Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Counter Reformation and Art History - 641 Words
The Reformation was a religious movement that divided the church between the Catholics and Protestants. The Counter-Reformation was a reaction movement that followed this originally crusade, and was lead by the Catholics as a response to the wide spread of Protestantism. The purpose of the Counter-Reformation was to spawn internal reforms. This movement was focused on the renewal of the church in the form of the use of images, focus on the church as the house of God, and the veneration of the Virgin Mary and Saints. The Counter-Reformation was responsible for the start of major change in the Catholic Church and with regard to the role of art; the importance of art was heightened and the movement sought out to restore Catholicism and make is more attractive, thus emerged the Baroque style. As means to start such reform, Pope Paul III, initiated The Council of Trent. The gathering amongst high-ranking churchmen took place from 1545-1563 and was held for two primary purposes. The council was mustered to determine a plan to combat Protestantism and how Catholics would compromise with them and to reform the Catholic Church by clarification of the doctrine and define the central articles of faith. Through The Council of Trent, the strength of the Catholic doctrine increased, and there became a higher stress placed on the importance of the visual arts. The council was successful in developing a doctrine that outlined the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism and createdShow MoreRelatedThe Transformational Century And Historical Sources And Tools Essay1409 Words  | 6 Pagesthe generations, and/or physical items that have survived the ages (Sources and Tools of History, 2016). While many societies did not have written records until the last two century’s , there are many different sources of written history once societies became literate, such as personal diaries/letters and official government records (Sources and Tools of History, 2016). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Non violent movement Free Essays
There is a wide-spread conception in the theory of nation-building that violence is an ultimate way to express disagreement and overcome injustice as well as fight a dictatorship. But the last century has proven the fallaciousness of this conception. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on Non violent movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now , Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama and many others have shown that nonviolence can be more powerful force in defeating oppressive rulers and laws. Their lives and actions are examples how oppressors or unjust legislation may be defied by the force of word and soul rather than by the force of weapons. Gene Sharp summarizes the effectiveness of nonviolent actions with such words: â€Å"nonviolent action is possible, and is capable of wielding great power even against ruthless rulers and military regimes, because it attacks the most vulnerable characteristic of all hierarchical institutions and governments: dependence on the governed†(p. 18). Nonviolent action is an application of a very simple truth: people do not always do what they are told to do, and sometimes they do that which has been forbidden. When people refuse their cooperation, withhold their help, and persist in their disobedience and defiance, they do this to deny their opponents the basic human assistance and cooperation which any government or hierarchical system requires. If they do this collectively through their established independent social institutions or newly improvised groupings for a sufficient period of time, the power of that government will weaken and potentially dissolve. The world history has witnessed the cases when nonviolent means have been chosen over violence for religious or ethical reasons. In some cases, even when pragmatic political considerations were dominant in the choice of nonviolent struggle, the movement has taken on certain religious or ethical overtones. This was the case in the campaigns of the Indian National Congress for independence from Britain in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. Those struggles, often under Gandhi’s leadership, and also the civil rights campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s in the Deep South of the United States, under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., are very important. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, is the first name that comes to mind when one speaks of nonviolence in the 20th century. His charisma and his action not only had a profound effect on India’s modern history, but also provided firm basis for all future nonviolent struggles in the world. Gandhi’s political philosophy revolved around three key concepts: satyagraha (non-violence), sawaraj (home rule), and sarvodaya (welfare of all). Whereas satyagraha was essentially a tactic of achieving political ends by non-violent means, sawaraj and sarvodaya sought to encourage ideas of individual and collective improvement and regeneration. Such regeneration, Gandhi insisted, was necessary if India was to rediscover her enduring historical and religious self and throw off British rule. (Andrews, 1949) Perhaps Gandhi’s best-known act of civil disobedience, known as the second satyagraha (‘hold fast to the truth’) was Salt March that was taking place in 1930 from 12 March to 6 April. It expressed increasing frustration by Congress at its own impotence and, specifically, the British refusal to grant Dominion status to India. Gandhi chose the hated salt tax as the object of his campaign. At the time, the Indian government maintained a monopoly over the manufacture of salt, an essential basic commodity which was thus heavily taxed. Those using their own salt, e.g. if they were living close to the sea, were subject to heavy punishment. The 61-year-old Mahatma started the 240-mile-long march from Sabarmati to the coastal town of Dandi together with seventy-eight of his followers. He was joined by thousands along the way, in a march that received vast international and national attention. When the protesters marched on to a government salt depot, he was arrested, as were between 60,000 and 90,000 other Indians in subsequent months, as well as the entire Congress leadership. Gandhi was released and called off the campaign in March 1931 following the Gandhi–Irwin Pact, which allowed Gandhi to participate in the second Round Table Conference, and symbolically permitted the production of salt for domestic consumption. From the 1920s to early 1940s, he led a series of passive resistance campaigns in pursuit of Swaraj, which redefined the character of Indian nationalism. He sought tolerance between Hindus and Muslims and the eradication of caste untouchability. In January 1948 he was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic for his pro-Muslim sympathies. Gandhi’s insistence that means were more important than the ends distinguished him from other great political leaders of the twentieth century. Since his death Gandhi has become the source of inspiration for non-violent political movements such as the Civil Rights Movement in the USA. Desmond Tutu in the article A Force More Powerful a Century of Nonviolent Conflict rightfully points out: â€Å"The leaders who opted for nonviolent weapons often learned from resistance movements of the past. Indian nationalist leader Mohandas Gandhi was inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1905. The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African American leaders traveled to India to study Gandhi’s tactics.†(Tutu, 2000) Non-cooperation was a major tactic employed by Gandhi when he felt the state had become immoral or unjust. In the King movement, such action was called boycott, the most effective nonviolent tactic employed in the movement to abolish discrimination in public transportation in Montgomery, Alabama. The justification for such action lies in the fact that rejection is as much of an action as acceptance. Thus, King, like Gandhi, while emphasizing the necessity of courage, utilized the boycott to achieve rejection of unjust laws regulating public transportation and public lunch counters. The net effect of the various expressions of the nonviolent protest, especially the boycott, strike, demonstration and jail, was to draw one’s opponent off balance, hoping thereby to change his mind. (Smith, p.58) Nonviolence, therefore, was not a sign of weakness or of a lack of courage. Quite the contrary, King believed that only the strong and courageous person could be nonviolent. He advised persons not to get involved in the civil rights struggle unless they had the strength and the courage to stand before people full of hate and to break the cycle of violence by refusing to retaliate. King just as Gandhi emphasized the need to prepare for action. The Civil Rights Movement initiated by Martin Luther King, Jr. succeeded in mobilizing massive nonviolent direct action. Innovative tactics included economic boycotts, beginning with the yearlong boycott of a bus company in Montgomery, Alabama, begun in December 1955 and led by Martin Luther King, Jr.; sit-in demonstrations; and mass marches, including a massive mobilization of whites and blacks in the August 1963 March on Washington, which culminated in King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech, and protest marches led by King that met with police violence in Selma, Alabama, in January 1965. The goal of these protests was to overthrow the entire system of racial segregation and to empower African Americans by seizing the franchise. Participants of the Civil Rights Movement were often beaten and brutalized by southern law enforcement officials, and thousands were arrested and jailed for their protest activities. Some leaders and participants were killed. Nevertheless, an endless stream of highly visible confrontations in the streets, which contrasted the brutality and the inhumanity of the white segregationists with the dignity and resolve of black protesters, made the cause of black civil rights the major issue in the United States for over a decade during the 1950s and 1960s. The nation and its leaders were forced to decide publicly whether to grant African Americans their citizenship rights or to side with white segregationists who advocated racial superiority and the undemocratic subjugation of black people. In conclusion it would be relevant to provide a brief revision of the similarity and differences the detection of which was purpose of this analysis. The parallels between Gandhi and Martin Luther King are self-evident. This preliminary look at Gandhi and King’s activity gives us the understanding that nonviolent movement cannot be limited by time frames or specific location. It rather needs a leader with strong character, resilience and ability to persuade people. The two leaders preferred nonviolence at a time when their people were being oppressed. Both struggled against the yoke of white oppression. Like Gandhi, King valued the power of nonviolent political action in keeping with the spirit of Gandhi’s satyagraha. King’s role in organizing the Montgomery bus boycott enabled him to emerge as the creator of a strategy of civil disobedience that earned for the civil-rights movement in the United States unprecedented media coverage, new forms of public recognitio n, and greater access to political power. Though both agreed that nonviolence is successful tactics on condition that every individual is committed to truth and justice, Gandhi tended to lay stress upon the necessity of personal suffering when participating in nonviolent movement, an attitude that to some extent was less aggressive than King’s emphasis on self-sacrifice. Moreover, Gandhi claimed that to achieve the goals through nonviolence one needs patience and non-cooperation and King believed that it is a certain degree of confrontation that is necessary to accomplish change. One more difference between Gandhi and King lies in the paradigm of their activity. While Gandhi was concerned about social injustice suffered by Indian people, King’s concerns bore upon racial discrimination of African Americans in the USA. And probably the most striking difference is the result of their struggle. While Martin Luther King’s ideas after his death were followed through by his followers and found an echo in common American’s heart, Gandhi was criticized that his tactics unnecessarily delayed the departure of the British, precipitated the partition of India, and led to the Hinduization of Congress because of his over-emphasis on religion. Few of Gandhi’s ideas were put into practice by independent India. While both of them deserve respect and admiration, it is possible to recognize that their approaches to the practice of nonviolence later grew strong one as opposition, the other as protest. Gandhi and King help us to believe that peaceful resolution of a conflict will live up to its promise. References: Andrews, C. F. Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas. London: Allen Unwin, 1949 McCarthy, R. and Sharp, G., eds., Nonviolent Action: A Research Guide. New York, 1997 Sharp, G. The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle. Monograph Series, No. 3. The Albert Einstein Institution, 1990 Smith, Kenneth and Zepp, Ira. Search for the Beloved Community: The Thinking of Martin Luther King. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 1974. Tutu, Desmond. â€Å"A Force More Powerful a Century of Nonviolent Conflict†. Social Education. (64):5, 2000 How to cite Non violent movement, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
