instead, video games become more popular among children. It is even being upgraded to entice more consumers. It has also been developed to actively engage the player. Nevertheless, despite denial, violent video games are proven to have a negative influence in the behaviour of the child. This is because they tend to internalize and overtly apply their experiences in real life. Works cited Bartol, Curt, R. , and Bartol, Anne, M. Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application. London: Sage Publications, 2004. Gummer, Amanda. â€Å"Violence in video games and its effect on children. †The Market for Computer and Video Games. 19 August 2008 http://www. mcvuk. com/opinion/93/Violence-in-video-games-and-its-effect-on-children â€Å"Violent Video Games Psychologists Help Protect Children from Harmful Effects. †American Psychological Association. 19 August 2008 http://www. psychologymatters. org/videogames. html. . Vorderer, Peter, and Bryant, Jennings. Playing Video Games: Motives, Responses, and Consequences. Routledge, 2006. Taylor, Jim. Your Children Are Under Attack: How Popular Culture is Destroying Your Kids Values, and How You Can Protect Them. Sourcebooks, Inc. , 2005.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Psychoanalysis as a Form of Literary Criticism
Psychoanalysis as a Form of Literary Criticism Psychoanalysis is a set of psychological theories that was founded by the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud in his work Interpretation of Dreams (1900). By bringing up models for the human psyche such as tripartite model (considering human mind as being consisted of an Ego, Superego and Id), proposing different stages of human development (including oral, anal and phallic stage) and also mentioning Oedipus , Electra and Castration complexes, which were a great contribution towards Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic criticism . Oedipus Complex: the unresolved desire of a child for sexual gratification through the parent of the opposite sex, especially the desire of a son for his mother. This involves, first, identification with and, later, hatred for the parent of the same sex, who is considered by the child as a rival. Castration Complex: What prevents the male child from continuing to have incestuous desires for his mother is the fear of being castrated by his father as punishment for his desires. This approach then continued by psychologists such as Carl.G.Jung and Jaques Lacan. Lacan tries to analyze the hows and whys of human action. In this regard language has a significant role, psychoanalysis declares that language shapes the individuals emotions and experiences and as Lacan believed Language shapes and ultimately structures our unconscious and conscious minds while also shaping our self-identity. (Bressler, I34) Because psychoanalysis is concerned with the amorphous human stuff, before it is influenced by culture, language and history, its concern lies in the very intersection of pre-history and history. Pre-history is recognized with qualities such as indivisibility, non-integration, plentitude and oneness while history is related through difference, subjectivity and separation. In other words, the main concern of psychoanalysis is the continual tension between differentiation and non-differentiation. As Lacan believed, human beings go through different stages in order to be able to differentiate themselves as a separate entity in order to reach the sense of individuation. These stages are imaginary order, mirror stage and symbolic order. When the infant is in the first phase, the imaginary order, he imagines himself as united with his mother and cannot see the boundaries, but then in the mirror stage he begins to know that he is separated from his mother and the external world; although, this is just an allusion because he cannot move his body or eat whatever he desires. In the third phase, the symbolic order, the baby considers himself as separated and begins to learn language and this is where language gradually molds his identity. Intro John Fords Tis Pity shes a Whore encourages us to identify with its central characters complete identification with the pre-Oedipal, only for that sympathy to turn belatedly to disgust. The play dramatizes an incestuous relationship between Giovanni and his sister Annabella which leads to pregnancy and ends in disaster and death. Set in Parma, Italy, the story takes place against a background of lust, vengeance and greed that serves as a critique of contemporary culture and morality. Giovanni was warned about the seriousness of his sin by the Friar, but as Giovanni describes it is out of his control. After Annabella decides to end her relation and marry her suitor Soranzo, Giovanni falls in distress. Soranzo plans to catch Giovanni and Anabella in the process of love-making so he leads the situation so that they end up in his own bedroom, and have them murdered. Giovanni talks to Anabella and after realizing their impossible situation he kills her and exits and later on enters Soranz os party with Annabellas heart on his sword and after a battle kills Soranzo and dies himself from his wounds. Analysis Giovanni the central protagonist is a pre-Oedipal narcissist, he returns subjectivity to a pre-Oedipal state which literally consumes the other part of a self and makes two completely separate things into one self-same entity. Incest is a case within the pre-Oedipal stage. It breaks the laws of the post-Oedipal sexual and linguistic difference, in this case confusing the names of brother and sister with the name of lover. Giovanni rejects God as the creator of the world and gives himself the right to refashion and restate laws as a result of his pre-Oedipal desire. Giovanni emphasizing on the oneness he believes with his sister which was the womb where the both were born of seeks reunion and conjoining, looking towards his sister as an object, an object of love and devotion which eases the feeling of division within him. Love symbolically castrates Giovanni and the castration leads him to exile from his identity and masculine self, leading him to a state of a pre-genital, pre-linguis tic non-differentiation.  Giovanni also seeks another kind of unity which is the unity between sign, language and reality and he believes his words are directly from his emotions. Imitating words of poetic lovers; however, this language further separates and alienates him from the object of love which is Annabella for example when he is reading a sonnet for Anabella repeatedly interrupts him, these interruptions indicate Annabellas refusal to see herself in Giovannis inscriptions and results in violence. Unable to cope with losing his Annabella to Soranzo and his refusal of reality he kills and removes Anabellas heart from her body and enters the final scene with the heart on his dagger. Giovannis violent response to the trauma of exile (exile from Anabellas heart, life womb and bed) is to destroy in order to retain everything that is to be separated from him. His pre-Oedipal narcissistic fantasy is based upon the utter eradication or absorption by others leading hi m to create an iconic approach in the final scene obliterating all competing realities. Intro In Ben Jonsons Bartholomew Fair, an ensemble of various London characters attends the yearly fair in