On A New Years Day Essay Example For Students
On A New Years Day Essay Probably this is the loneliest, I can say for the past days Ive had when i started sinking into this infinite abyss, day of my life. It is New Years Day and I am practically without nothing. I feel naked and I have been all the more disrobed. I have no idea when I will ever feel clothed again. I am sitting on top of the world, writing down my thoughts because there is nothing to do. I have no one to talk to, not even the wind which lackadaisically brushes the sides of my pallid skin. No, not the wind, because it is too inanimate for me to relate with. And all I long for now is the luxury of animation to comfort me and clout me with the assurance that I am still here, breathing. I am still alive, that I have survived the great torrents of realities that have pulled me and that I still continue to, nevertheless. That is all I live for now. It is quite boring for it has become my daily rhythm. It brings a painful lashing into my ears which has turned them unhearing and insensitive from the monotony it gives me. I am still here, sitting on myself. Wondering when I will ever listen. When I will ever learn to let go of my pitch dark past and listen to its lonely humming. It is New ears Day. It is supposed to be noisy and raucous with the loud din and blast from the firecrackers these festive people around me are lighting. But to me, there is only silence. I must have gone deaf
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Legalization Of Marijuana Essays (611 words) - Herbalism
Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana has quickly become a controversial issue in America. In the United States, legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is spreading to the state level. For example, in November 1996, the people of California and Arizona voted to legalize marijuana for medicinal reasons. As a result of Proposition 215 in California, patients now smoke marijuana provided their physician recommends its usage. A prescription is not required, and marijuana continues to be illegal to prescribe. The Clinton administration responded that it ?would not recognize these decisions, and would prosecute physicians who recommend or provide marijuana to their patients.? Although California and Arizona are the only two states to have already passed laws regulating marijuana usage, twenty-six states and the District of Columbia have laws and resolutions regarding marijuana usage. These laws and resolutions range from establishing therapeutic research programs, to allowing doctors to pres cribe marijuana, to asking the federal government to lift the ban. Despite the states' desires to have marijuana legalized for medicinal purposes, the US National Institutes of Health examined all existing clinical evidence about smoked marijuana and concluded that, ?There is no scientifically sound evidence that smoked marijuana is medically superior to currently available therapies.? Based on the conclusion made by the US National Institutes of Health, marijuana should remain illegal. Although it does have many medicinal benefits - including improving the appetite in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, reducing muscle spasms associated with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, and alleviating eye pressure in glaucoma patients - there is no proof that marijuana is the most effective treatment. The main active ingredient in marijuana (THC) is already available in its legal form, Marinol; it does in fact have therapeutic applications; therefore, the whole substance of marijuana does not necessarily need to be legalized. In addition, marijuana has many side effects that may harm patients. If marijuana does become legal, multiple legal drawbacks would occur. For example, it is highly likely that doctors may take bribes from healthy patients to prescribe the drug for recreational use. This would make legalization too difficult to regulate because prescriptions may end up in th e wrong hands. In addition, legal marijuana may provide drug dealers with an easy opportunity to escape prosecution for trafficking and dealing drugs. ?Reversed psychology? would not work in this situation, for the legalization of marijuana would inflict more chaos and crime than it would attempt to prevent. Therefore, the best way to address this issue at the time is to conduct more thorough and involved research focused mainly on the important medical uses of marijuana. To this date, marijuana has not undergone any of the clinical trials necessary for the FDA's approval. Accordingly, the National Institutes of Health should conduct this research proving whether marijuana is the most beneficial medicine for the different groups of patients. This research will most likely prove marijuana not to be the most effective treatment; thereby, allowing it to remain illegal. The majority of Republicans would respond well to this idea because they believe marijuana should remain illegal. Democrats, including Massachusetts own Barney Frank, would disagree with this approach, for they believe marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes. However, there is a large group of politicians who remain split between the two contradicting sides. Studies should also be conducted through governmental f unding on those people in California and Arizona currently using marijuana for medicinal purposes. These studies should be compared to studies of similar patients not using marijuana to cure the different medical problems. Until further formal research is done into the side effects, and chemical, and biologically processes of marijuana, it should remain illegal to use. Legal Issues Essays
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why Do We Celebrate Presidents Day
Why Do We Celebrate President's Day Presidents Day was established in 1832 to celebrate George Washingtons centennial. The annual holiday, which now falls on the third Monday of February, later evolved into a celebration of Abraham Lincolns birthday as well, and eventually turned into a day to mark the birthdays and lives of all American presidents- although the holidays name was never officially changed to Presidents Day. Did You Know? George Washingtons birthday got changed from February 11, 1731, to February 22, 1732, when the Gregorian calendar was adopted. An act of Congress made the date a federal holiday.Thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Washingtons Birthday- which is often called Presidents Day- is always celebrated on the third Monday in February.Retailers love Presidents Day, and use it as a time to put big-ticket items on sale- because thats when people start getting their income tax refunds back. The First Presidents Day The origins of Presidents Day date back to the early nineteenth century, and it all started with George Washington. The first American president was born on February 11, 1731. As the centennial anniversary of his birth approached, Congress announced that festivities in Washingtons honor would be held on February 22, 1832. Why the change in dates? The answer lies in the history of the modern calendar. Washingtons birth took place before 1752, which was the year that Britain and all of its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar. Thus, Washingtons birthday now fell on February 22, 1732, which meant that a century later, in 1832- instead of 1831- it was time to celebrate. Festivities took place all over the country, including the early adjournment of the Congressional session, followed by the reading of Washingtons 1796 Farewell Address, which has become an annual tradition. In 1879, Congress passed a bill declaring that February 22, long celebrated as Washingtons birthday, would be designated a federal holiday. At that time, Congress added February 22 to the list of official holidays observed by federal employees in the District of Columbia. This presented a problem initially, though- some government employees were paid for the day off, but others werent. In 1885, Congress solved that issue by declaring that all federal employees, including those employed outside of Washington D.C., were to be paid for all federal holidays. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved a number of federal holidays to Mondays. This change was adopted so that workers would have several three-day weekends throughout each year, but there was opposition from people who felt that holidays should be observed on the days they actually celebrate. According to historian C.L. Arbelbide, the Congressional Record highlighted three primary benefits of this change, aimed specifically at families: Three-day holidays offer greater opportunities for families- especially those whose members may be widely separated- to get together. . . .The three-day span of leisure time . . . would allow our citizens greater participation in their hobbies as well as in educational and cultural activities.Monday holidays would improve commercial and industrial production by minimizing midweek holiday interruptions of production schedules and reducing employee absenteeism before and after midweek holidays. The Uniform Holiday Act went into effect in January, 1971, and declared Washingtons Birthday, the third Monday in February, as a legal public holiday. During discussion about the new act, it was suggested that Washington’s Birthday should be renamed Presidents Day in order to honor the birthdays of both Washington and Abraham Lincoln, born on February 12, 1809. However, Congress rejected the name alteration and it was never officially changed. So, why do people still call it Presidents Day? The Meaning of Presidents Day Today You can thank your friendly neighborhood retailer for the use of the term Presidents Day. Its become one of the most popular times of year for sales. While this might seem like an odd season to decide you need to run out and buy a new mattress or a dresser, theres actually a reason behind the tradition of Presidents Day sales on big-ticket items: its when people are starting to get their income tax refunds. Although there have been attempts over the years to formally start calling Washingtons Birthday by its more common name of Presidents Day, its never happened. In addition, states have the power to call it Presidents Day if they wish- the use of the name Washingtons Birthday is found at a federal level. No matter what you choose to call it, if youre a federal government employee, youll get the third Monday in February off each year. Sources Arbelbide, C L. â€Å"By George, IT IS Washingtons Birthday!† National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2004/winter/gw-birthday-1.html.â€Å"George Washingtons Birthday.† National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, www.archives.gov/legislative/features/washington.Hornick, Ed. â€Å"What You May Not Know about Presidents Day.† CNN, Cable News Network, 18 Feb. 2019, www.cnn.com/2016/02/15/politics/presidents-day-history-washington-birthday/index.html.â€Å"Public Law 90-363 .† US Government Publishing Office, 27 Jan. 1968, www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-82/pdf/STATUTE-82-Pg250-3.pdf.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Make a Solar System Model
How to Make a Solar System Model A solar system model is an effective tool that teachers use to teach about our planet and its environment. The solar system is made of the sun (a star), as well as the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and the celestial bodies that orbit those planets (like moons). You can make a solar system model out of many types of materials. The one thing you should keep in mind is scale; you will need to represent the different planets according to differences in size. You should also realize that a true scale will probably not be possible when it comes to distance. Especially if you have to carry this model on the school bus. One of the easiest materials to use for planets is Styrofoam © balls. They are inexpensive, lightweight, and they come in a variety of sizes; however, if you intend to color the planets, be aware that regular spray paint in a can often contain chemicals that will dissolve Styrofoam - so it is best to use water-based paints. Types of Solar System Models There are two main types of models: box models and hanging models. You will need a very large (basketball sized) circle or semi-circle to represent the sun. For a box model, you could use a large foam ball, and for a hanging model, you could use an inexpensive toy ball. You will often find inexpensive balls at a one-dollar type store. You can use affordable finger paint or markers to color the planets. A sample range when considering sizes for planets, from large to small, might measure: Jupiter (brownish with a red spot): 4 - 7 inchesSaturn (yellow with red ring): 3 - 6 inchesUranus (green): 4 - 5 inchesNeptune (blue): 3 - 4 inchesVenus (yellow): 2 inchesEarth (blue): 2 inchesMars (red): 1.5 inchesMercury (orange): 1 inch Please note that this is not the right order of arrangement (see the sequence below.) How to Assemble the Model To make a hanging model, you can use straws or wooden dowel rods (like for grilling kebabs) to connect the planets to the sun in the center. You could also use a hula-hoop toy to form the main structure, suspend the sun in the middle (connect it to two sides), and hang the planets around the circle. You can also arrange the planets in a straight line from the sun showing their relative distance (to scale). However, although you may have heard the term planetary alignment used by astronomers, they do not mean the planets are all in a straight line, they are simply referring to some of the planets being in the same general region. To make a box model, cut off the top flaps of the box and set it on its side. Color the inside of the box black, to represent space. You might also sprinkle silver glitter inside for stars. Attach the semicircular sun to one side, and hang the planets in order, from the sun, in the following sequence: MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune Remember the mnemonic device for this is: My very educated mother just served us nachos.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
HOW DANGEROUS IS SMOKING FOR YOUR HEALTH - Research Paper Example Further, it would be interesting to find out how the hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon directly and specifically affect human organs. Its implications to health would also be analyzed through the illnesses and diseases it inflicts. And finally, when people have realized the health hazards of smoking, this essay would explore ways and means to prevent and ultimately stop smoking. Historians traced the origins of smoking from the Mayan Indians of Mexico from as early as the 600 to 900 A.D. (Glantz 1) Tobacco, being the original source for a smoke, was grown as a cash crop in 1612 where the settlers of the first American colony in Jamestown, Virginia started cultivating and growing them. (Glantz 2). By 1800s, historians revealed that people started using tobaccos for various purposes such as: for chewing, smoking in a pipe, hand-rolled as a cigar or cigarette. According to Glantz, â€Å"the first commercial cigarettes were made in 1865 by Washington Duke on his 300-acre farm in Raleigh, North Carolina. His hand-rolled cigarettes were sold to soldiers at the end of the Civil War.†(Glantz 3). The invention of the cigarette making machine in 1881 by James Bonsack paved the way for the widespread production of cigarettes. His partnership with Washington Dukes son, James "Buck" Duke, initiated the establishment of the first tobacco company in the US, the American Tobacco Company. (Glantz 4) Tobacco, is first and foremost, the main ingredient in a cigarette. Tobacco is a leafy green plant widely grown in warm climates. In the planting phase alone, tobacco is already bombarded with chemicals, fertilizers and insecticides to ensure that the plant grows free from insects. In the manufacturing process, the chemicals are added for flavors and to make them combustible. Jacobs averred that â€Å"there are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes. 51 of them are known to be carcinogenic. A carcinogen
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Hemoglobin conformation(the T to R transition of hemoglobin) Article
Hemoglobin conformation(the T to R transition of hemoglobin) - Article Example The oxygenated hemoglobin (red) mostly triggers the interchanging to the R state. In the state of (T), the iron atom becomes planar with respect to the rest of the heme group this pulls the histamine, thus causing the larger scale structural change in the protein. Hemoglobin can be termed as a tetramer that makes up of two alpha-beta dimmers. The T to R transition requires that at least the hemoglobin subunits need to be bounded by oxygen. Hemoglobin in the T state has low affinity for oxygen, the change in conformational can only occur under high concentrations of oxygen. In R state, the hemoglobin binds to oxygen with high affinity, thus leading to the deoxygenated subunits binding to oxygen. The red blood cells that are rich in oxygen are found in the lungs need to flow all over the body to supply the tissues with oxygen for the metabolic processes. The fundamental allosteric effectors of hemoglobin are the protons. At an extremely low PH, hemoglobin has lower affinity for oxygen than it does at the higher PHs. In the present suggestions are made to changes in the stabilization free energy to specific amino acids residues in the interfaces of T to R
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Jasper Jones Essay Example for Free
Jasper Jones Essay Values have been endorsed and challenged throughout the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey. The novel Jasper Jones was about a young, shy boy named Carlie who was confronted by an older, confident boy named Jasper Jones who needed his help. As Charlie says yes they set off into the night to where Jasper shows Charlie a young girl, Eliza Wishart, who has been beaten and hung. Throughout the novel they attempt to find out who has done this horrible act to Eliza. The values of equality and coming of age have been both endorsed and challenged. Values of equality, intelligence and acceptance of individuality have been both endorsed and challenged. The value of equality were endorsed through Jasper and Jeffery Lu who have experienced discrimination due to their differences. The values of intelligence and acceptance of individuality were both present through Charlie’s allusion and his differences. The value of equality being present within the character of Jeffery Lu was evident due to his characterisation. As he was a Japanese boy who lived in Australia during the time when there was large conflict between the Japanese and Australians. In the novel Jasper Jones you see Jeffery and the Lu family to be the recipient between of many racist acts towards them. â€Å"Jeffery’s parents are Vietnamese, so he’s ruthlessly bullied and belted about by the boys at school.†Through the characterisation of Jeffery it represents the way how Jeffery is being treated because of his differences, however he portrayed Jeffery to be a very lovable character in the novel. By doing this the readers like the character of Jeffery and reject the actions and discrimination that has been done upon him so they accept the value of equality. As Jeffery is represented to be unflappable which is portraying that all of the outcasts in the world to be strong and Silvey is depicting small Australian towns to be non-accepting of others with differences in race/ The readers are then challenging the values of the town and endorsing the values of equality. Jasper Jones has been shown by author Silvey to present the value of freedom. In the town of Corrigan Jasper is seen by the public to be a menace. All of the townspeople think that he is no good to society. With Jasper Jones you see the town’s people duality as they go around blaming everything that goes wrong in the town on him but cheer and shout his name out on the football field.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
James Joyces Araby - Araby as Epiphany for the Common Man Essay
James Joyce's Dubliners - Araby as Epiphany for the Common Man Joseph Campbell was one of many theorists who have seen basic common denominators in the myths of the world's great religions, Christianity among them, and have demonstrated how elements of myth have found their way into "non-religious" stories. Action heroes, in this respect, are not unlike saints. Biblical stories are, quite simply, the mythos of the Catholic religion, with saints being the heroes in such stories. The Star Wars film saga is, according to Campbell, an example of the hero's maturation via the undertaking of a great quest. Though it is a safe assumption that many of today's film makers are unconscious of the extent to which their narratives approach biblical parallels, Joyce spent his career turning seemingly simple stories into veiled recantings of biblical and mythical experience. "Araby" is a case-in-point. Like Luke Skywalker, the boy in "Araby" certainly reaches a maturation of sorts while undertaking a quest. Joyce takes accurate and mundane details of Dublin li fe and elevates them into a grand mythical pattern, targeting a moment of departure and awakening for the boy. Joyce's function in equating mundane experience with heroic experience is to propose that the potential for epiphany--the hero's realization of a certain truth--is not exclusive to saints alone, but exists in all people. In order to so, Joyce must declare a relationship between the ordinary and the sublime. The ordinariness of the boy's story is apparent. On one level, it is a simple story about the kind of unrequited "puppy love" that strikes most boys of his age. The details of the setting come from real Dublin--North Richmond Street and Westland Row Station--and depict ... ...t chooses to go to the temple, Orpheus chooses to go to Tartaros. Joyce made his own choice: to leave Ireland, and the result is a lifetime's body of work that demonstrates great insight. It is a good guess that this insight came from a realization Joyce himself may have had--his own epiphany, if you will--illustrating the extent to which the pattern of journey and realization found their way into his life as well as his work. Work Cited Joyce, James. Dubliners. New York: Washington Square Press, 1998. Works Consulted Schwarz, David R. Dubliners: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. David R. Schwarz. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Werner, Craig Hansen. Dubliners: A Pluralistic World. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988. James Joyce's Araby - Araby as Epiphany for the Common Man Essay James Joyce's Dubliners - Araby as Epiphany for the Common Man Joseph Campbell was one of many theorists who have seen basic common denominators in the myths of the world's great religions, Christianity among them, and have demonstrated how elements of myth have found their way into "non-religious" stories. Action heroes, in this respect, are not unlike saints. Biblical stories are, quite simply, the mythos of the Catholic religion, with saints being the heroes in such stories. The Star Wars film saga is, according to Campbell, an example of the hero's maturation via the undertaking of a great quest. Though it is a safe assumption that many of today's film makers are unconscious of the extent to which their narratives approach biblical parallels, Joyce spent his career turning seemingly simple stories into veiled recantings of biblical and mythical experience. "Araby" is a case-in-point. Like Luke Skywalker, the boy in "Araby" certainly reaches a maturation of sorts while undertaking a quest. Joyce takes accurate and mundane details of Dublin li fe and elevates them into a grand mythical pattern, targeting a moment of departure and awakening for the boy. Joyce's function in equating mundane experience with heroic experience is to propose that the potential for epiphany--the hero's realization of a certain truth--is not exclusive to saints alone, but exists in all people. In order to so, Joyce must declare a relationship between the ordinary and the sublime. The ordinariness of the boy's story is apparent. On one level, it is a simple story about the kind of unrequited "puppy love" that strikes most boys of his age. The details of the setting come from real Dublin--North Richmond Street and Westland Row Station--and depict ... ...t chooses to go to the temple, Orpheus chooses to go to Tartaros. Joyce made his own choice: to leave Ireland, and the result is a lifetime's body of work that demonstrates great insight. It is a good guess that this insight came from a realization Joyce himself may have had--his own epiphany, if you will--illustrating the extent to which the pattern of journey and realization found their way into his life as well as his work. Work Cited Joyce, James. Dubliners. New York: Washington Square Press, 1998. Works Consulted Schwarz, David R. Dubliners: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. David R. Schwarz. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Werner, Craig Hansen. Dubliners: A Pluralistic World. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988.