Smithfield commemorating the martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew. First performed in 1614, particularly the theme that when social order is turned upside down or absent, predators emerge to construct a new order based on cheating other characters. At the fair, the characters argue, steal, fight, and cheat while consuming roast pig, ale, gingerbread in a swirl of gluttony, profanity, and sex. Three authority figures, Humphrey Wasp, Justice Adam Overdo, and the Puritan Rabbi Zeal-of-the-Land Busy, seek to control other characters, but they cannot control their own appetites. When the three authority figures accede to their own appetites and gorge themselves, the audience and the characters realize that the fair has its own social order. Analysis For the purpose of the psychoanalytic interpretation of Bartholmew Fair, author will be read as Oedipal father/father-figure; audience as fathers wayward children conscripted by the father at the beginning of the play to the principle of solitary, and the fair as the occasional pleasure, sensual release and enjoyments forbidden by the father as audience are expected to keep their distance from the fair, preventing their fall into the pre-Oedipal world of the fair. The Carnival is the pre-modern equivalent of Freuds polymorphously perverse pre-Oedipal child whose bodily drives have not yet been regulated. The bizarre game played by several of the characters of vapours which involves contradicting one another for the sake of contradiction depicts the discharge of undirected bodily energies and the pig-woman Ursula who is the body of the fair psychoanalytical perspectives of the infantile desire towards the mothers body. Quarlous one of the spectators finds Ursula as a swamp that a man can sink within. Based on the Oedipus complex perspective, Ursula is that womb like state which can draw a man back to the non-differentiation state, while the aim of Ursula is to make money out of the fairs visitors, a capitalist simulation of the blissful state of pre-Oedipal indivisibility. Cokes represent an unregulated infant who bothers his guardian because he is attracted to each and every capital object within the fair. Bartholmew Fair is a questioning of e xternal authority and its externally imposed laws of difference and an embrace, which falls under the fantasies of pre-Oedipal state. Conclusion Psychoanalysis plays an important role in literary criticism, the approach to analyze a characters whats and hows of action without an aesthetic concern and to find a reason for their thoughts can be beneficial to the way readers interpret a literary work, and for authors to create distinguished characters based upon their concern. The Oedipus complex and the personality disorders were enlightened through Giovannis Violence and death in Tis pity shes a Whore, which were a result of the intolerance of separation from his object of love; in addition, Cokes infantile desires in Bartholomew Fair is a shining example of rejecting adult-separateness.
Cuba Essay example -- Cuban Politics, Communism, Fidel Castro,
Cuba is a very unique country with regards to government and politics. It is distinctive not only in its being the last communist country in Latin America, but also due the fact that it has and is continuing to undergo major changes with regards to government policy. Through analysis of the five criteria for democracy, and scrutiny of systems theory, political scientists can see that Cuba is on the path to momentous political change due to its rapidly deteriorating, soviet modeled, communist government. Before breaking down the components of the criteria for democracy and systems theory as they apply to Cuba, it is important to briefly consider the aforementioned countries history. Cuba’s current government began after President Batista was overthrown in a violent coup led by Fidel Castro in 1959. In 1961 Castro formally declared Cuba a socialist state; it is now recognized simply as a totalitarian communist state (US State dept, 3/25/10). While the Cuba does have a written constitution allotting civil rights, it for all intents and purposes, negates these liberties by declaring that, â€Å"any citizen attempting to prevent the growth of socialism†is exempt from said rights (US State dept, 3/25/10). The constitution also identifies the Cuban Communist Party as the only party with legal legitimacy. As one may have already inferred from these stringent governmental laws, the economy is also controlled entirely by the communist party, this however is one of the interest ing points in the analysis of the Cuban political the system as a large portion of the government employed workforce is soon to be fired in favor of a move to the private sector (The Economist, Nov. 2010). At the time of the US state departments report on Cuba, eighty-t... ... five criteria for democracy as presented by Charles Hauss, Cuba failed miserably in competitive elections and rule of law, on the other hand while certainly far from industrialized democracies, recent developments hint at the potential for improvements in civil rights and the prevalence of capitalism. As far as systems theory is concerned in Cuba, it is almost impossible until improvements are made In the aforementioned civil rights criterion. Finally as it compares to other communist countries, Cuba is showing signs of travelling the path of the USSR and facing collapse as Perestroika begins and the regime is restructured. All things considered, Cuba has become an immensely intriguing country for political scientists in recent years as it has begun several transitions toward far greater democratization than it had ever experienced under its former leader.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Gender Equity in College Sports Essay -- essays papers
Gender Equity in College Sports â€Å"Gender Equality In College Sports?†An on going issue facing education today is the growing controversial topic of gender equality in sports participation and it’s so call quota for achieving equality. The most notable action that has taken place as women continue to strive towards equality in the athletic realm is what is known as, Title IX. The basic ideas underlying Title IX are that â€Å"if an institution sponsors an athletics program, it must provide equal athletic opportunities for members of both sexes.†(Yoshida p.3) Simply put, Title IX attempts to achieve â€Å"equality†of funding for male and female athletes. The problem with this idea of complete â€Å"equality†is that no one agrees as to what is considered equal. It is an ambiguous term, interpreted differently by many people. The enactment of this Title has significantly changed the playing field for athletic departments through out the nation by altering their funding systems to comply with its rules. As a result, women have benefited greatly. There have been additions of female sports as well as an increase of the number of scholarships awarded to female athletes, and also a lot more funding to provide more â€Å"equitable†facilities for them. According to the NCAA Gender Equity Studies , â€Å"from 1992 to 1997 NCAA institutions have increased the number of female athletes by 5,800. But tragically during that time these colleges also eliminated 20,900 male athletes.