Monday, November 11, 2019
LPN vs. RN career Essay
Many students go to college to obtain some kind of degree, wether it be business, nursing, electronics, or many more. The medical ï ¬ eld is a very signiï ¬ cant ï ¬ eld, and where a lot of job opportunities available. In the medical ï ¬ eld a person can have many varieties of designation, and earn a lot of income for their families. I personally want to become a RN which stands for a registered nurse, and specialize in anesthetics. Another designation is a LPN which is a licensed practical nurse. LPNs and RNs have a lot of similarities and differences in their positions of work, and study. These similarities and differences would consist of education, responsibilities, and the income for both occupations. The main difference between the LPN vs. RN career path way is the degree that is earned. RNs receive a professional nursing degree, while LPNs receive a practical nursing degree. A professional nursing degree contains a lot more courses, so it takes a lot longer time to complete than a practical nursing degree. These course would consist of a lot more math, science to obtain a professional nursing degree. However, with either choice the NCLEX exam is required, and must be answered correctly in order to become either a LPN or a RN. Educationally, LPN’s should attend one year of vocational training to obtain their title. Registered nurses must go to nursing school for about two years to get their Associates Degree or four years to get their BSN. Another difference is the responsibilities each title has. RNs educates, treats, and depending on licensed diagnoses patients. Usually, a RN evaluates a patient to understand patients’ symptoms. They form a treatment plan or alter one. A RN also manages a LPN and authorizes task involving patient care. RNs offer comfort and advice about handling a family members sickness. A LPN also assist patients who are wounded, ill or taken care of by a RN. The LPN ï ¬ nishes crucial nursing duties. They document patients’ height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. They assist patients with personal hygiene, daily activities, and elevation in bed. The LPN may give patients food, if they need help. Also, a LPN performs medical duties such as providing the patient with shots, changing dressings, and supervise medical equipment. The last difference between RNs and LPNs is how much income they make. Even though salaries can change greatly for these occupations based on geography, types, special areas and other factors, altogether, registered nurses are reimbursed greater because they are accredited to take on extra patient care responsibilities. The national average income is between $31,800 and $44,300 year for LPNs. Registered Nurses take home average incomes ranging between $46,500 and $66,800 per year. In conclusion, there are many difference between LPNs and RNs. If wanting to get paid more I suggest people go for their RN. LPNs are right under a RN and get paid a little bit less than a RN. Working in the medical ï ¬ eld is a wonderful job and I suggest it to anyone. RN takes a lot more schooling and a stronger education.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Present Day Business Condition
In present day business condition, learning is the most vital asset, data with respect to rivalry predominantly concerned their piece of the overall industry and offer, appeared to be a palatable volume of data. These days requires data about the opposition. These data allude not exclusively to contenders piece of the overall industry and their offer, yet additionally to the level and structure of their costs, items and administrations quality-value relations, deals volume, extent of exercises, money streams, liquidity, dissolvability and productivity. Building data framework that backings the administration and basic leadership, and that can be a wellspring of aggressive edge, isn't a simple errand. Issue is the way to get quality and helpful data. In the present business focus, there are huge amounts of things and organizations open to fulfill the necessities of individuals and associations. Your ability to perceive and mishandle the features and related favorable circumstances of your thing or advantage and show how it is one of a kind or better than anything the resistance will outfit you with an engaged edge. The edge or favored angle will outfit your firm with the instruments to: Augmentation arrangements and bit of the pie. Upgrade general incomes for a given time period in new or existing markets. Assurance your survival in to an awesome degree centered markets. Become hard-to-copy advancing mixes. An Aggressive EDGE : To start, you ought to amass each one of the data assembled about your target showcase designs, customers, things and contenders. Recorded different market design components is a structure of the distinctive market plan segments you should study to distinguish your focused edge. Every association must have no short of what one ideal position to adequately fight in the market. In case an association can't recognize one or essentially doesn't have it, contenders soon beat it and power the business to leave the market. There are various ways to deal with achieve the ideal position however only two key sorts of it: cost or division advantage. An association that can achieve predominance in cost or partition can offer customers the things at cut down costs or with more elevated amount of detachment or more all, can fight with its adversaries. Foundation: Right off the bat the recognizable proof of your association's qualities and shortcomings is an essential errand that should be proficient before any focused edge can be created. The forceful edge your firm picks will depend upon the reasons your customer will buy a particular thing or organization. An upper hand implies you have to offer a few things your rivals don't. You have to recognize what it is your rivals do well, and don't do well. For example, if your resistance has one recipe that various customers go to that diner for, essentially imitating their equation won't add to your high ground. Instead of trying to copy your adversary's purposes of intrigue, invigorate your own specific to make a unique course of action of characteristics that can't be imitated. There's no convincing motivation to enroll some individual to do what you can do yourself, however consider using research firms to find information that isn't unreservedly open. Here are two or three instruments you can use to secure forceful information. Online outputs are a quick method for finding forceful information. Regardless, this chase will simply give information that has been made open. On area view of the contender's stopping territory, customer organization, volume and case of suppliers' transports, et cetera can yield significant information about the state of the contender's business. Outlines and gatherings can yield a great deal of data about contenders and things. Research surveys and focus gathering interviews generally give more all around perspectives from an obliged case. Forceful benchmarking is used to take a gander at the affiliation's exercises against those of its adversaries. In making specific connections inside an industry, an affiliation grabs information about customary publicizing practices, available workforce, and suppliers. Issues to Increase Aggressive Edge over your Rival in Business: Competition is awesome. For sure, a sound rivalry incites you to work more splendid with the advantages you have. To do thusly, utilize your gathering's intriguing blessings and build a business contenders wouldn't set out test. Despite whether distinctive associations in your industry attempt to undermine your expenses and take your customers, contemplate ways they can empower your startup to create.Keeping up a vital separation from absence of concern. Sole suppliers in an industry quickly quit progressing basically in light of the way that they never again have any need to. Tragically, they accidentally center around keeping up the current situation. Contenders have a penchant for keeping you on your toes.Building brand clout. Make it your focal objective to develop as the primary pro in your space of capacity. Your social event of individuals will value your thought expert and regularly pick you over various merchant s.Making care. Enemies compel you to assess your characteristics and deficiencies. Use your superpowers to make a more uncommon motivating force to customers. Grasp your shortcomings and find ways to deal with overcome them.Enabling partition. Contenders will dependably endeavor to offer better customer advantage, thing quality and advancing. In sound markets, buyers will ask for the best solutions for their specific needs. Isolate your commitments with the target of influencing gigantic motivating force for the customers you to serve.Mishandling industry designs. Contention signals strong client ask. It offers endorsement to what you are doing. In new markets, this is an opportunity to propel a creating design that will get buyers and the media amped up for your work.Molding startling affiliations. Make associations together with comparative associations. Exchange development and mechanical assemblies, expand the general market, cross propel each other's things and collaborate on n ovel research to educate purchasers. Perhaps one day, you may merge with, or pick up, your most noteworthy adversary.Shared learning. Watch the resistance intentionally. The learning and resources they have may be both favored and unmistakable over yours. Viably pick up from how they direct and build up their undertaking. A little while later, you will discover ways to deal with apply those lessons made sense of how to your business.Narrowing down a claim to fame. Some person will reliably be better than you at something – and that is okay. Customers justify the best things and organizations to fulfill their individual needs. To make a gainful business, focus your undertakings on making a smaller part of the general market astoundingly cheery. By narrowing your claim to fame, you develop a forceful edge that averts advance contention.Masterminding whole deal. Without contenders, most firms lose all ability to read a compass in the ordinary exercise of keeping up their busines s. As various associations join the market, you should start testing yourself to accomplish more.Sorting out customer needs. Instead of focusing your imperativeness on surpassing the restriction, place assets into moving toward a customer driven affiliation. Thusly, you will help buyer reliability and easily shield against powerful suppliers or dealers objective on taking your clients. By the day's end, it is your customers – not your opponent – who can speak to the choosing minute your business.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Forum Example