†(Kocher p.1) This dramatic landslide has occurred because athletic departments are under pressure to rapidly increase the proportion of female athletes by whatever means necessary. As the path toward complete â€Å"equality†gradually brightens for women in college athletics, a dark path is now becoming evident. Mal e athletes, in a sense, are now being discriminated against because of Title IX. This issue of Title IX affects our education system today because its rules are controversial as to what is really â€Å"equal.†For instance, if one particular sport at a university is extremely successful and is capable of supporting many other sports within the system, then, is it fair that that successful sports team should be penalized by limiting their funds? Should they have to support a team who has been added to the university to abide by Title IX rules, but are not making a profit? In the end, the ... ...nd education. As for the University of Hawaii, I feel that we are making positive strides in the right direction in adding female sports to the athletic program. The latest addition to be added to the program is a women’s track team. Although Title IX has made it possible in opening opportunities for women, I think that law makers need to look into having the University of Hawaii exempt, to some degree, as far as being compliant with Title IX. If equality is what law makers are striving for than, because of UH’s geographical position, it’s not fair that the athletic program alone would have to generate twice as much money compared to the mainland schools, just to stay afloat. Not even to be competitive! How close are we really to achieving â€Å"equality†or is there even such a word like that in college sports? Bibliography: 1.) Kocher, Leo; â€Å"1992-1997-An Era Of Title IX’s Unintended Consequences in College Athletics,†Online @: ( 2.) Yoshida, Hugh; â€Å"If You Let Us Play...†A Plan for Achieving Gender Equity in University of Hawaii Intercollegiate Athletics 1996-2002. March 15, 1996
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The English Election System :: essays research papers
The English Election System Once the Queen has appointed a person to the office of Prime Minister, he can remain in office only for so long as he has majority support in the House of Commons. If he is defeated there, he may resign and leave the Queen looking for a new one. According to law the period between general elections must never be more than five years. Within these five years the Prime Minister may choose the date for a general election, this gives him and his party a great advantage, because then he can choose a time when the opinion is high for his party. The Government A Brittish Government consists of the Prime Minister and other ministers, all of whom are collectively responsible for every part of the Government ´s administration. The ministers are all choosed by the Queen, but they are choosed entirely on the PM ´s advice. All the ministers must be members of either the House of Commons or the House of Lords, and a minister may only speak in the house of which he is a member. Some of the ministers and the offices have special titles such as the "Minister of Agriculture" and as the "Chancellor of the Exchequer. A politicial assistant to a minister is called, for example, the "Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture". If the Minister ´s title is "Secretary of State" his assistant is called for example, of "Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland". The Cabinet consists of the heads of the most important Departments together with a few ministers without departments. The PM decides which ministers will be included, but there is some, like the Foreign Secretary, whom he could not leave out. The number of members has varied in peacetime between 15-23. The Government is a wider term including ministers, ministers of state and junior ministers, plus 4 legal members and about twelve Government whips. The PM lives and works at No. 10 Downing Street. This is a pretty large house in a small street off Whitehall, where many of the departments have their offices, a very short distance from the Houses of Parliament. One of the rooms in the PM ´s house is the Cabinet-Room. This is where the Cabinet-Members meets usually once a week, but sometimes more often. The Cabinet itself is not recognized by any former law and it has no formal powers, but only real powers. It takes the effective
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Essay on an Analysis of Horror Movies Essay
Horror has been a long time one of the most popular categories of films in the movie industry. People liked to watch horror films to be afraid and to outdo their fears: â€Å"On a psychological level, the horror film dramatizes our nightmares, so that we can confront them†(Sigmund Freud, p.644). Gradually, because horror films became too repetitive and too numerous, people got used to watching them and were no longer terrified. Even if horror films do not scare us, why do we continue to watch them? The reason is very simple: horrors films became so unrealistic, so ridiculous and, in return, very funny to watch. Firstly, this essay will focus on how the serial killer (the bad guy) is ridiculous by his invulnerability, due to his power. Secondly, it will focus on how the characters are ludicrous, silly by their stupidity and on the setting which is over-exaggerated. To conclude, it will be shown how the female portrait is so demeaning, unrealistic and absurd. Examples from horr or films Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Friday the 13th (Part 8) and Freddy VS Jason will be used to prove these points. First of all, the serial killer (bad guy) in horror films is most of the time very powerful, very strong and seems invulnerable to injuries from their victims. For example, in a scene from Friday the 13th (Part 8), a young black teenager tries to escape from Jason by going on the roof of a building. Of course Jason finds him and, seeing that he is trapped, the young boy decides to fight Jason with his fists. He incessantly punches Jason, yet the serial killer does not seem affected. Tired, the boy stops to hit and Jason punches his head causing it to fall off and fly through the air. It is funny to see this absurd scene which is impossible to do in the real life. â€Å"The horror film offers to see all kinds of frightening events, to feel something of the same fear and terror as the characters on the screen, [†¦]†(Ira Konigsberg, p.469). There is nothing frightening in this idealistic scene because the killer is too strong, too ridiculous and people will laugh. Another example of ridiculous killers is Freddy Krooger. â€Å"Freddy is most like a comic book superhero – aggressive, resourceful, and unbeatable – he gets what he wants. Freddy says, â€Å"I am eternal,†and he can become anything he wants: a bathroom, a puppet, a showerhead, a motorcycle, a diving board, a huge snake, a cartoon character, and so on. His identity is one of absolute power. [†¦]Stalkers like Freddy, Jason, [†¦] cannot be stopped.†(Gary Heba, p.106) In short, the evil character (Jason, Freddy, etc.) in horror films are always ridiculous and funny to watch because they are too powerful, too strong and too invulnerable. Also, the characters and the settings are other elements which make horror films so hilarious. Most of the time, the characters have stupid reactions while dealing with the murderer. By example, in a scene of Freddy VS Jason, a girl teen escapes from Freddy in her dreams. She enters in a big room and hides herself in a locker thinking that Freddy will not find her. She is so noisy that Freddy easily finds her and kills her. Everything seems to occur by chances in horror films but is calculated in reality. For example, in Friday the 13th (Part 8), a young woman escapes from Jason in the woods, falls and finds a knife on the ground that she picks up to defend herself. The chances that it happens in the real life are very minimal. In a few words, the characters are often unrealistic by the way they act and the setting is too calculated. These things make horror films out of reach and very witty. Another factor that makes the horror film so unrealistic and not scary is the female portrait. In horror movies, most of the ladies are very hot and are often naked. Women are perceived as sexual objects because they are usually used in sexual scenes to attract the attention of the male audience. The girls seem to have all their assets in their body and none in their head. Generally, the slaughterer in horror films is a male and most of the victims are young women. â€Å"Critic and researchers have claimed that movies such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, [†¦] feature acts of extreme violence [†¦], women singled out for injury and death [†¦] and scenes of explicit violence juxtaposed with sexual or erotic female images. It has been argued that females are more frequently the targets of violence in slasher films.†(Barry S Sapolsky, p.28). For example, in the Friday the 13th (Part 8), there is a couple who are having sex in a boat. Quietly Jason goes aboard the boat, picks up a harpoon gun and goes in the bedroom where the couple is. Quickly he harpoons the couple who was copulating. To sum up, the female portrait is very demeaning in horror films and it makes these films very absurd, improbable, unintelligent and very comical to watch because the women would never act as ridiculously in real life. To sum up, people like and continue to watch horror films because they are ridiculous, unrealistic and very funny in return. Many factors make these films like that: the serial killers who are always too powerful, too strong and too invincible (like Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krooger); the characters who act so stupidly and the setting that is so improbable; and the female portrait which is very demeaning because the women are perceived most of the time as sexual objects; most of the women are not like that in the real life. Maybe one day the movie industry will understand that people want to be scared when they go to watch a horror film and not to burst out in laughter.
Friday, August 16, 2019
I’m Glad it did’nt Happen to Me
It was Wednesday night all four of my friends were gathered at my bedroom for sleepover as the next day, dad was coming from Los Santos to pick us up and we would go to the grand party at hotel meridian, that one of my friends Lilly had kept. It was breezing cold outside even though the windows and blinds were down I could feel the chilling cold and for some reason I was scared, scared for what was going to happen tomorrow.The next day came and we all woke up sluggishly from bed and waited eagerly for dad to come until then we all changed into our dashing party dress, till around 9 in the morning my dad came and we all sat in his big new pajero and then waited eagerly for the destination.On the way we had party in the car and turned the whole car untidy, but I was blessed with the best dad and he didn’t say anything for the mess even we had broken his precious photo frame kept at the back of the car my mom had given him, my mom was no longer alive she had died when I was 6 by cancer and my dad doesn’t talk about her much now, anyways dad announced that we’ll be reaching there in a minute or so and when we did what a splendid surprise we got, our older friends who were the most dear to us were there and we were glad about that†¦..And there came the organizer of the party Lilly beckhams our most important and loved friend, she had always helped us so there was no way that we could reject her invitation to the party†¦. she then escorted all of us inside.. dad wasn’t feeling well so he went home and now we were all there our whole gang the group of the naughtiest girls of high school†¦.We started the fun we had music, dance, neon dance and fun with neon colors, food, and most all our dresses, they had became dirty as hell we were so much busy with enjoying the party that no one noticed that it was dusk and when I glanced at my watch it was almost 8, I called my dad to pick us up from the party and we waited till then in Li lly’s bedroom and freshened up ourselves, I made coffee for everyone and some of my other friends started to move we hugged each other and bid them good bye now there were only four of us and Lilly, we waited for my dad to come†¦..And suddenly I heard loud horns and all four of us hugged Lilly and went downstairs to meet dad he was waiting for us in his pajero wearing his favorite Nike T-shirt and khakis†¦ We went home and hit the sacks†¦.. my friends had to go the next morning so they changed themselves into night suits†¦ †¦but I didn’t even bother to do that†¦. the next morning I was awaken by the loud ringing of my phone I picked it up andAsked who it was the reply was somewhat like this â€Å"Hello, is this Michelle, I’m the manager of hotel meridian and I called you to tell that the night you left minutes later there was a gas leak in Lilly’s bedroom and the whole room was on fire and I am sorry that we couldn’t save Lilly†I had forgotten the language I spoke, tears rolled down my cheeks, she was the apple of my eye and seeing her suffer like that it was dreadful not only me but we were all in the same boat, little did we know that that was the last cup of coffee we drank with her, the last party we had with her, and the last time we saw her smile, but on the other hand I was glad it didn’t happen to me
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Moral Influence in Great Expectations Essay
Show the Moral Influence on Pip in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations Symbolism as it is used in literature aims to project the internal aspects of an individual’s character through the external aspects in reality. Charles Dickens, in his novel, Great Expectations uses symbolism in order to reflect other individuals’ moral influence on Pip. Consider for example the following instances. In the novel’s initial chapter, one is presented with the character of Pip who is described as an orphan with a vivid imagination. As he recounts his initial experiences in life, Pip mentions that his â€Å"most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things, seems†¦to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening†(Dickens, 1992, p. 3). It was during this evening that Pip met the convict, Magwitch. The use of symbolism in his encounter with Magwitch is evident as Pip’s initial introduction to the villainous aspects of man’s nature, in the form of Magwitch, occurred during the transition from day to night. One sees here how Dicken’s uses the shift from day to night as a means of shifting the mood within the novel in such a way that will prepare the reader for his encounter with an individual who is in possession of a questionable moral character. In addition to this, one perceives here the manner through which Magwitch’s moral character affects Pip’s moral disposition as Pip was introduced to committing morally questionable actions through his chance encounter with Magwitch. As opposed to the use of darkness as a means of symbolizing the immoral aspects of man, Dickens also uses the light as a means of symbolizing the moral aspects of man. For example, one is presented with Pip’s initial encounter with Estella. Estella, which literally means star, is presented as an ‘angelic’ being who inspires Pip to desire for the finer things in life. Reference Dickens, C. (1992). Great Expectations. London: Wordsworth Editions, 1992.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