Forum Example Forum – Book Report/Review Example THE ARGUMENT CULTURE: MOVING FROM DEBATE TO DIALOGUE One word to describe the book: Remarkable The argument culture is an amazing book that will forever restructure how we perceive and communicate with the world. In the book, Dr. Tannen argues that American discourse has become submersed with numerous conflicts and that â€Å"the argument culture: moving from debate to dialogue†promotes an adversarial frame of mind. The book illustrates examples of warlike metaphoric language that is heard daily. These metaphors include: the war on cancer, the war on drugs, turf battle among politicians, the battle of sexes among others (Tannen, 45). These metaphors spread through our talk and influence the way we think. The early chapters of the book focus on the media, indicating how famous programs like Crossfire knowingly and irresponsibly frame problems in terms of diametrically opposed sides. This, according to Tannen, has compromised the quality of information received. In the politic al arena, she pin-points an increasingly warring mentality, whether during confirmation hearings, at the election period, or without more ado following the president’s State of the Union makes a speech when the response from the opposition must always be presented (Tannen, 257). Throughout the book, she shows how deeply entrenched this cultural practice is, its form, and how it directly or indirectly affects our daily lives; either in a positive or a negative way. Tannen argues that legal action tries to find solutions to problems by purposely pitting one side against another, and finds basic patterns of violent response in various settings such as schools. In conclusion, this book is not an assault of the argument culture, but it acts as a highway for argument culture, opposition and debate in public discourse (Tannen, 302).ReferencesTannen, Deborah. The Argument Culture: Stopping Americas War of Words. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999. Internet resource.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Terms for the Common People
10 Terms for the Common People 10 Terms for the Common People 10 Terms for the Common People By Mark Nichol The English language is rich with descriptive (and generally derogatory) terms for the common person, though many are adopted from other languages: 1. Bourgeoisie: This term, derived from the French word roughly translated as â€Å"the people of the city,†refers to the middle class rather than the common folk per se, but the sense of the word is â€Å"conventional.†The petite, or petty, bourgeoisie are those of the lower middle class. Twentieth-century journalist H. L. Mencken ridiculed the ignorant masses when he coined booboisie as a pejorative play on the term. 2. Great unwashed: The common people. An epithet of contempt for the lower classes, based on the supposition that their hygienic habits are inferior to those of the upper classes. The expression is said to have been first heard in speeches around the turn of the eighteenth century, but the first documentation is in a novel by Edward â€Å"It was a dark and stormy night†Bulwer-Lytton. 3. Hoi polloi: The first word of the Greek phrase referring condescendingly to the common people means â€Å"the,†but because the phrase is not a common term in a familiar language, it is still assigned the English article: â€Å"the hoi polloi.†4. Little people: The common people. The sense is of an inconsequential mass populace. 5. Mob: The masses as a mindless single entity driven by base or anarchic impulses. The term is a truncation of the Latin phrase mobile vulgus (â€Å"vacillating crowd†). The word is therefore an abbreviation of the adjective describing the people’s actions, not the people themselves. (From vulgus we also get vulgar, which, originally, rather than having a pejorative connotation, was a neutral term meaning â€Å"typical of people.†) 6. Peons: Menial workers. The implication is that such people can be denigrated and/or exploited with impunity. The term, taken directly from the Spanish word for a landless laborer, may also refer to indentured servants, those who are in peonage. 7. Plebeians: The common people. This word, derived from the Latin word plebeius, whose definition matches the one just given, implies small-minded attitudes and gauche behavior. Truncated forms include pleb and plebs; the plural form is plebes. (Plebe and its plural form are also slang terms for first-year students at military academies.) 8. Proles: The common people. This word is a truncation of proletariat, referring to laborers as a class. This latter term (a French word derived from the Latin term proletarius, in turn stemming from proles, or â€Å"progeny†) has an ideological connotation deriving from its use in socialist rhetoric to refer to the working people as the backbone of a society. In the slang phrase â€Å"lumpen prole,†however, the abbreviation is used in a pejorative sense with the implication that the working class consists of a mindless mob. 9. Rank and file: This phrase referring to the ordinary people in a company or organization is an extension to the civilian world of the original sense of the horizontal ranks and vertical files of soldiers in formation. 10. Riffraff: This term for disreputable people derives ultimately from rif e raf, a hybrid of English and French that means â€Å"altogether,†later evolved to â€Å"rif and raf,†or â€Å"every one.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?50 Idioms About Fruits and Vegetablesâ€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
International law - Assignment Example A case in point is the International Criminal Court (ICC) that, as Jones argue, has in most instances failed to deliver justice to victims of genocide, atrocities, war crimes, and serious cases of human rights violations (Jones 1). The ICC, formed in 2002, is a watchdog against the violation of human rights, because the United Nations (UN) founded it to punish crimes against humanity (Balasco 48). Because it is an international body, the court should serve the whole world without fear or biased approaches to delivering verdicts. The paper presents an argument suggesting the flaws in the judicial system at ICC that seems to derail justice to victims. Through the argument, the paper justifies whether victims get justice in the process or not. It presents recommendations on the most appropriate strategies that are viable to promote effectiveness of the ICC. In justification, the paper reflects on some of the events in the history of the court to establish whether victims of genocide, atrocities, war crimes, and serious cases of human rights violations had justice. During spring in 1994, there was genocide in Rwanda that led to the killing of nearly 10 percent of its population. The outbreak of the genocide relates to the ethnic clashes with established roots in the existence of a tension-filled political arena. At the time, there was tension following the disappearance of the Rwandese president of the Hutu community. The events that followed led to the mass killings that lasted about six months. The killings did not happen incidentally but were results of well draw plans to eliminate one community in the country. The six months led to other crimes against humanity similar to the events of 1993 in Europe in the reign of the former Yugoslavian rule (Barnett 1). The events in Rwanda prompted the UN to form a tribunal that would seek justice for the people affected by the Rwandese genocide.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
ITM501 MoD 3 Case the internet as social media Essay
ITM501 MoD 3 Case the internet as social media - Essay Example Social network is a very useful tool for advertisement in our era. Social media is a virtual network where people can view, create and share different information. For marketers, social media is the most convenient way to reach maximum number of customers at the same time. As people can share their ideas and opinions via social media, the company has an opportunity to get feedback from social media. Social media is different from other traditional media in terms of reach, frequency, performance, immediacy. With the change in lifestyle, social media has gained popularity among individuals, especially among the young, as it is very fast. In our case it will be discussed how far social media is able to provide business with new information. Impact on information availability to business: use of social media The case of Dave Carroll and the incident with his musical instrument, a guitar, during his flight from Toronto to Nebraska with the United Airline brings to our attention the effect iveness of social media in providing useful and new information related to the business houses. The United Airlines, being a Fortune 25 company, did not take heed of the concerns of the young musician, Dave Carroll. The United Airlines ignored his claim that his guitar was damaged and devalued by the United Airlines personnel during the journey as a result of mishandling of his guitar and baggage. In order to make his point and gain support against the airline giant, the slender musician used the social media on the Internet to make a viral response with the support of billions in the community (Al-Deen & Hendricks, 2011). The social media on the Internet uses its unique features of connectivity as well as immediacy to reach out to millions of members in the community very easily through videos, public messages, etc. Social media has a rippling effect in terms of spreading the message across the communities and making new and useful information available to the companies (Sigala , Christou, & Gretzel, 2012). In this case, the preparation of the video by the musician, which cost hardly $200 helped him to send the message of his dissatisfaction with the customer service provided by the United Airlines (Harvard Business School, 2010). The information spread like a virus, and it easily reached the top of the management of the United Airlines. This information is of extremely high value to the United Airlines as it is publicly available and, along with it, the image and goodwill of the company is affected. Thus the availability of the information in social media creates an impression in the minds of the customers and impacts the interest levels of the consumers to access the services of the company (Kerpen, 2011). In this case, the availability of the information from Dave Carroll and the entire description of the event of breaking of his guitar were displayed by the musician on YouTube. This information reached very easily the management, and this helped the top management to limit the risk of loss of goodwill and the loss of revenues due to reduction in the customer base. There are, however, various other alternatives where the information on the operations, customer service and customer grievance is readily available to the business. This helps the companies to assess the value of brand image in the market and the acceptability of its services
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The implications of culture on development of regional marketing Essay