MTV Case Study
MTV has had to conquer various environmental hurdles in order to expand their network to reach a global audience. While the marketing strategy and the product strategy that MTV employed was not particularly innovative, the common sense approach proved to be extremely effective. Key Environmental Challenges and the Solutions The major challenges that MTV faced were producing content that appealed to a global audience and selling their product to countries with considerable cultural differences. Initially, MTV attempted to export American culture, but soon discovered that approach was not reaching foreign audiences. In order to overcome this obstacle and in order to be successful in their endeavor MTV began to develop content that appealed to individual cultures. This individualized approach also allowed MTV to sell their product to countries with more extreme cultural differences like Israel, Singapore, Cuba, and China. Global Entry Strategy and the Advantages and Disadvantages MTV entered the global market in 1987 with MTV Europe. Soon they became the largest network in Europe. As the demand for televisions and paid programming grew in other countries including Latin America and India, MTV took advantage of the opportunity. They targeted the youth market in these countries in their efforts for global outreach. These were definitely wise decisions and appropriate since youth are as much consumers as adults are. The advantage to this strategy was that foreign youth do listen to American music, so there was definitely a market for MTV’s type of programming. The disadvantage was that teens tended to be more interested in the happenings in their own countries. Solving this problem would be complicated and costly. Global Product Strategy The global product strategy was to produce localized programming content that would appeal to the youth in their individual environments. This was definitely an excellent strategy since MTV’s audience is for the largest part, youth and teens. Digital television and interactive services are in demand in Europe. Armed with that knowledge MTV created a service that enabled the viewing audience to acquire information on CD’s, verify concert dates and cast their vote during the MTV European Music Awards from their televisions. In Asia MTV developed a different approach to programming. They created a virtual veejay who they named LiLi. LiLi is capable of interacting in five different languages in such ways as interviewing guests or giving the audience tips on popular culture. In Japan, MTV partnered with H&Q Asia Pacific created a service that allowed viewers to subscribe to in order to download music and entertainment news to their mobile phones. The efforts that MTV has made to reach a global audience has surpassed successful. They now own thirty-three district channels. They broadcast their programming in eighteen different languages in over one-hundred sixty countries. MTV is a cultural icon that has acquired 1.8 billion viewers worldwide.    Â
Princess Hijabs Graffiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Princess Hijabs Graffiti - Essay Example As pointed out in the most general definitions, graffiti is considered as drawings or writings scratched, sprayed, scribble, painted on a flat surface, such as walls of buildings, mostly of public possession, billboards, jail cells, walls of garages etc. In fact, Princess Hijab's work meets the criteria of graffiti as well. Firstly, her works are painted in public places, such as streets and public transport, on billboards with various advertising campaigns. Secondly, as it has been mentioned above, they are created to attract attention to a particular problem in the society and express some sort of resistance.Graffiti may be regarded as an art form based mostly on aesthetic criteria. In particular, unlike simple tags on walls on inside the public transport, more complex paintings require imagination and planning and comprise such artistic elements as composition, color, line, shape, form etc. In addition to this, complex graffiti is painted using technique and skills possessed by ar tists only. Also, graffiti may be considered as an art form due to the fact that the society has recognized it for today, some works, for example, by such artists as Banksy, are shown in different galleries and even are purchased for great sums of money.At the same time, graffiti may be also considered as vandalism. The main argument is, in fact, comes from the definition of graffiti itself. More specifically, by definition, graffiti is a drawing painted without permission on the property of other people or public property.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control Coursework
BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control OHS risk - Coursework Example However, for a mobile crane to qualify for registration, it must have a rating capacity greater than 10 t. In addition, before registration, the mobile crane in question must undergo thorough inspection by a competent person. Further, mobile crane owners are required to ensure that cranes are in good condition all the time. According to Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 211 requirements, registration of mobile cranes is done on January 31 every year (The State of Queensland par. 3). Even though there has always been a requirement for the registration of air conditioning units, this requirement was crapped under WHS Regulation 2011. This implies that there is no longer a requirement for the registration of an air conditioner (The State of Queensland 36). Like fired pressure that must be registered under, WHS Regulation 2011, the same applies to unfired pressure vessels. Registration of unfired pressure vessel is required under the regulation to ensure that it is in good condition and does not pose health and safety risk to workers. In fact, before registering unfired pressure vessel, a thorough investigation is conducted by a competent person to ensure that the vessel meets the health and safety requirements. Compliance with the health and safety regulations aims to guarantee safety and health of workers using the vessel (State of Queensland 23). An air compressor falls under pressure vessels, which require registration under schedule 5, Part 2 of WHS Regulation 2011. According to this regulation, any pressure vessel classified as hazard level A, B, or c must be registered. An air compressor is one of the pressure vessels that falls under these categories, thus must be registered. To qualify for registration, the threshold for the compressor design must be Volume x Design Pressure_> 30MPa.L. Once the threshold is met, then the supplier of the air compressor must ensure that its design is registered with the
Monday, August 12, 2019
KWL Reading Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
KWL Reading Strategy - Essay Example Though it is good to teach the students by following the curriculum, but for the physical education there is no curriculum designed to follow. However, students are given different tasks and activities to perform. Each student has a different activity to perform it helps to deal with differences of individuals students. It can improve the abilities of each child individually because each student will be given task according to his or her skills. It is also important to consult with a physical therapist for development of each child. The APE should perform its duties to train the students and to enhance the skills of special students. During the training session, each student should be evaluated after every month. The progress of the student will be assessed by the teacher (Block, 2011). As each student is assigned with the different goals and objectives, it is the best practice that is known as IEP. The other instructors of the school may suggest some more positive changes for more effectiveness of the plans. The school is working according to the IDEA for those students with disabilities that want special education. Teaching the different kind of students provided more ideas to deal with them by offering a different and new activity. In order to effectively run an IEP during the PE, the teacher should have goals for each student based on their interests, skills and abilities. Furthermore, the assistant teacher will be required to run those activities. While teaching the students it is crucial to consider the parent’s interests, the student’s interest and provide guidance to survive in the community (Block,
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Knowledge and Its Affect on the Society and Its Spontaneous Essay
Knowledge and Its Affect on the Society and Its Spontaneous - Essay Example To answer this Althusser (1978) coined the term â€Å"Ideological State Apparatuses†and â€Å"Repressive State Apparatuses†, gives that necessary epistemological break, more analytically than Gramsci (1971), in his theory of social â€Å"hegemony†. In contrast to Bourdieu's concept of habitus, the Ideological State Apparatuses consist of social institutions like school, university etc that help spread a particular discourse of thought-process and archetypal pattern of understanding in a particular way (like Christian concept of good and evil). The Repressive State Apparatus are agents of repression, like the Police, that teach by force and thus maintain the necessary consensus. While the institutions teach through the medium of language that is itself coloured with discursive power to subjugate a subject in the given hegemony almost without any conflict or force. Lacan (1968) explains this linguistic paradox in his theory of language where he says that the stage when s subject enters the realm of the â€Å"symbolic†sphere, the self/consciousness becomes a complex site where one loses the capability to express beyond that given medium of language, which is finite and a complex site of power play. Language is not neutral, but an agent of defining this ideological and hegemonic base. Quite pessimistically, the answer has been given as no. Since the state is a billion-eyed monster keeping a watch on its subject (imagine Orwell’s 1984), the state apparatuses reach out adventitiously even to the furthest grass-root level and teach by force or by apparently ‘neutral’ force to form subjects who cannot escape this ‘interpellation’ (Althusser).
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Why do firms exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Why do firms exist - Essay Example A simple, yet, complete definition of firms may help in starting the debate about why they actually exist. Fisher, Prentice & Waschik (2010), define firm as â€Å"a group of workers and managers, collectively called labor, and a group of physical assets, like machinery in a manufacturing operation or computers in a service sector firm, collectively called capital, which produce goods and/or services (p. 14). This definition provides three major areas where people are involved with the firms. People, firstly, work for or manage the firms as labor, secondly they invest in businesses and firms to earn profits and giving firms the strength of progress in the form of capital, and lastly people use the products or services offered by the firms. Hence, our life is, in one way or the other, dependent on firms. It is a way of earning for one group and a way of gathering necessities of life for the other like food stuff, clothing, and professional services like legal, educational or healthcar e services and so on. Owing to the importance of firms in our regular activities and modern life, this paper aims to answer the question: why do firms exist? In doing so, this paper will provide perspectives of different researchers and their theories to justify the claims made. Theory of Firm Theory of firm necessitates by trying to predict how the business would carry out their prescribed strategies to achieve their ultimate goal and that is profit maximization. The theory of firm helps predict and explain other alternatives and decision made by the company. Traditionally it was based on having sole goal of profit maximization. But most recent analysis, theories and researches suggest that sales maximization or market share that is satisfying the needs of the customers along with satisfying its legitimate stake holders, combined with satisfactory profits may be the main purpose of businesses in short term as well as in long term to survive. Traditionally companies’ were fol lowing stock holder theory that is managers had one objective of maximizing share holder value. For example a company would not mind shutting down a branch in a region or country and resulting in thousands of people being unemployed and affecting the whole economy of that region or country. Despite these factors, the managers would have let the factory moved to another region or country because labor is cheap and plentiful there. Traditional theory suggested companies to disregard safety practices or other practices to preserve social responsibilities, according to theory, as they would have to spend money over it which reduces profit. However, if such avoidance of such actions charges the companies with substantial penalty or case file or dereputation resulting in more expenses (fines) than the companies were encouraged to provide equipment and running the safety policy. The risks of fewer sales by customer boycotting the company’s products are also avoided by adopting such practices in the modern business arena and companies would fall into instrumental form of skate holder theory (Schroeder, Clark, and Cathey 2010, pp. 124-128). Stake holder theory is referred as 21st century theory where the organizations are so large that they can affect the whole society significantly. This broader impact of organizational procedures and processes suggest that they cannot just be responsible to share holders i.e. obeying stock holder t