The implications of culture on development of regional marketing strategies - Essay Example Consumers in economies where the financial condition of the region is only developing are relatively more inclined towards considering the price before they consider the brand of the product or service. It is can be observed in this case that the economy of the region has a widespread influence on consumption behaviours. It would therefore be a question to consider whether or not the cultural values of a region, which are just as widespread and more deep-rooted, influence consumer consumption and the consumers’ responses to the market as well. The study performed by Merrilees, McKenzie and Miller was one that was based on the differences between consumer responses to the practice of retailing across different cultures. It was found that the "cultural factors seem to be important in explaining the differences across the two countries... Retail marketing strategy needs to tailor itself to these different market needs, though the likeliness is that the Estonian situation will gradually evolve toward the Canadian one and Estonian retail strategy will have to be flexible to eventually move in that direction"2. While the above statement appears to have provided a comprehensive illustration of the findings of the research, it can be observed that there is room for the evaluation of the consumers’ responses to marketing across differing cultures. A research conducted by Laroche found that culture plays the role of a differentiator between the usages of mechanical avoidance methods across consumers of different countries. The research suggested that even though marketing and promotion is subjected to negative mechanical avoidance, the exercising of behavioural avoidance towards marketing and promotion was found to be reliant on the culture of the respective country3. Laroche, and Cleveland and Laroche believe that culture holds a position that is of undeniable relevance when considered for its influence on the decision making process that consumers
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How to Write a Theatre Dissertation
How to Write a Theatre Dissertation Writing a successful theatre dissertation is a process which requires balancing two core ideals. You must on the one hand display creativity, however at the same time you must demonstrate that you understand the key concepts of your study, and that you are capable of producing a confident piece of academic research and writing. In any theatre degree the primary skill that you are looking to display is creativity. Therefore your theatre dissertation should fulfil that creativity whilst at the same time demonstrating all that is necessary in a serious piece of academic writing. Whilst there are many ways to ensure that your theatre dissertation is stylistically impressive, there are several practical steps which need to be taken in order to ensure that marks are not taken off for easily avoidable mistakes. A good idea is to begin by reading another theatre dissertation to gauge what might be required from your piece of work. Copies of past theatre dissertations are often to be found in University libraries. In your theatre dissertation you are looking to carry out a sustained study of a specific topic. The question you eventually chose for your theatre dissertation must show a clear objective and the topic must be well researched. If your question is a vague one then your theatre dissertation will in turn be vague and less impressive, and it will also be more difficult and more time-consuming to research. When proposing a topic you should look at several factors such as the relevance of that topic, your interest in that topic and the feasibility of that topic. Once you have settled on a topic and a question for your theatre dissertation then you can narrow down which past theatre dissertations you should study. Through producing your dissertation your aim is to expand and deepen your knowledge of the subject. The most vital step when setting out to produce a top quality theatre dissertation is to work out a timetable, which you will then religiously stick to. This will assist you in obtaining the relevant source material, and at the same time will also be an insurance against unexpected catastrophe. Once you have finished writing you will also need time to carefully and thoroughly proofread and copy edit everything you have written, checking for spelling and grammar errors, and making sure that everything is formatted correctly. This will help to make sure that your theatre dissertation is factually and stylistically consistent. Finally your theatre dissertation should be clearly referenced. It is very important that the style of referencing should be consistent throughout. Referencing is important for many reasons, specifically to avoid any unfounded accusations of plagiarism. Poor referencing can also lead to docked marks. * When writing a good theatre dissertation it is vital that you pace yourself properly in order to best avoid a panic in the final few days, and to give yourself time to reflect on your research and to encourage your creativity. Another important early step on writing your theatre dissertation is to determine what kind of analysis you are being asked to make, and then to look at the plays or concepts you are writing about. Ideally your theatre dissertation should be a sustained argument. When writing your theatre dissertation you should show just as much creativity as you would in practical work. You need to work out how you are going tot go about studying the topic of your dissertation – in this way your theatre dissertation is a test of independent thought. Displaying a creative streak in your work is, whilst important, rarely going to be sufficient. You also need to be able to show through your theatre dissertation the ability to produce a serious academic analysis of your chosen topic. Independent enquiry into the topic of your choice is essential. You must have familiarity with appropriate research methods. Theatre studies cannot be separated from social context and historical moment. Mere simple description of your subject will not be enough, and will not show that you have gained a thorough understanding of the issues and concepts of your degree course. A successful theatre dissertation should be full of analysis, critical evaluation and discussion of your topic. It is of vital importance that you show what it is that you have learnt. A theatre dissertation tests your ability to present a sustained academic argument in clear, logical prose. Your theatre dissertation must show that you are confident in creating the scholarly apparat us necessary to support your argument. A well structured, confident theatre dissertation should be your final goal. * Your theatre dissertation will more likely than not need a title page and a page of contents. There is often other vital information which needs to be included at the beginning of your theatre dissertation such as a plagiarism declaration. At the end of your theatre dissertation there needs to be a bibliography of the sources used. As has been mentioned before your theatre dissertation needs to be thoroughly and correctly referenced throughout. Stylistically it is important that you avoid colloquialisms or sloppy grammar in your theatre dissertation, although a theatre dissertation doesn’t need to be overly formal. You should always ensure that you stick to the central thread of your argument. Most dissertations are divided into five or six chapters. Paragraphs should, ideally, be approximately five or six sentences long, and should have good linking words and phrases. Your text should be easily navigable for the reader with obvious ‘signposts’. When writing you should try to avoid personal language such as ‘I’ as far as possible, unless instructed otherwise. You should more likely than not double space your text. When using long quotations of four lines or more you should indent on the left hand side of the page. You should not rely overly on source material for your theatre dissertation, as this does not go far enough to show independent and original thought. Through following the correct practical steps and by staying stylistically fluent and consistent then you can produce a high quality theatre dissertation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Politics Paper :: essays research papers
One of the first things we have learned about politics this semester is that there is a constant struggle over the true definition, especially in how broad or narrow the definition is. When Thomas Jefferson wrote that â€Å"Politics are such torment that I would advise everyone I love not to mix with them.†it is understood that he is referring to the electoral and governmental aspects of politics. If Dr. Michael Rivage-Seul and Leslie Cagan were to read this quote, they would argue that Jefferson has an extremely narrow view of politics and that if one were to desire a more accurate definition, they would have to look further than the restrictive culturally accepted definition. Martin Luther King, Jr. would also disagree with this definition but he I think he would have a bigger problem with the advice that Jefferson is giving. All three of the authors that we have looked at would, in one way or another, be forced to disagree with Jefferson based on the principles that they try to uphold and emphasize in their writings and speeches.      According to Dr. Michael Rivage-Seul, we are living in a world full of deceit and human frailty. He stresses this particular point in his essay â€Å"Taking Risks in Plato‘s Cave†which helps to illustrate that not everything we know to be true is actually true. He also believes that, just as in the parable, we have an obligation to ourselves to look at all aspects and trey to understand all observed viewpoints. His words enforce this belief when he says â€Å"We can’t begin our escape from ignorance without the intervention of an outsider, without listening to others.†(Rivage-Seul, 6). In his teachings, Rivage-Seul tries to highlight the importance of thinking for ourselves and always being weary of a socially accepted truth.      If Leslie Cagan, author of the essay â€Å"What is Politics?†was asked to comment on Jeffersons’ quote, I would imagine that she would probably scorn him for his narrow minded view of politics. I am also led to believe that she would say that Jefferson was no more politically aware than the rest of the general public because of the common ignorant definition they share. Cagan would argue that politics has to do with just about everything in the world and he stresses the complexity and immeasurable depth in the word when he says â€Å"How we understand (and therefore act out of that understanding) â€Å"politics†and â€Å"political struggle†is no small matter.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Secret Lives of Bees
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Delis Lilies Kettering College Medical School of Arts The most obvious symbol of the Black Madonna in the writings of Sue Monk Kid represented a character of strength, endurance, stability, and a loving Mother. Many people ask themselves this question, â€Å"What is my true purpose in life? †Or â€Å"Who am I meant to be? †Most of the time they get an answer based on a religion, inspirational readings or thought. The Virgin Mary, the Black Madonna, is history's example of a mother.She is sensitive and firm, relatable and divine. The Black Madonna teaches Lily that she has mothers all around her, Rationale's protection, Mayo's caring, and Augustus love, Lily finds a mother in everyone around her, including herself. Sue Monk Kid begins her story with a character by the name of Lilly Ray, a fourteen old girl who lives with her abusive father, T-Ray Brown. Lily had the tragic experience of losing her mother at a young age. She never had the intimate relationship that comes with having a mother in your life.She never experienced the soft voice or embrace of a mothers loving arms, something she longed for all her life. Life has a funny way of eating us down the path we are destine to take, but at the same time, comforting us with situations that are unpleasant. The people that we meet on our Journey are people we are destined to meet. Rosalie, a black house keeper who lived in the south and worked for T-Ray, was one of the closes things Lily could call a mother figure in her life. Lily and Rosalie shared a common ground.The two loved each other and at the same time, longed for something deeper in their lives. Sue Monk Kid teaches us the importance of relationship and the power of female community. Lily longs for her mother and cherishes the few possession of her mother. She keeps a box of her mother's memories buried in the orchard. In the box, there are photos, a pair of white gloves, and a wooden picture of a black Ma ry with the words â€Å"Tiburon S. C. †on the back. Every time Lily feels alone or unhappy, she digs the box up. Sue Monk Kid demonstrates the significance of mothers to adequate human development.Everyone, regardless of circumstance or color, needs a mother. Lily's journey brings her to a place where transition and fate kisses face to face. Unfortunately, it also ends a relationship with her father whom she loved but didn't understand. The Black Madonna serves several functions in Sue Monk Kid writing. It symbolizes as a surrogate mother to Lily seeing this was the only image she could relate back to her mother. However, the real meaning and symbolization comes from Catholic Catechism. Catholics place high emphasis on Marry roles as the protector and intercessor.The Church holds the Blessed Virgins Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, in special regard. They feel a strong personal relationship to Mary as Lily did to Rosalie and the Bodyweight home. She is in a sense, mother to all . Just as Lilly turned to August for love and support, the Catholics turn to Marry Madonna for the name type of affection. The Black Madonna, through the teaching of August, gives Lily the strength and confidence to begin to change the way she thinks about her father's behavior. Sue Monk Kid captures the bravery of Lily's actions.In a time when slavery was still present and in its strongest form, Lily was able to gather strength from the Madonna and her circle of friends to make her passage way to wholeness and a new beginning. Many different faiths and religions view the icon ‘Mary Madonna' in different ways, but for Lily's life, it would be the life changing motivating factor to start her on a new road of healing and freedom. Lilly sees honey for sale with the same picture of a black Mary that her Mother had. She discovers that a women name August Bodyweight sells the honey and Lily travels with her friend Rosalie to the Bodyweight home.Lily meets the sisters, August, June, and May, who lives in this bright pink house. She was so nervous of the unknown; she began to lie to them about her past. It is human nature to hold onto to something from our past that brings us shame. We cling to the memories of the past; for it is there we can find peace and comfort. August is a black single woman who lives with her sisters and helps run her family business. She invites Lily and Rosalie to stay in the honey house. As time moves on, August develops a special bond with Lily becoming a surrogate mother to her.In each person's life, much of the Joy and sorrow revolves around attachments or affectionate relationships making them, breaking them, preparing for them, and adjusting to their loss by death. Among all of these bonds, are the special bonds – of a mother or father we cherish the most. Bonding does not refer to mutual affection between a baby and an adult, but to the phenomenon whereby adults become â€Å"Committed by a one-way flow of concern and affec tion to hillier for whom they have cared during the first months and years of life,†(hacker 20011). According to J.Robertson in his book, ‘A Baby in the Family Loving and being Loved,' individuals may have from three hundred to four hundred acquaintances in their lifetimes, but at any one time there are only a small number of persons to whom they are closely attached (Robertson, 1982, p. 53-54). He explains that much of the richness and beauty of life is derived from these close relationships which each person has with a small number of individuals such as, mother, father, brother, ester, husband, wife, son, daughter, and a small cadre of close friends (Robertson, 1982, p. 3-54). Attachment is crucial to the survival and development of human kind. August makes the most important statement Lily would ever receive about the black Mary and who she is; â€Å"Our Lady is not some magical being out there somewhere, like a fairy godmother. She's not in the statue in the parlo r. She's something inside you†(Kid, 288). It is at this point Lily discovers where her true strength comes from. She sees it inside of her. As this story unfolds, Lily is now able to make peace with the past and with her father.She understands the hurt she was feeling but never took the time to see that T-Ray was also dealing with his own daemons and hurt. It was the hate and bitter heart oft-Ray that drove Lily on her journey, but it's her destiny that leads her to a new hive of mothers, and falls in love with who she is inside.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How does Michael Henchard Suggest Lucetta Is Shallow where does she come from?
Lucetta enters the story when Elizabeth Jane meets her at her mother's grave. Elizabeth -Jane noticed that it was a lady much more beautifully dressed than she. This mysterious woman disappears in to the distance as Elizabeth goes to confront her. Soon Elizabeth Jane meets Lucetta for the second time, she sits on the bench inside the churchyard. Lucceta asks if Michael is well. She tries to help Elizabeth in her troubles. She soon leaves after she made a proposal about Elizabeth coming to stay with her. Elizabeth accepted the offer and soon she had moved in with Lucetta. The story continues from there. Lucetta's antics begin at chapter twenty one. She begins to show us how shallow she is when she hears her servant showing a visitor into the room. Lucceta decides to put on a little show for a visitor †she flung herself onto the couch in the cymarecta curve with her arm above her brow.†She puts herself into a curved position to make her self look irresistible to any visitor who may happen to step up to her quarters. It turns out that it is Donald Farfrae and of course lucceta knows how to play him like an instrument. At first she stupidly jumps up in fright and hides behind a curtain because she is so pathetic this is already a good example to show how shallow she is, to take time to beautifully arrange herself and when it comes to it she is startled by the thought of herself being seen when that is what she really wants. She hid behind the curtain †in a freak of timidity†. She seems to have a lot of fun taking farfrae to pieces. She explains to him that he must sit down now that he is here. They start chatting and we gather that Lucetta knows a lot about men in the way that she turned a level headed business man to the colour of â€Å"modest pink†. The impression that we get from the conversation with farfrae is that she loves to play with people and she doesn't worry about the consequences. At first she is just playing with Donald, then she finds that he has seemed to get the wrong idea out of the act and has fallen in love with her. Still she plays along in the game and entices him even more with lines such as: †you are quite interesting†. From the window Lucetta sees that a young family is being torn apart because the young man is finding it hard to find a job in Casterbridge. â€Å"The girl's lips quivered†she horrified in the thought. Donald goes to impress Luccetta by giving the men jobs. We can definitely see that he is trying to impress Lucetta because this is something that he would usually do. She explains after that†Lovers ought not to be parted like that. Donald quite agrees and then leaves because he has important work to carry out.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Achievement of Racial Equality essays
The Achievement of Racial Equality essays Letter from Birmingham Jail vs. I Am Prepared to Die In both Martin Luther King, JRs Letter from Birmingham Jail and Nelson Mandelas I Am Prepared to Die, the authors present their idealistic views of racial equality and their ideas of how that equality should be achieved. In his letter, King states, I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to injustice everywhere (224). With these statements, King concentrates on the injustice around him and how that prejudice affects King and his people everywhere. He chooses to peacefully strive to achieve the goal of a socially and racially equal society. In his statement in the Pretoria Supreme Court, Mandela says, I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if it needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. (267) Here Mandela states that he has, as does King, an idealistic notion of a racially equal society, but that he is ready to do whatever possible, including using violent action, to achieve it. Both writers express a compassion for creating a peaceful environment; both writers speak of fighting for their cause but with different types of action. King reflects on the problem and the peaceful methods he uses to fix it, while Mandela stresses that he will use whatever means necessary, including violent ones, to fix it. In this comparative analysis, we will explore the different methods of activism King and Mandela each use to achieve their common goal of a racially impartial world. Martin Luther King, JR spent his days of activism engaging in a peaceful battle wi ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Founding Brothers Paper essays
Founding Brothers Paper essays Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis Published by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 2000 There have been many key and important events in our nations history, and many people who have contributed to the growth and development of this country. Though many have played a significant role in our countrys history, out of all the events and people, one group or generation allowed all that followed to take place, and is one of the most important components in our American history, our Founding Fathers. The novel Founding Brothers discusses the major events and interactions of these Founding Brothers. The most famous duel in American history and the focus of the beginning chapter of the novel was the Hamilton Burr duel. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel after the two had quarreled for some time. Both participants of the duel died in New Jersey in 1804 on July 11th. I found this event interesting not because of its importance of a historical nature, but because it was interesting to think that two very well known men with political careers would duel to the death over a feud. The times were obviously very different back then; to think that if two people in politics today had a duel over a fight of words is outlandish. I found it interesting to see how these men interacted and to see their personalities, as I had never seen them as characters but only historical figures. Another significant event was the dinner that Jefferson hosted invited Hamilton and Madison. The dinner at Jeffersons was to be a place of negotiation between Hamilton and Madison over Hamiltons program, which dealt with the national and states debt. Madison agreed to allow Hamiltons program to pass and got Hamilton to see to getting the nations capital in Virginia. After this dinner Madison reevaluated Hamiltons plan and once again ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Black Vision Essay Research Paper Ralph Ellison