Friday, August 9, 2019
ISOO 9001 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ISOO 9001 - Research Paper Example This tool is viewed to be high above a standard measure. It touches on the daily practices of an organization therefore, affecting the quality of services (Steyn, 2012). Charts, diagrams and tables are used to illustrate the planning, implementation, control, and documentation of this quality management structure. Below is a sample of a flow chart There are various tools in this system as discussed below; Customer focus In the application of this tool, the organization focuses on the needs and preferences of the customers. The organization puts up a system that ensures there is effective communication between the organization and the customers (Steyn, 2012). The customers are free to make enquiries and recommendations. The organization is able to get feedback from customers. When producing, the organization ensures products are in accordance to consumer expectations. General processes in an organization affect the final product that is released to consumer. Given that the organizatio n focus on the needs of the customers, all the activities are geared towards ensuring that the final products are according the needs in the market. There is good relationship between the customers and the organization, the customers are satisfied by the quality and quantity of the products and they can access these products at fair prices. Organizations that use the customer focus tool; have embraced it because they have been compelled by the customers. Additionally, realizing competitors have embraced this system; these organizations have been left with no alternative (Drori, 2013). The companies have however found this tool to be significant in their performance. 1. Leadership This tool is applicable in the top management level of an organization. The management body, in implementation of this tool, should focus on the communication, planning, provision of adequate resources, and reviews of the performance. It is through good leadership in an organization that the staff is motiva ted and the organizations’ goals are met without compromise. The leadership provides good working environment hence increase in the output (Steyn, 2012). The organization’s reputation and image is improved. It is not possible to underestimate the senior management’s role in an organization. Therefore, the leaders of organization should understand and articulate the organizations goals clearly.   2. Involvement of people In order to realize the objectives of the organization, the top management should work with other people both within and outside the organization. There should be effective communication to ensure smooth operations within the organization (Watson, & Howarth, 2011). Powers and responsibilities of individuals in the organization should be clearly stated. This important because each person is ware is his duties and the ranks are clear. This motivates the employees and reduces conflicts and time wastage. Senior manager should be given the resp onsibility of ensuring overall smooth running of the organization. 3. Process approach The operation processes in an organization should be kept in check. This entails checking performance scope. There should be effective means to control the processes in the organization. This tool can be implemented through developing list of steps to follow in the organization. Additionally, there should be tracking system that enables one to evaluate the production processes (Watson, & Howart
Globalization of Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Globalization of Democracy - Essay Example The conceptual trend of different processes resulting in greater interconnections of socio-cultural, economic and political proceedings at the global scale can be termed as globalization. It has been identified by many as the misbalanced process which has led to strengthening of the interdependencies of the major economies of the world with growing indifference towards economies that depart from these major economies. It has been constantly observed that the diverse effects of globalization with multi-faceted impacts from various processes on different countries are interlinked through the chains of globalization. Commonly, it has come to be referred to as economic globalization, due to the amalgamation of several national economies into the international economy in form of trade, capital flows, foreign direct investments, migrations and technological spread and advancements1. Chase-Dunn has presented a model of the processes and structures of the modern world-system and has proposed a project to transform the system into a democratic and collectively rational global commonwealth. The article states that popular transnational social movements are challenging the ideological hegemony of corporate capitalism2. The global women's movement, indigenous movements, the labor movement, and environmentalist movements are attempting to form strong alliances which are capable of challenging the emerging transnational capitalist class domination (Chase-Dunn, 2003). Chase-Dunn argues that new democratic socialist states in the semi-periphery will be critical sources of support and allies for the anti-systemic movements. Globalisation supporters claim that it increases economic prosperity as well as opportunity, especially among developing nations, leading to a greater efficient allocation of resources and enhancement of civil liberties. Economic theories of comparative advantage suggest that free trade leads to a more efficient allocation of resources, with all countries involved in the trade benefiting3. In general, this leads to lower prices, more employment, higher output and a higher standard of living for those in developing countries (Sachs, Jeffery, 2005). Proponents of laissez-faire capitalism say that higher degrees of political and economic freedom in the form of democracy and capitalism in the developed world are ends in themselves and also produce higher levels of material wealth4. They see globalisation as the beneficial spread of liberty and capitalism (Wolf, Martin, 2004). Vices of Globalization Critics of globalisation argue that poorer countries are sometime at disadvantage since the main export of poorer countries is generally agricultural goods and it become difficult for these countries to compete with financially stronger countries that subsidize their own farmers5 (Hurst, Charles, 1993). It has also been argued that globalisation has led to deterioration of protection for the weaker nations by stronger industrialized powers, resulting in exploitation of the people in those nations to become cheap labours6. With the world
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Physical Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Physical Exercise - Essay Example Today, man is slowly realising the importance of good health, hygiene and fitness, due to the absence of which, his life has been plagued by ill-health! Physical activity can take numerous forms, depending on the aim. Simple forms of exercise include healthy breathing exercises, walking, jogging, bending and stretching. However, when one take on the aim to conquer one's overweight body or to attain higher levels of fitness, one takes the decision to take professional guidance, by joining institutes or gyms, where higher forms of exercise like lifting weights, cardio exercises, muscle-building, etc. is taught. Thus, exercises range over a great variety and it depends on the lifestyle, aim and interest-levels of an individual, in terms of the exercises he can adopt in his day-to-day activities. However, some form of exercise and physical activity is mandatory to lead a healthy life! On contacting professionals for help in helping attain greater levels of fitness and health, they often reassure our apprehensions by saying, "You are not alone"! It
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Jones Electrical Essay Example for Free
Jones Electrical Essay Jones Electrical Distribution is a small company involved in wholesales of electrical devices and appliances. Even though Jones Electrical has been able to turn a profit over the past few years, they have noticed a shortage of cash when attempting to take advantage of trade discounts. Their current bank is unable to extend financing over $250,000, and Jones believes they will need considerably more to finance their operations. Therefore, Nelson Jones has decided to search for additional debt financing by discussing his options with a larger regional bank. Jones Electrical Distribution has been able to compete on the basis of competitive pricing, effective inventory management, and aggressive sales force. But even though the company seems to be operating successfully, its ineffective collections policy has drained the company’s cash leaving it in dire need of additional financing. In order to afford to continue taking advantage of trade discounts Jones Electrical Distribution needs to tighten its cash collection procedures. Another course of action is to take out a bank loan for $350,000 to finance his operations, which is the main conflict Nelson Jones is facing. The increase in accounts receivable and inventory in 2005 and 2006 were caused by the sales growth of $2.24 million in 2006. The effective annual rate of interest, if Jones pays on the due date rather than on the 10 day discount, is 27.24%. The $350,000 should be sufficient for 2007. Jones could reduce that by buying securities and other outside funding. Jones will have to cut spending without having to cut sales with his new larger line of credit.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Organizational Culture Essay Example for Free
Organizational Culture Essay Since there are so many other competitors suddenly appear on the horizon, and Samsung have to create a lot of new creativity to face all the compete, they have to create their new organization culture. The new theme of corporate culture is â€Å"Creative†, to building a creative corporate culture, Samsung have to set a few characteristics to put into practice. Based on the research, Samsung adopting a program which is â€Å"Flexible Time†tp maximize employee creativity and another program is monitoring â€Å"Over-time Work†to help improve life quality o employees in year 2008. The material that issues regarding â€Å"Building a Creative Corporate Culture†was identified as : Samsung also promoting a creative organizational culture using some organization behavior concepts which are: * Encouraging Suggestions for Work Process Improvement Samsung Electronics implements various programs to support employees’ suggestions so that ideas can bear fruit. They offer incentives for the filing of patents, provide a knowledge management system to share expertise and knowledge amongst employees, and support community activities. They also offer incentives for idea suggestions to encourage their employees to proactively participate in knowledge sharing within Samsung Electronics. As a result, a total of 3,515 patents were filed in the U.S. in 2008. * Adopting a Flexible Time program Samsung Electronics adopted a â€Å"Flexible Time†test program in 2008 in selected business divisions to maximize the creativity of its employees. This test was the expression of their determination to shift from a time management-based corporate culture to a creativity-oriented corporate culture. Under the program, employees are empowered to flexibly manage their office hours as long as they work a total of eight hours each day. If this test proves successful, Samsung will expand the program to a company-wide level. * Work-Life Balance Because social norms have changed, an increasing number of female workers are participating in economic activities and retaining high potential employees has become the key to successful business operations. Happiness has become the overarching value of employees’ quality life, giving rise to greater social interest in balancing work and life. Therefore, Samsung Electronics also supports and encourages the employees to balance their work and life. In case anyone works overtime, their supervisor and the employee are notified to insure they comply with the legal overtime work requirements. For the creativity of the employees, Samsung Electronics also provides vacations for self-management and other vacation programs including family theme tour packages. * Welfare Programs Samsung Electronics shares and cares about its employees’ concerns over their health, children’s education and post-retirement life and helps them prepare for their future in order to enhance employee satisfaction and provide better working environments. In addition to the basic legal welfare programs such as premium subsidies for National Pension, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance, they also provide medical subsidies, a corporate pension program, work-out facilities and condominium rental services. Samsung Electronics believe that a creative corporate culture grows out of the technological search for innovation and its application. , researchers inherently looked for â€Å"innovative†ideas and technologies. A number of failures and prejudices from the trials and errors of the development process were the largest obstacles in putting â€Å"innovative†ideas into practice. This barrier can be broken down to build stronger assurances through a number of verifications and databases. Nevertheless, these procedures can sometimes result in a waste of time. I think Samsung Electronics need to reduce the waste with more open-minded thoughts and perspectives. With an aim to realize a â€Å"Great Work Place (GWP),†Samsung Electronics has analyzed its corporate culture by utilizing the confidence index of âÅ'Å"The 100 Best Companies to Work For by Fortune Magazine since 1998. In 2007, Samsung concluded a global contract with the â€Å"Great Place To Work (GPTW)†of the U.S. for a confidence index survey of their domestic and overseas workforces, which contribute to building a corporate culture that fits their global stature. Based on the GWP analysis results, each division and department prepare and implement improvement plans to build a GWP by filling the gaps in the five survey categories which are of trust, respect, fairness, pride and solidarity. Also, 400 GWP officers supervise and implement corporate culture improvement activities at each workplace.
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