Black Vision Essay, Research Paper Ralph Ellison was born in Okalahoma, March 1, 1914 he was the grandson of black slaves in the South. His life was full of achievement he attended Tuskegee University from 1933-1936. In 1936 he moved to New York where he met the novelist Richard Wright, and subsequently became associated with the Federal Writer? s undertaking. Ellison achieved international celebrity with his release of? Invisible Man? in 1952 in the undermentioned twelvemonth the novel won the national book award. Ralph Ellison passed off in 1994, but he left behind him a bequest of African American civilization that many had non seen earlier. In many of Ellison? s works he writes about the Black image in America, or the? black vision? . Ralph Ellison? s black vision humiliates the black race, makes them experience inferior, segregates them, but still Ellison has hope for America, and he believes that the black race should cover with the? black vision? independently. This is best proven by the short narrative? Flying Home? , a critical essay written on Ellison, and a powerful statement given by Ralph Ellison. The affecting short narrative? Flying Home? is the narrative of an injured black pilot who lies on the land in physical hurting, as he deals with the hurting of deriving credence in a white society. Todd expresses his feelings on siting the old black adult male? s ox into town in this extract: ? Yes, and humiliation was when you could neer be merely yourself, when you were ever portion of this black ignorant adult male? 1 Ellison expresses here through the pilot that white America will neer be accepting of inkinesss. Blacks are viewed as being on a lower platform, while the Whites hold some type of high quality over them. Todd does non desire to be associated with the old adult male because the old adult male represents to Tom all that is incorrect with Black America. He is non good educated, hapless, and speaks ill ; Tom sees this as the g round why inkinesss are non genuinely accepted into society. Therefore he refuses to be associated with him in anyhow giving the medical assistance he genuinely needs. Another ground Todd does non wish to sit into town is he does non wish to be recognized for his defect. Todd feels that when he makes a error a white individual will non keep it against merely him, but instead his full race. Therefore Todd and the remainder of black America can neer have true equality because of the nescient attitudes of the white people. Through? Flying place? Ellison shows the rough universe of the? black vision? of America. Todd is Ellis on? s tool for depicting the black vision of America. Furthermore? Flying Home? and a critical essay on Ellison prove that although the vision of inkinesss in America is unfair, it is something that Ellison thought African Americans must cover with. A critic of Ralph Ellison? s work Ernest Kaiser wrote an essay called? Negro Images in American Writing? . In this essay Kaiser writes? To Ellison Negro life in America is simply portion of the general human status of western adult male to be mastered separately by each Negro as a adult male. ? 2 In this review of Ellison? s? black vision. ? Kaiser clearly states Ellison? s position on the adversities of black life in America. Ellison best represents the ideals of the? black vision? in? Flying Home? . In one peculiar scene where the old black adult male describes his vision of Eden is really symbolic of the? black vision? . ? There I was sho? but they tole me I better come down cuz us colored folks had to have on a particular type of harness when we flew. That was how come they wasn? T wingi ng. Oh yes an you had to be excess strong to wing with one of them harnesses. ? 3 When the old black adult male goes to heaven he sprouts wings, but is supposed to utilize them with a harness. This is symbolic of Ellison? s? black vision? , and how a black individual must larn to cover with battle. To wing with a harness a black adult male must hold excess strength. Just as on Earth for a Blackman to digest the? black vision? in America a black adult male must be mentally strong, must hold great endurance, to set up with the battles of humbleness, stereotypes, and dual criterions placed upon their shoulders. Ernest Kaiser clearly states the fact that Ellison believes the? black vision? should be dealt with on an single degree. Ellison proves this in the short narrative? Flying Home? Although Ellison? s? black vision? is mostly seen in? Flying Home? , Ellison still remains optimistic about America in general. Ellison is ounce quoted stating? If the universe has potency to resuscitate and do us free, it besides has the power to blind, imprison, and destroy. ? 4 Ellison believes that the universe including America is capable of fantastic things. At the same clip it is besides capable of all the things the black vision has accomplished. The? black vision? embarrasses the black American society, it is degrading, and condescending towards inkinesss, but Ellison supports that the black race trade with the issue themselves, and maintains a positive attitude for hope of get rid ofing racism. 320
Friday, October 18, 2019
Development of the Different Thinking Research Paper
Development of the Different Thinking - Research Paper Example It will then analyze how thinking develops into an advanced concept of language, which exhibits a close relationship with the complex thought process. It is worth noting that thinking is a fundamental aspect of consciousness (Costello, 2004). However, there are times when individuals exhibit preconscious thought, when no consciousness is associated with the production of thought, and the individual accords no attention to the thinking process. On the other hand, conscious thought occurs when the individual accords attention to the thought production process. The third type of thought is the unconscious thought, which is beyond the individual’s access, but plays a significant role in behavior determination. Thought is a natural process, present during the entire life span of an individual. Thinking is one of the complex processes that prove to be beyond full comprehension regardless of the approach used in analyzing it. There is some evidence of attempts of understanding the th inking process more precisely in fields such as psychology, philosophy, and science. However, the complexity of the process has dissuaded many scholars from exploring the topic. It is worth highlighting that the uniqueness of the thinking process in every human being have made the topic overwhelming (Costello, 2004). Moreover, the fact that thought can exist without an individual’s consciousness only emphasizes on the complexity of the neural processes that define the thinking capacity. After birth, children begin an unending process of interacting with family, friends, and neighbors, people who are significant in forming the initial social relationships. The contribution of parents in the development of the thinking process in children cannot... In this essay, the focus will be on the factors that affect the thinking process in children. Moreover, the paper will highlight what motivates different people to act in specific ways. In the second section of the paper, it will focus on the views of different scholars on the correlation between thinking and language. This research paper will adopt the perspective of considering the thought process from its initial stages in childhood. It will then analyze how thinking develops into an advanced concept of language, which exhibits a close relationship with the complex thought process. It is worth noting that thinking is a fundamental aspect of consciousness. However, there are times when individuals exhibit preconscious thought, when no consciousness is associated with the production of thought, and the individual accords no attention to the thinking process. On the other hand, conscious thought occurs when the individual accords attention to the thought production process. The third type of thought is the unconscious thought, which is beyond the individual’s access, but plays a significant role in behavior determination. The family and the society contribute immensely to the development of thinking in early childhood. Members of the family act as the initial social agents to children, impar ting them with certain attitudes and habits that define the pattern or thinking that they adopt.
Identify Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Identify Books - Essay Example Baker, B. (2004). Anna's Book. Dutton Title: Anna's Book Author: Barbara Baker Illustrator: Catharine O'Neill Publisher: Dutton Publication Date: 2004 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 1-3 Possible Lesson Connection: This book is a good way to teach children the value of reading. Summary: Short but satisfying, this small story is about a toddler named Anna who just loves her new book: "Again," she says, as soon as Mommy has finished reading it. But after Mommy has read the whole book three times, she has to finish and do other things. Luckily, Anna has Teddy Bear to read her book to. "Again," says Teddy Bear Browne, A. (1989). Like Books. Knopf. Title: Like Books Author: Anthony Browne Illustrator: Anthony Browne Publisher: Knopf Publication Date:1989 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 2 and up Possible Lesson Connection: This books can be used in discussions about alphabets and nursery rhymes as well as in developing the creative skills of children through coloring. Summary: A young chimp winsomely embodies his favorite types of books: carrying a basket of books dressed as Little Red (fairy tales), sitting on letters made of books (alphabet books), reading aloud on a wall to a nervous Humpty Dumpty (nursery rhymes) and most memorably, only partially colored in (coloring books.) The pages are framed with appropriate whimsical motifs. Parr, T. (2005). Reading Makes You Feel Good. Little Brown Title: Reading Makes You Feel Good Author: Todd Parr Illustrator: Todd Parr Publisher: Little Brown Publication Date: 2005 Appropriate Age of Grade Level: Ages 1 to 4 Possible Lesson Connection: This book is suitable for discussions regarding the value and importance of reading. Summary: Parr brings his usual exuberantly positive attitude to this paean to... Summary: Parr brings his usual exuberantly positive attitude to this paean to reading. Reading makes you feel good because... you can learn how to make pizza, find your favorite animal at the zoo, or make someone feel better when they're sick (by reading Parr's The Feel Better Book of course.) Best of all, you can do it anywhere: in a bathtub, or a bookmobile, or even underwater, if you're an octopus! Summary: "Hello" and "Good-bye" seem like very ordinary words, but as this book shows, each can be meaningful in many different ways. As the text makes simple comments, small, colorful watercolor and colored pencil illustrations depict some of the many meanings of the words and the many different ways they can be said. Summary: An all-too-human mouse takes readers on hilarious adventures with numbers and letters in these captivating concept books. In Mouse Letters, he doggedly creates the entire alphabet out of sticks, despite misadventures with a collapsing K and a top-heavy T.
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